Why are millennials not buying homes?

Why are millennials not buying homes?

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wasted quads

Also... a home it's very expensive today.

The prices for homes have inflated insanely and and boomers are keeping their jobs and millennials are making 10 dollars an hour in debt working part time

They don't like working

buying a home usually means you intend to start a family

everybody is too busy "having fun" or "starting a career" .. to ever be home

..and obviously the added cost of everything else

think about the things you are paying for that nobody did 20 years ago

cell/bill (+$1k annually)
auto insurance ($2k annually)
electronics ($1k)

those alone is half an annual mortgage

Canadian and American housing is now only for foreigners.

because the house I grew up in with my parents was $150k at the turn of the 90's and now it's fucking over $400k

Also, I'm unemployed

Average detach is close to half a mil. Can't afford that shit

My parents bought our house in 2000 for $410k. The average price in my suburb is now about $1.5mil. My salary is 65k. I don't want to commute for 2 hours every day from an area which is actually in my price range

Mortgages in Silicon Valley are 5k/month

I work in a supermarket.

Because even if you had a 100k a year job in clapistan a home would take 20 years to pay off. No fucking joke.

Houses over here in los angeles are currently going for 2 million dollarydoos, my old house (which was like a mansion) we purchased in 1998 for 200k sold for 1.4 million dollarys in 2008.

Millenials can't fucking afford a house, ever, even if they work their entire lives.

Fuck on that note, RENT over here is literally 2.5k a month for a shitty half assed crappy apartment.

It's no wonder people are mad.

Because when my Mum was growing up houses were owned by local investors now there is literally not a house for all the eye can see that isn't owned by some fucking amerifat, britcunt or chink. Maybe if you cunts stop skullfucking my country I could buy a house before I die.

>Why are millenials not buying the thing that crashed the economy, and is currently on course to do so again.

Houses should cost about a third of what they cost right now

30 years @ 5k a month?!
what's even the point, after 30 years you'll be dead anyway or the house will be crumbling (shit construction)

*the only solution is to keep banks from owning homes

they keep properties off the market to create a shortage and increase values

I hate greedy scum more than anything

run for office
build a tariff

Maybe you could make a ton of money building houses and selling them to foreign investors.

i live in vancouver. even if i sold all my spare organs, i still couldn't afford a down payment

The solution is building more houses.

They cannot afford it

Because they are poor and think living in flyover country is beneath them so they live near cities and can't afford shit.

>by land, God ain't making any more of it

Fucking baby boomer logic.

Because its impossible to get a job that pays well enough to live let alone buy real estate in the third world shithole known as the US? How many unpaid internships do you need to do to finance a loan?

Property taxes. Once you buy a home you are the governments piggy bank.

You can go attached but what if you don't like the neighbors? Then all those condo fees and the property tax on top, tied down so might as well rent and have some flexibility. It's good and fucked until a lot of boomers start dying off but something tells me goobermint will just allow foreigners to keep buying up to avoid devaluation. A lot of boomers are fucked without their houses so some might sell to avoid running out of money. Fuck this gay earth.

>medical costs insane
>wages stagnated since 80's
>get told all our lives that we have to pay a debt before our society collapses like never seen before
>family values eroded into degenerate day to day stimulus persuit
>few of us are grateful to be alive, most joke about wishing for death semi-ironically
You don't get it apparently

A lot of them want to live in urban areas which are affordable. I just got out of the apartment game myself. 23 and a homeowner, feels good.

I was lining up to buy a house in 2017.

Now that trump is president-elect. theres no fucking way I'll take the risk.

Im not going to baghold a $300,000 singular illiquid asset through his recession.


I notice and acknowledge your repeating same numbers.

My personal reason for not owning a house yet is that I can't build with cash. I will never be beholden to a motherfucking bank after I worked my ass off to buy - with cash - 8 acres of land. No fuck up by myself or by a mortgage company will ever take my possessions from me if I own them outright.


>those alone is half an annual mortgage

Maybe in Detriot

kikes are still not gassed

I live in Florida
I know neighborhoods full of homes that have been vacant for +3 years .. and still not on the market
*if one of the homes currently on the market sells, *then they place the next vacant home the bank owned for years in it's place

it's the banks (it's always the fucking banks)
it's a controlled market to benefit the banks who give out the loans

they control the supply of homes (how can anyone build more homes when getting the loan is harder than a mortgage)

throw into the mix poor construction of most of the homes in America (can't be passed on to kids)

after 30 years they have to demolish it and build another one

Waiting for the boomers to die and market collapse.

How many years left?

That makes no sense you retarded fucking faggot

ITT: Cucks complaigning, Trump pulled himself up by the bootstraps, and he is helping you do the same he is going to cut taxes for people making more than 200k, we are going to have a strong middle class again.

Are boomers the worst generation to exist in history?

Boomers are the ones who voted Trump in you should be grateful.

They also allowed for mass immigration. Voting for Trump does not absolve them.

I don't think people realize how much the 2007 crash has screwed with our minds

In many ways, Trump was elected because of it

Millennials will never get houses just because of that, and because they're not as stupid as their fucking boomer parents

Millennials aren't in power yet so it's too early to say.

That graph shows me that the high end housing market is about to collapse.

>buy a home
>300k starting
>effectively double that due to mortgage interest
>1-2 hours away from your place of work

I wouldn't mind buying a house if it was priced fairly. However, that is not the case.

>he thinks there are good jobs in ass disaster, nebraska

Learn to freelance. That would solve your problems.

>he fell for the property jew

I know the thing people like to parrot is how buying a house is a good investment, but it really isn't. for houses that cost 100k you are paying over 300 for it when all is said and done with your mortgage, its a big scam
if you have to take a mortgage you lose money, end of story.

protip: when you file your taxes STOP listing your house as an asset, same for your car and anything you haven't paid off yet. They are expenses, not assets

High cost, Home loans are are ripoff, high maintenance costs, high property taxes.

They would have to try really hard to top boomers. This is the same generation that started by voting in Nixon, then Carter, then Reagan, and then Clinton, and then Bush.

Millennials just voted in Obama.

I live in the california bay area, buying a home here could easily be in the millions
I don't have millions on hand unfortunately

I'm hoping for another housing crash. If that occurs homes should be cheaper than before. I'll be sure to buy them out and rent it out until I get my moneys worth.

RealEstate is the one proven method to generate wealth. You can buy a home and rent it out for a profit. Sit on it until it worth three times the amount you paid for it. You will become successful because of this.

I'm doing ok but it was sheer priviledge I admit it

>inherit house in California worth ~$270k from dead father in 2012
>save money and live in/renovate house myself over course of 4 years
>sell it for $500k

Now I don't know what to do. I could go buy a bunch of rentals and become a millenial slum-lord. Or I could put the money in some mutual funds and live off the dividends in eastern europe impregnating slavic women. Not sure I have enough for that yet, though.

because they have no money.
because money has been devalued by the jews.
good jobs and careers have been outsourced and destroyed, by the jews
debt enslavement is up, see the jews


Unfortunately if the bubble bursts, so will all the credit

Because that is what it is: a credit bubble

Buy homes and rent them out for profit. Repeat the process again and again. You can even have a property management company do the work for you.

Yeah I think that's good advice. I'm looking for which markets are most conducive to that.

California has a retarded price-to-rent ratio. A 500k house rents for like $2000 per month.

how often is this thread posted? Mad people are not giving you enough shekels?

because the education system they have subscribed to has let them down with useless degrees in useless fields, and instead have left them in debt for something worth less than what was paid for it?

Milennial here

Not buying a home or even renting an apartment because i'm trying to leave America

this country's mindset is slowly going to shit and I want out.

Too bad Japan is the hardest country on the entire fucking planet to move to. I wish I lived in Germany so I could get that free college.

I'll find a way. Barely gonna be scraping my ass though and getting through by a hair.

If I had to guess I'd say there's an aversion to the housing market on both sides, the banks are being more careful about who they loan to and potential buyers are worried about the market crashing again.

okay so definitely the worst

California is a shit place to do landlord business anyways. They favor tenants way too much. Go to Texas. You can buy a house around 150k that has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

The rent for those go for around 1,500 a year. Since chances are you want to stay in California you can just get a property management company to handle it for you. They will take about 10%, but I think it is worth it because you don't have to deal with tenants/finding tenants.

Because i'm a welder. I can't make money anymore.

I heard they are outsourcing welding work. That is so stupid.

Because cost of life has increased insanely and salaries for most jobs have not caught up.

Dude working at blue collar in the 50s could buy a house at mid 20's, gl doing that now even with STEM education nowadays.

Based. Thanks for the advice. Which specific cities in TX are you talking about?

I think some of the best places are Azle and Aledo to buy homes and rent them out.

too stupid to get a real degree or job. no money no home

***Please Read***

the housing "crash" is a controlled way for the banks to buy properties at half the price and hold them for a few years (which only costs them a little to maintain in the meantime)

then guess what

ohh look, the market prices are increasing again .. I guess we have a few homes to sell you guys at 3Xs what the banks bought them for

it's a controlled cycle

it's a monopoly on supply (homes and credit)

it's simple


a banks owns 100 houses
but lists on the market 10 houses for sale at any given time

if 100 people are competing for 10 homes, the prices obviously increase to insane levels

then the banks drop the remaining 90 homes on the real estate market all at once to crash the demand

think about it ... it's just that simple

(now banks hand-in-hand with realtors are even more devious)
they target foreigners to increase the cycle rate and create bigger "bubbles"

What's a millennial you fucking 18yo

I will once I get phD


Because realtors are turbojews, as are landlords. There's no shame in living with your parents until you get married, that's how it went pre-1950s.

At best, real estate beats inflation before taxes, fees, and maintenance.

Old people gave the country to Chinks.

Isn't that called Blockbusting? Or at least sounds similar.

Thats good insight. That is one of the old tricks to make a lot of money through real estate.

Another trick investors use is to plea to the government that a certain group of poor people need to live in a better neighbor hood to get a better chance at life and give them section 8 housing. The section 8 housing drives the cost of the homes down in the neighborhood, the investors buy the homes at a cheap price. Finally, they force the section 8 people out and the home prices the investors bought go way up.

isn't it this kind of thinking that has caused the current problem?

Millennial homeowner reporting in

>buying a house early on in your career
>when you'll likely change jobs and go to graduate schools in a different place

why the fuck would you?

False. Home prices usually out do inflations easily even with repairs/taxes. Not too mention you can rent it out for a profit while you sit on it. That is how most millionaires in America are made. If there was no money to be made off of homes, it will be much cheaper than what it is now and there would be no landlords pretty much.

It's only a problem for the Tenants, not the landlords. Landlords rake in the cash while you work for them. Get on top while you still can.

To build equity instead of paying someone else's mortgage for starters

They can't afford them.

I make 200k and I live in a poverty tier apartment worse than anyone I have ever known in my entire life including the apartment my uncle lived in as a stock boy.

Asphalt culture.

I did my part. 25 and bought while the mortgage rate was low. Thanks saving when I was younger and getting an engineering degree. Dat job security.

You must have a lot of debt then. 200k is way above the American average which is about 26k

Because they are out protesting or expect a job to be handed to them.

Or you know, he's making it up which is a lot more probable.

speculation in confluence with a shit job market and sky high education and health care costs

in short, they can't afford to


>30yr mortgage
top pleb
15 or hobo van

So many people saying "I hate being a millennial", "no I'm not a millennial, I'm Gen X/Gen Z", "Millennials are anyone born more than 5 years after I was".

Let's settle this. If you remember 9/11 and were in K-12 when it happened. Then your a millennial. If you don't remember it, then your gen z.

Let's take polls. Don't lie, tell the truth.

1994: strawpoll.me/11675930
1995: strawpoll.me/11675932
1996: strawpoll.me/11675938
1997: strawpoll.me/11675939
1998: strawpoll.me/11675944

Probably. If I had 200k I would be busy having fun and not be here.

>Why are millennials not buying homes?

Because of this faggot right here...


Can confirm, making $10 an hour part time.
No debt though.

Full time position requires at least three years experience, at least one cert, and a a two year degree (preferably four year).

Oh also they don't count part time experience as full experience. So if I never left for another job, I would have to work there for six years.

>be 18
>parents, teachers, media apparatus, literally everyone saying I have to go to college no matter the cost
>take on six figures of debt to go to top 20 school
>even with a STEM degree, my labor is undercut by shitskin H1Bs
>credit is in shambles because I can't pay it down with $8hr job making coffee for boomers at Starcucks who tell me I need to work harder
>doomed to perpetual renting with roommates because my credit is "NEVER A LOAN" tier


In San Fagcisco? Where?