Have any of you guys tried to solve for Big G before?
Strange how it makes things start 'falling' apart
Have any of you guys tried to solve for Big G before?
Strange how it makes things start 'falling' apart
I've been trying, but apparently he's the one thing they've never let slip. I don't know if it's an egregore gone super or a literal entity, but it's not the same as the rest of the concepts.
inner earth map?
others say Geometry.
I might be wrong, but I think the G stands for Gnosis. It's about wisdom.
What do you mean by solve for Big G?
Not sure what that means exactly..
You made this thread advertising freemasonry once already today.
Its a double G: Good Goyim
Fake and gay, the G is not the star.
Its the stars rival.
Sorry about that Serbfag, I mainly cater to Americans and their slaves.
This ones for you.
pic related. It's physics
That was my thread yes, but no one is advertising for these liars
Fuck its for Geometry.
Gnosis: knowledge
Me = gre^2/G
G = gre^2/Me
They falsely figured out the Gravitational Constant then built the rest of science on it.
It's a Sextant and Compass with a G.
The 2 big lies. Our Map and our Gravity. The false Gods that keeps us in our cages.
Sure it is Amerishart, sure it is indeed.
I want to join a lodge, but i dont think they'll accept me. I'm too much of a loser.
I see man as God, and the Masons are the builders of his imagination.
Eventually they will become immortal and traverse the stars.
That pic really brings my freemason to the 33rd degree, sauce?
come on man don't play with my conceptions of reality like that on a sunday
god damn it ahmed your flat earth shit is getting old and is only taught in back woods goat fucker territory
This makes more sense than I'm willing to admit right now
Has anyone accurately recreated the Cavendish Experiment?
Thanks Irishbro, i never cheered for you like this since McGregor vs Alvarez
"Yu iz very big brain men, i surppriese yuo nat Osama hinself"
When will this meme die? This shit is more forced than Milhouse.
>Thanks Irishbro, i never cheered for you like this since McGregor vs Alvarez
Remember, the French Revolution was the LIBERTINE REVOLUTION
>baby's first time learning about Shakti and Shiva's depiction
I've seen this on the side of an indoor market before. What does it mean?
I live on an island that is basically a retirement village for these guys, couple of temples, rotary clubs etc street names like "widdowsons lane "
Its the Gnostics you fucking retards.
>thinking people can't comprehend the 4th dimension
>falling apart
like a dream, perhaps?
I dreamed last night, that I executed dozens of people, sometimes I shot them 3 times in the head, others just once, bretty spoopy tbqh familir
"Solve for Big G"
Maybe we're just dreaming that Math "is real" right now.
Infinity is a long time.
Welp, time to hit the old dusty trail.
you can find it everywhere.. even hair
praise kek
Gullible, or Goyim.
It's a recruiting ground for shabbos goy.
> There is a star named 'YAH', and it has something orbiting it also called 'YAH'.
Are the people of inner earth retarded?
G comes from "Gnosis" or knowledge.
They are Luciferians who believe they can accomplish immortality through knowledge - a kind of super philosophers stone, if you like.
This is why there special number is "322" from Genesis 3:22 when God did not allow man to eat from the tree of life and live forever. Yeshua (Jesus) gives the free gift of eternal life to all those who believe, where as Lucifer offers a counterfeit immortality through force and knowledge.
that is where the "G" comes from.
Masons are the goodest goyim ever known to man. Death to jacobinism.
So I am technically a freemason. By that I mean I joined and went up a handful of degrees and then called it quits.
No the G doesnt stand for 'Gnosis'.
>The 2 big lies. Our Map and our Gravity. The false Gods that keeps us in our cages.
So you're saying if I don't believe those lies I can technically fly? Cause I've heard Americans say some dumb ass-shit but that one takes the cake.
You have gone through a few degrees.
So you understand that every time you go up in a degree, things change, you are taught more and something "change." these things change eventually to display the truth I just told you. Let me prove it:
"We worship a God, but it is the God that one worships without superstition. To you, sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say, so that you can repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: the Masonic religion must be, by all of us initiates of the high grades, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, Adonai, the God of the Christians, whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion of science, if Lucifer were not God, would Adonai and his Priests not slander him? Yes, Lucifer is God."
—Albert Pike
Have you ever read a first edition of "Morals and Dogma"? Regardless of who they claim "Lucifer" is (they say he is the light of innovation and freedom and whatnot) the Lucifer they refer to is Lucifer of the Scriptures, I assure you.
Boaz broken,
Jachin gone,
Freely spoken,
All above is,
For the love,
Also read this:
"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by providing his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his father, Tubal-Cain."
—Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Ch. 4: The Fellow Craft
You likely did not go up in the ranks of Freemasonry enough because of drive, or because you were a moral man who choose "right" (wrong) to be accepted into the higher levels. Be thankful to YHWH you got out. You soul may have depended on it.
Gravitational constant
Your ID says ayy, are you an lmao?
"And of all Illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it."
- Dr. Adam Weishaupt, German philosopher and founder of the Order of the Illuminati, who died this day [yesterday] in 1830 (b. 1748)
Hey guess what buddy. Youre nuts. Let me give you some real advice: your basement is where you should stay because life beyond it wont be kind to you.
>Lucifer are i
Don't forget Jesuit. I will simply not entertain any assertion that Weishaupt was not a Jesuit. To say otherwise is a most pernicious form of historical revisionism.
Allergic to books I see.
It's ok, denial is the first step on the road to acceptance.
I tried to infiltrate but the vetting process is pretty stringent.
Also, are you saying that mid-6 digit income practicing a really amazing field of medicine "wont be kind to" me? Or are you giving me a thinly veiled threat?
Oh fuck off thot
> Needing to defend your identity on an anonymous image board
> Feeling threatened
Yes. You are probably very competent.
trois und nine-tees...
waste of... something or other in these threads fraternity...er...
400 hunned and a legal bitch (in the USA)
ez famalamadingdong
I'm off to suck eggs... hold the fort!
The gravitational constant is a lie
Gravity as we know it is lie
I know that certain members of high levels of Freemasonry have the ability to see beyond the anonymity of this site. From what I know of these groups, I know they are Powerful with a capital P, and yes, that does feel a tad threatening at times, especially when you attempt to tell someone the truth. I am just trying to help you buddy. You really should know how luck you are for leaving that organization - you dodged a bullet. If you just want to be insulting, that's fine. I don't hate you bro. Peace brother.
thanks now i cant look at the freemason symbol without thinking about this shit. fuck you
Weishaupt was a "Jew" whom converted to Catholicism, just like Ignatius Loyola.
You guys still don't get it? The "jews" will subvert any group, especially one that attempts to expose their lies.
Its the Generative principle, i.e Sacred Feminine or Care/love, love is the law and Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will
The Cremation of Care at Bohemian Grove is an invertion of this principle.
Until you abandon your glob
Yes he was a jew, but not a practicing Torah observant Jew, but a nihilistic, God-hating person of Jewish ethnicity. He had about as much in common with Jesus (a Torah observant Jew) as antimatter has with matter. Jews are chosen for their skills in finance by the Jesuits. Just watch the video, and critically analyze it. Make up your own mind, but don't leave out certain angles. Lots of very famous personages have had a lot to say about the Jesuits that is being hidden from history far better than the "Jewish" conspiracy, I assure you.
I dont by into the lucifer is evil meme. I believe it truly is just referring to enlightenment. Man is god incarnate, and certain individuals such as the freemasons have a higher understanding of what it is.
>flat earth thread
I want tavistock to leave.
There are still laws in place that we are bound to, so technically we are not gods. thats where Le Gnosticism and solipsism fails. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but you aren't me and I'm not you. We are bound by a physical realm, death, decay with limitations that you can't deny exist.
Lucifer's evil nature has been exposed for millinea. Do not fall into the trap of an ancient and powerful cherebum who wants to extract worship from you and who is far more intelligent than you are. He is as the Scriptures describe him: a liar, fallen, prideful, and entirely evil. He feeds on all those things that cause humans death (you will eat dust all your days). Men become dust when we die, and Lucifer and his fallen cohort feeds on this.
I have made up my mind, your willful ignorance won't change that. You need to keep studying, seems you stopped at a crucial point in your development.
You realize most people are satanists as they havent even left the base. Satanists/Luciferans dont believe in a god but if you want to know you enemy read the work, satanic bible. The believe in social darwinism, self preservation, eugenics and moral relativism.
> Imagine what looking at porn will be like from now on.
Ok I will do that, but be sure to check out the video. It may stimulate some ideas for you. Abraham Lincoln, Hitler, Napoleon and Dostoevsky all has a LOT to say about the Jesuits. It might interest you.
Satanism is a lower level of Lucifers kingdom, mostly kept blind and used for their "compromised" state. The Luciferians are almost super "pious" and never engage in the practices of the controlled lower levels. They are the final level next to Lucifer and his minions. There is a big difference between Luciferians and "Satanism" but they both are serving one undivided house.
By the way, I totally thought it was Zionists until I realized that Zionists Jews (it's obvious with all the Jewish names in finance/government) were only tools for an even more powerful organizational level. Remember, the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" was determined to be a "forgery" by the Swiss government. The forgery was of a real plan with different perpetrators. Those perpetrators, I believe, are the Jesuits. Their is more evidence to support this.
For instance, if Zionism was the end all, why does Albert Pike refer to Zionism as something to be used to cause WWIII and then be destroyed. Destroying it means it is not the ultimate:
Mazinni Pike Plan:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
It means Generation. The compass and square represent the male and female reproductive forms and in their union is the generation of life. Masons and other satanic cults are obsessed with sex.
Yes, this is a tenate of Luciferian ideals, and the road of their path - to combine the male and female energies to become more "godlike"
Like a proto-Adam with immortality.
It's all a huge demonic fraud though.
And btw, all ancient Babylonian mystery religions that YHWH hates are obsessed with sex.
Easter (or Ishtar's day) was a day on the vernal equinox time when pagan preists would impregnate virgins and then the 1 year old infants of last year's ritual were killed and their blood was used to soak eggs red. Even to today part of this sick ritual is preserved, as even the official color of the eggs at the Whitehouse is red. It is all about cycles of life and death - the bondfire ritual (bonefire) is also this. The Christmass tree (phallus to Saturn, father time, Satan), adorned with tinsel (semen) and surrounded by womb wreathes and other sexual items (mistletoe) are refelctions of the ancient pagan religious holiday of Sol Invictus, and anathema to the Creator YHWH and His son Yeshua.
As a mason, you sound fucking tapped mate
What degree of Freemasonry are you?
Royal Ark Mariner on the Mark, and Rose Croix on the Rotal Arch side.
this is the correct answer.
>They falsely figured out the Gravitational Constant
The value of the constant has little value for physical theories, as long as we have dependencies, the values of the constant can be scaled however we please.
For example, we often use system of units where we just DEFINE all constants to be 1, because what matters in the end is the relationships.
Other examples, we define the the velocity of light to be a certain value.
What do you think of this letter written by Albert Pike:
It seems rather accurate historically speaking, despite some objections about it's authenticity.
My uncle has a ring with that symbol. He's wired as fuck though.
>3rd Eye Blind's cheeky song about....
Doo doo doo... doo doo, doo doooooo!!!
(The 3rd eye got blinded by a poke in the eye" with a sharp "Shillelagh" eh potato-prophet brah???)
(If you understand WHY I am linking this to the Irish "masonic butthole spammer's" posts... you will lose your shit... AND JOIN US IN THE HIGHER STATE OF THE 'LOW-DOWN'!!)
Doesn't it stand for Geometry?
Wouldn't that make sense in the context of the compass and square?