Is anyone else noticing a huge influx of these in the US?
Is this the work of the jew?
Is anyone else noticing a huge influx of these in the US?
Is this the work of the jew?
The US doesnt have roundabouts?
One really autistic mayor in a town in Carmel, Indiana replaced every single traffic light with roundabouts (100 intersections). It now has more traffic circles than any city in the US.
Anything circular is occult shit made by the Jews.
I love roundabouts. Stopping at every minor intersection is retarded
They are pretty practical. When there is little traffic you can just floor it.
My neighborhood in NC has at least 10 so I doubt that
>city recently built this
>it's a total cluster fuck and nobody knows how to use it properly
nah and turnings are fucking retarded sometimes too.
We do, but they're not that common
Nope. Burgers get too confused by them.
They have them here and there, but they are very rare - at least here in Northern California. People don't seem to understand how they are supposed to work either.
Trips of truth
yesterday I had to endure a full fucking minute of red light
unbearable t.b.h.
10>100, who would've guessed?
what the fuck?nevermind thats horrible
the model in my area is just to use them for minor intersections on two lane roads, not major intersections
desu they should start sticking one or two in whenever there's new construction, for many intersections a roundabout makes more sense.
got a few up in Fort Collins. I dont mind them as much, but as soon as you get a double laned one people have no idea what the fuck theyre doing.
This. I hated them at first, but once you get used to them they save a lot of time.
>one neighborhood of 10,000 people has 10 roundabouts
>in a city of 500,000
do the math
We have semi's travelling places because we actually work instead of drinking tea all day.
He's implying 10 in just his neighbourhood makes it likely that there are over 100 in his city
roundabouts are objectively superior
>high volume
>save gas
>save clutch
Yes, before Obama became president my city didn't have any than all of sudden they are popping up fucking everyone.
Leftist trash want them so bad but they are such shit drivers they can't even use one of those roundabouts right so its just a fucking mess.
>be 16 with license and a Mazda
>drive around and around a tiny roundabout at 35mph
so much fucking fun
Dear fuck
Our roads are stupid though, and don't you dare deny it.
>turning against traffic is too hard for Britbongs
I've had one in my town for about 5 years now and half the people still don't know how to use it.
The only jew is the faggot cocksucker who stops, speeds or tailgates through a circle.
Seems like people with IQs under 100 are mystified by them.
They are only starting to use them. They're now going batshit crazy and putting them everywhere.
Love roundabouts.
They're libertarian as fucc
>driving on major 6 lane road with heavy traffic
>road changes names abruptly
>suddenly the lanes shrink to 2/3 their previous size
you didn't mention any of that, retard
you're still almost certainly wrong
They work, though.
Roundabouts are fine as long as they are large enough to actually curve. They've installed some in shopping centers nearby and most are just old four way stops with a sign stuck in the middle of the intersection instead of an actual reworking of the pavement lanes and curbs.
I do like the Diverging Diamond type interchange that is being used for high traffic areas.
I live near one of those.
We have some, but fucktard idiots don't know how to use them. Since they are European in invention, the 'Murica types get to them, stop, cuss that commies are ruinin' 'Murica, then go around slowly.
They are a far superior design to 4-way traffic stop signs. Hopefully, people will learn to use them properly soon. This will be even more true when we have self driving cars as we will be able to have cars never stop until they get to their destination. Think of the energy savings.
Roundies are good for late night skidz so this is fine with me
they are fucking great, just get used to them
particularly good for driving a manual, just shifting down to second most of the time instead of riding the clutch in traffic at traffic light junctions.
I don'rt mind them, per se, but we burgers build them like yuppie decorations; so fucking small that you can't move through them fluidly, but instead have to careen through them.
it's a euro thing.
basically you save fuel and time. I remember when we got one of these in our small town main crossing like 15 years ago. went from 10 minute waiting at traffic lights to literally 0.
>late night skidz
get off my streets fucker
In general roundabouts save time while adding an additional advantage of never running through the red lights. There have been numerous studies about them.
You can jewgle it for an actual study but I know they are out there.
>tfw no one will ever beat the Swindon magic roundabout
This guy gets it. Except that intersection looks like its designed to atom smash as many people per hour as possible.
Fuck this commie shit.
>They've installed some in shopping centers nearby
of fucking course
diverging diamond is quicker than regular intersection but out of towners often fuck everything up
Let me guess: it was a Labour council at time of construction.
They have them up in Murphy Texas, once you get over the initial mindfuck of using a roundabout, they really are much more convenient.
is that one of the tracks they're gonna add to the new mario kart when the switch comes out?
You get into the circle and can't even tell what direction you're going anymore. Then you exit in the wrong exit because every one is different and it's annoying. Just put a light in you cheap fucks.
no they're better than traffic lights, less waiting and fewer major accidents
goddam I hate double-lane roundabouts
at least with stoplights you know that you'll eventually get a turn. That bullshit where the inside lane has the right of way... in heavy traffic you can just get fuckin stuck on the outside lane
The fuck is that? It looks likes someone got a piece of chalk and started drawing crop circles.
>tfw stuck driving around in the inner circle forever
The rule is that stop lights are for heavy traffic/thru traffic intersections, roundabouts for residential/minor intersections. The best intersection imo is diverging diamond off of interstates into town. It switches sides of the road a bit, but increases traffic flow in and out as only people on the bridge are getting to the highway or off as opposed to having to stop the entire road to let in 4 or 5 cars leave.
Pic related
Why is the entrance and exit to a highway a fucking roundabout? Dear mother of god
There's one in Richmond of all places. It was just made too.
next you need to fix you 4 way stop juncation and change it to 2 these triangles
NJ has been eliminating them.
Also, I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley
don't see the problem with it
Driving on that is a lot easier than you would think. It's essentially no different to any other roundabout.
I hate em too but saw a pretty good study that showed they are actually more efficient in keeping traffic moving and saving time than traditional stop signs. Still can't fucking stand them.
what's wrong?
probably, it has that communist brutalist depressingly grey concrete look devoid of any colour the Labourites fucking loved back in the 20th century.
Bastards tore down all the wonderful Imperialist architecture in our city centres for all this crap.
Rotaries are the best form of traffic management. They also serve as a form of natural selection against idiots on the roads.
Massachusetts, for all it's many faults, has some of the best drivers in the country. A lot of that can be attributed to the hostile nature of it's road infra, including all the rotaries.
> rotary
> roundabout is for britbongs
If you're disoriented that easily you probably shouldn't be driving.
roundabouts are an anglo conspiracy
Only newenglanders call them rotaries m8.
The rest of the US calls them roundabouts.
Look kids. Big Ben. Parliament.
They put one in my town (small mostly black town in the south). I've never seen so many confused people in my life. I've waited at one for 30 seconds because the guy in front of me thought it worked like a 4-way stop. I could see him hitting his steering wheel and hollering when cars didn't come to a full stop so he could go. The town has started putting pamphlets everywhere that say "roundabout safety" but they are really there to teach idiots how to drive.
bruh it's not just the US, the fucking libs LOVE these fucking satanic contraptions. JEWS FUCK OFF, I like my highways long, hard, and straight; not curvy, crooked, and kiked up.
Actually tho, fuck you traffic artisans, go back to fucking starbucks.
New England was a mistake
Nigga, where in Missouri are you? Cause my town just got a DD interchange built, and are gonna build a massive upper class shopping district in what used to be a farming town of Hicks.
Imma pull up on a nigga bitch
In my bitch whip (SKEEERR AH AH AH-AH)
I got 20 chains on me they gon chip jus like some dIIIiiiIIIIiiiIp (sheesh sheesh YA YA YA)
we call them spinny-turnies.
lol yeah they are slowly being added here and there where it makes sense. I like them, prevents wasting time at red lights when there is light traffic
>Massachusetts, for all it's many faults, has some of the best drivers in the country.
Dear god you can't be serious. Maybe if you carpet-bombed Boston you'd be average.
Leafy Laneways
They cost less to maintain, less accidents, so less shekels go to (((middle-men))) from transportation, that's anti-jew.
If you can't use a roundabout you are literally retarded and shouldn't be driving
I was surprised when I visited the USA many years ago, in the 1990's, and found out that they had not discovered roundabouts.
How could this be? Roundabouts are sensible. the traffic flows better, less time waiting for lights.
It was then I realized that despite its size and military power that the USA was seriously behind in being a sensible and rational country.
I mentioned the lack of roundabouts to Americans as I traveled through the land. Surely they would see the sense and immediately leap to embrace the idea.
But no. They were horrified? How would they navigate those complex looking traffic systems? It looked and confusing and unsafe.
It was then I realized that many Americans are seriously retarded.
But perhaps now there is some hope for our Yankee friends. Another century or two of roundabout assimilation and the USA will be ready to join the ranks of the civilized nations.
And now you understand why getting carried away by American conspirationist rants in this board is a dangerous idea
red lights are great for changing the song, how they became bearable
The majority of your city sub 100 IQ?
Yea wtf is going on, two of them recently put into place where I live at. Something isnt right.
We have them all over . We replace 4-way stops with them. But we're not full retard like you morons to make multi-lane roundabouts.
t. civil engineer in the US
>Why is the entrance and exit to a highway a fucking roundabout?
That's standard for the UK
The lack of traffic circles in the first place was the work of thw jew.
I'll be the roundabout. The words will make you out and out.
They've popped up a lot in recent years. My burb town had a couple for 20 some years now.
Most people don't know how to use one so they freak the fuck out and slam on the breaks. Also half of them are way too small. Couple of them don't tell you what lane to be in until its too late.
All the more reason to deport shitskins, and force remaining low IQ Whites onto public transit.
This is all Jew shit. (((Roundabouts))) are from them.
they can't even drive manual, m8
I wouldn't feel safe driving in the US, nobody seems to know how cars work as they can't be trusted to operate a transmission themselves, and they don't even have roundabouts.
Typical leaf construction.
Don't fall for the circular jew, burgerbros. Roundabouts are a all over the place here in Spain and they're awful.