Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't have kids you're contributing to the end of the white race, your country, and your culture.
Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't have kids you're contributing to the end of the white race...
>mfw no qt finn wife
Chemo and radiation sterilized me.
get one, pansie.
I can't even get a job. I'd like to have kids but creating poor children is simly against my conscience.
Improve thyself, NEET.
Then you must kill non-whites to contribute
Girls don't like me so I have to use my hand and rub my dick with it while using my imagination I am fucking a qt
Don't let that pussy conscience control you. Listen to your dick in all things
it's time for your final round of chemo
>Listen to your dick in all things
Isn't that what black people do?
This. There are still many ways to contribute to the white race, while also not killing non-whites or having babies.
Yes we need more whites to pay for our welfare. Hurry up and make workers already.
oh! now that convinced me! I'll just walk into a school and rape every girl I see in child bearing age.
I'm only 19, give me some fucking time, goddamn.
>I'm only 19
Whatta FUCK?
When I was 19 I already had 11 sons.
If you had children already you would've had the motivation to get out and support them.
>implying this thread was directed squarely at 19 year olds
> end of your country, and your culture.
>Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't have kids you're contributing to the end of the white race, your country, and your culture.
I've been fucked over and fucked with, by white people more than any other group.
I'm white .
AY include screencap on me
Fucking potato nigger.
Dumb paddy cunt
fucking paddies
based retard
that was quite mean Ireland.
I think we can all agree that Ireland needs to go. North AND South.
Fucking Irish nihilists, Jesus m8 lay off the bottle and stick her with the throttle
It seems mostly only people used to a middle-class existence care about this. Lower classes care more about having kids than they care about whether they're poor or not. Now of course there's a lot of trashy people in the lower classes, but it doesn't negate the basic point.
I think too many people these days overthink the whole issue of having children and hence don't have any or at best one. Why are we overthinking the issue, that is the question. Why are we neurotically obsessing about if and when we have everything set up just right to have kids? It's not like you can manage a perfect existence when you have kids because kids do disrupt order and your best plans so the situation is never going to be just right. There is no way we came up on our own with this attitude of worry and even fear with regard to bringing new life into the world. We learn it from the surrounding culture. Not necessarily directly, but something compels us to worry and fear. Having such a neurotic orientation to such a natural thing does suggest our culture is sick. And of course it is not the only sign of a sick culture.
Make babies, people. Stop worrying and second-guessing yourself.
Leaves on suicide watch
Potato land confirmed for ded
Fuck you Seamus, I am visiting Ireland next summer
What about /honorary/ whites who are """mostly""" white is anything of value lost if we spend our lives trying to redpill white folk and getting everyone else on the right track instead of just blindly reproducing like ahmed abdullah al allahu akhbar and ndiwidi mbutu malwi zwango?
kys cuck
fucking paddy
Wash your mouth out tater cunt
Specifically exclude this guy from any screencap
This. Once you get passed the burning chemical taste, it's rather delicious. Almost tastes like cooked meat.
no suprise, irish americans have more irish culture than irish people and irish people speak english.
>Implying that I should give a shit
Celts are now officially white
>leaf BTFO
Daily reminder that having children is the largest contribution you can make to the destruction of our planet (READ: WESTERN CIVILIZATION)
Ireland confirmed for obsolete
End of Canada confirmed PRAISE KEK
Kek confirms. All Sup Forumsacks should now become child free ppl.
Are you sure you want to die off? I'm sure America would just export some of it's 50 million+ people claiming Irish heritage to fill you back up.
Who sperm donor here?
I'm working on it, give me a break you fucking leaf cunt.
but girls are gross
t. faggot
>a fucking terrorist
already have two. Wife is english, I'm german, pre-cuck edition.
daily reminder you care too much about other people's lives
What about personal plans and dreams?
My fellow potatoe nigger,I do hope you were implying that cuck Canucks shouldn't breed.If not I'll track you down and steal your fucking tractor.
go hang yourself leaf with this retarded muh whitz kids meme
I popped 3 white kids out. I make $870 a week, three bedroom house. Unfortunately I live in commifornia.
Colonize the niggers potato famine now
Every one ends in a miscarriage, I give up
The white race is on its way out regardless of what I do.
Not only are kids a financial drain, I'm not about to have any only to witness them being consumed by the degeneracy. Kek has some serious work to do if Trump and Brexit or anything more than flukes and the GET in this thread isn't helping.
The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery.
does it count if kids are half Japanese?
t. Potato nigger
>implying it's not already too late for sweden
This is inarguably true.
Fuck families, though. That stuff is expensive, time-consuming and unnecessary. This is a war of numbers, plain and simple.
Better than no kids.
>tfw you want 5 or 6 kids
>tfw there are zero (0) women that want that many kids
just fuck me up senpai
If blacks can do it on welfare, you can do it with a job.
and there will be twice as many Africans as all white Americans and Europeans combined in 50 years
We must learn from the kangz
t.Literal nigger
No. Gather your whole family together and have them all drink bleach. It'll be a great bonding exercise.
sperm donor while in college
problem solved
anyway fuck the race
im here for my own fun
i will however help suppress jew italians eurofags women etc
>tfw just had a white son 2 months ago
The plot thickens
>tfw can't have kids because I have assburgers
all for you, uncle adolf
it's fine, just make sure not to get married with the first one, then get another one and make some more kids.
what If I'm white and have two kids already?
Does that make me the savior of my culture and country?
Yes they are, especially when they are toddlers... Boy toddlers are much cleaner!
Become a Mormon
I wouldve shared your view a while ago but ive come to the realisation that it would be cruel of me to subject those I love to the horrors of the world.
Who /virgin/ here?
I don't care about what happens after I die, sorry m8.