Do you think Sweden was neutral in ww2? No, the were not. They were Italy 2. And they got away with it! No consequences at all. The reason why we have IKEA, Volvo etc. is because Swedes were traitorous bitches in ww2. This is not about Germany being "good" or "bad" in ww2, but about Swedish cowards.
- They allowed German troops to pass through Sweden into Norway in the 2 month battle for Norway.
- The Norwegian king asked to escape to Sweden when the Germans invaded. They refused and said "we'll put you in a prison camp", so he moved to the UK instead, and he was treated very good there.
- Swedish police spied on and arrested Norwegians who lived in Sweden and gave them to the Germans. Some of these were executed.
- Swedish officers went to Germany in ww2 to learn about warfare.
- The Norwegian king never spoke to the Swedish king ever again till he died.
Some say the Swedish king had a picture of Adolf Hitler hanging on his wall during the war, until they realized that Germany was about to lose. Then he replaced it with a picture of Churchill.
Is this why Sweden is so ubercucked today? Because they got away with being Nazis? They payed no consequences at all. They actually became rich instead.
This is serious you autism infected retards. A fucking serious (and true) question!
Are you too scared to reply?
Benjamin Hall
I don't hate them for being neutral. They looked after themselves, and it's not like they could've done anything.
Luis Young
I was trying to make you understand why Sweden is cucked today, and this is the ONLY reason. It's a FACT. You should embrace it. Always remember to embrace facts.
Dominic Gutierrez
Give me one reason why we should have opposed Germany.
Owen Baker
They could have chosen to oppose the invasion (like Norway did).
Or are you saying that Norway should have aligned with Germany and given our massive merchant fleet to them? (This might actually have caused that Britain would have lost).
Matthew Ross
Nice numbers.
Christopher Jenkins
>They could have chosen to oppose the invasion Why?
Jason Walker
Why are you assblasted that we helped our german brothers? If you only surrendered without any force you would be treated well but you just had to resist didnt you
Alexander Perez
kek has spoken
(I'm just a medium)
Jackson Jackson
Because we are not cowards? :) Doesn't matter to us how strong a country is, we will fight them anyway.
Nicholas Flores
Fight what exactly? They just wanted access to your harbors but you sided with the eternal anglo instead. I just don't see the point why you would fight against your aryan brothers who didn't want to harm you. If it makes you feel better, my grandpa volunteered and fought for Norway and ambushed nazis in a norweigan barn
Nicholas Long
If you just would have accepted our king it might have been different kek. Sweden said NO and threatened to put him in fugging camp FFS! ...and you wonder why we sided with the brits?
The eternal anglos are our eternal friends.
Gabriel Baker
Given that the jews were left alone in Sweden is it safe to assume jews were involved in making the deal for surrender?
Luis Russell
Sweden just went along with whoever was winning (and didn't pay the prize).
They were actually fully fledged nazis during the war (today almost no one knows this - it's been deliberately forgotten).
Connor Hall
mad brah?
Benjamin Russell
yes very
Dominic Long
We should have joined Germany, and you should have as well, you uber-cucks. We could have saved Europe together.
Ian Young
Sweden was totally bro for Finland in WW2 and I like them for atleast that. Some people here often say they should have declared a war to Soviet Union, but I think it's total bullshit and would have been too much of a risk. They didn't have to do anything for us, but yet thousands of Swedes volunteered to defend Finland and their state made huge contributions.
Perhaps Norway too could have avoided a war with Germans if they allied with them instead, it's certain that Germany could not gamble that they lost resource flow from Swedish mines, so they had to act against UK and control Norway.
Yes, when we look at the situation today perhaps. But this was not how it looked back then. You were cowards back then. You thought you would get a better position in Germany by betraying Norway. Fuck you.
Benjamin Richardson
We just had better foresight.
Ryan Lopez
>Perhaps Norway too could have avoided a war with Germans if they allied with them instead
You know what? There is a good chance that Germany would have won the war if Norway did that. Most people don't know this. The Norwegian Merchant Fleet was the third largest in the world at the time, and at one point it brought 50% of the supplies to Britain on Norwegian ships. Imagine them losing that? They would have lost against Germany.
Norway won the war.
Oliver Brown
>This is why Sweden is cucked today: It' all Norway's fault.
>Do you think Sweden was neutral in ww2? We were. >No, the were not. They were Italy 2. We were more like Vichy France but better desu. >And they got away with it! No consequences at all. The reason why we have IKEA, Volvo etc. is because Swedes were traitorous bitches in ww2. This means "did their part". >This is not about Germany being "good" or "bad" in ww2, but about Swedish cowards. >Coward = loyal in Norway. >- They allowed German troops to pass through Sweden into Norway in the 2 month battle for Norway. Kek >- The Norwegian king asked to escape to Sweden when the Germans invaded. They refused and said "we'll put you in a prison camp", so he moved to the UK instead, and he was treated very good there. Fucking anglo scum. >- Swedish police spied on and arrested Norwegians who lived in Sweden and gave them to the Germans. Some of these were executed. Doing God's work senpai. >- Swedish officers went to Germany in ww2 to learn about warfare. #TrainedByTheBest >- The Norwegian king never spoke to the Swedish king ever again till he died. Pfft.. nigger please, he literally sold out to am anglo. >Some say the Swedish king had a picture of Adolf Hitler hanging on his wall during the war Based as fuck. >until they realized that Germany was about to lose. Then he replaced it with a picture of Churchill. Fake like the holohoax. >Is this why Sweden is so ubercucked today? Because they got away with being Nazis? They payed no consequences at all. They actually became rich instead. Well, we actually did what needed to be done. >Should we let Sweden get away with this? Get away with it.. you act like we robbed a store.. we just did our part.
Samuel Turner
Atleast Norway cost them a shitload of time and resources for resisting so long even though being so small country.
But won the war? I won nothing when Germany lost it, and I think same applies for Norway in 2016 and that the war was avoidable. For Norway it was only a question of who's side are you on: UK or Germany?
Christian Walker
I see now — we need to invade you and make Scandinavia Norwegian finally. Like it should have been since 1200 (before Sweden even existed BTW)
Julian Cook
Yes, but Norway had a HUGE part in making sure Britain didn't fall. If Germany had occupied Britain the US forces would have nowhere to put their invasion forces, and they wouldn't have gotten involved in the war in Europe at all.
So, Norway won WW2 (without the Norwegian merchant fleet the allies would have lost, and Germany would have won)
Jason Anderson
Yea, well congratulations for doing a huge disservice for not only Norway but whole Europe.
Anyway why Sweden remove Protestantism as State Religion ? Until 2000 you were over based.
Jace Collins
Thanks for making the world a shitty place and dooming the white (especially Germanic) race.
Julian Ramirez
Again that's how it is today. No one could have foreseen it back then. You were just cowards.
And you still are. Norway is 100 times better than your feminist cucked shitholes.
Andrew Price
Finland had thousands of Swedish volunteers and lot of material aid. And Protestand church is fucking shit anyway, almost as bad as Catholic pope kissing muslim feet. Orthodox church the best one.
Jaxson Adams
It's... very strange.
I thought protestants were basically crypto-merchants, why are they cucked ?
Isaiah Jackson
You made us this way. Nobody could have foreseen it, but we did, and Germany did.
Luis Hughes
The Swedes weren't that bad during WWII. They would have faced the same fate as Norway or Denmark if they had tried to maintain their independence.
Today, however, they are a bunch of pussies selling out what made them a decent little nation -- and their only hope is Saga from the Bridge.
Ryan Ortiz
stop being butthurt Norwegian cunt
Bentley Nguyen
So Norway should have done the same? Accepted the German invasion?
Lol, you would have lost the war silly Brit. (you don't know this though...)
Easton Perry
You lovers need to get back in bed in a big Nordic gangbang spanning from Reykjavik to Stockholm or you'll continue to be fucking irrelevant and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will lead you during WWIII.
Lucas Rogers
We were cowards? Finland was mostly minding its own business until Soviet Union attacked us in 1939 and in 1941 Finland wanted to take back the lost lands with German support.
Only sin Finland did in WW2 was fight against Germans in Lapland. That was cowardly, waste of life and unecessary from both.
Cameron Sanders
Norway did accept the German invasion you daft cunt. You were so worried about Oslo that you refused to fight. They walked through your street in a big victory parade and your girls got some real meat that night.
With an attitude like that, what a waste of fucking time it was trying to help you in April 1940. At least we fucking smashed up Narvik on the way out.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Because they operate in countries where states are doing everything in their power to support multiculti and Islam. Their employees are just normal people and behave like the people in the countries usually do.
Josiah Morgan
Haha ultrakek. I like you Brits, you are funny. Anyway, you would have lost the war without the Norwegian merchant fleet. It brought 50% of the supplies to the UK on NORWEGIAN ships. Hell, you almost lost. Imagine losing 50% of the supplies. You should fucking pray to Norwegians as gods.
Michael Murphy
They wouldn't have invaded you if Hitler was damn sure Germany would have received the materials that German army needed to survive. Why would he wanted another war to waste men and resources?
He simply didn't trust you to fight British invasion and he had to act.
Owen Martin
>With an attitude like that, what a waste of fucking time it was trying to help you in April 1940
It's your attitude that it's something wrong with. We fucking saved you in WW2. You would have lost without us.
Joseph Cox
never thought I'd say this, but... BASED SWEDEN
Robert Morgan
You make it sound like Norway volunteered the fleet. We nationalised it in the same way the U.S. nationalised the nation of Iceland. We didn't even stop to ask you as we had a crusty bogie to scoop out.
As I said, you Nords need to reunify and stop pretending you have as much in common with Portugal as you do with Sweden.
Xavier Russell
Does Ole get this butthurt everytime he gets a little drunk on a saturday night?
Jordan King
The thing is... if we had allied with Germany you wouldn't have gotten your hands on the massive Norwegian merchant fleet. It only happened because the Norwegian king moved to the UK when the Germans invaded (the Swedes refused to accept him).
If Norway had accepted the German invasion Britain and the allies would have lost the war. That's a FACT. Show some respect.
Hunter Gutierrez
Welcome to Norway, home of the most backwater and self-centered people in the world, with severe daddy issues towards their former overlords Sweden and Denmark. Literally worse than jews. Oh and friendly reminder that norway wasn't even a country between the 1300s and 1814 when the Swedes for some reason decided to let them play pretend country. If you walk out on the streets of Oslo it'll remind you of eastern Europe, there are small cities in Romania and Bulgaria that are more modern and European. It doesn't even look or feel rich, if you walk into a store there's hardly any variation, even the McDonald's have a much smaller menu than the rest of Europe. And don't get me started on NAV, the school system, and Barnevernet
Owen James
Who gives a fuck about ww2. Today's Sweden is a pathetic joke of country with mansplaining hotlines and gender equal snowplowing. Can't wait until this country is overrun with migrants. I bet Swedish men will let the shitskins fuck their girlfriends in the ass too.
Henry Sullivan
t. Swedish waiter working in Norway
Luke Roberts
Fucking Napoleon complex here from nation with 3-4 million people at the time, big countries had that many soldiers on front. US would have ended the war with nukes anyway even if they produced only 1 nuke per year.
And war between UK and Germany was just as stupid as war between Norway and Germany. Nobody but refugees in current Europe profited from them.
Jordan Adams
I want to invade another country again... Peace is getting a little boring desu...
William Cooper
American who's been stuck in this shithole of a country for the last 10 years. Og den norske handelsflåten var ikke akkurat eid av kongen. Grunnen til at Sverige ikke ble invadert er at de allerede for krigen hadde avtaler med tyskerne, og at det var Sverige som sorget for mesteparten av jernet til Tyskland.
Wyatt Fisher
You don't know about the Norwegian merchant fleet OBVIOUSLY!
It changed the tide of the war. Without it Britain would have lost against Germany, and the US would not have gotten involved in the war in Europe.
Germany would have won, because of Norway.
Mason Gomez
STFU Quisling
Hunter Hughes
Try invading your own immigrant districts first.
Joseph Cook
>Quisling >implying he wasn't based
Logan Brown
Because the Church is government controlled and very much secularized
Henry Martin
Din dumme negerunge, vær stolt av de tingene Norge faktisk gjorde, som å senke Blüchner. Men ikke overdriv, Norge var en veldig liten del av det hele.
Luke Sanders
Norway literally won the war. You need to realize the importance of the Norwegian merchant fleet. Without it the UK would lose 50% of their supplies, and they would have lost. And if they lost, Germany would rule all of Europe and would only have one front to fight on. You must be pretty stupid to no realize this.
Norway won ww2 for the allies. There is no doubt at all.
Ethan Brooks
ITT: Norweigan hoping for sympathy from Sup Forums but getting assblasted because he betrayed the nordic race
Andrew Reed
AGAIN: That was a different time. You cannot take the present situation into you defense. You were just sneaky fake cowards back then (with no thoughts about the nordic race)
Bentley Brown
Nice vpn there Hva er du? Neger fra soramerika med 2 % norske gener? Stakkar kan sikkert ikke norsk engang
Juan Turner
They didn't want war, they just wanted to sell resources they had to their southern neighbour. I'm failing to see the cowardice in what Swedes did. If something they should have declared a war against you for hindering their trade, and what does that say about you?
Benjamin Murphy
I need more replies here to support the Norwegian supremacy
Say :"Thank you Norway"
Logan Brown
Eg e ekte norsk, ikkje tulling som du :)
Tyler Cox
Dum neger er ikke norsk engang, drep deg selv a
Adrian Cooper
Do you have autisim?
Dylan Perry
Now we'll fucking invade Finland too!
Jackson Allen
Aha, stygg dialekt også? Var det jeg tenkte meg ;) Hvordan foles det å ha huet så langt opp i ræva? Kan du hore alt pisspreiket dit der innenfra?
Ryan Morales
Weren't you considered pure aryans? Why would germans kill you.
Zachary Scott
Where do you think Anglo Saxons came from?
Josiah Bell
You fellow Scandinavian fucks need to realized that Norway did 1000x times more than you in WW2.
WE FUCKING WON THE WAR while you did nothing
Dominic Johnson
Then we need Freikorps again to erradicate all the leftist rats first, if you want that to happen.
Noah Jenkins
Ekte norsk dialekt :) Ostlands hores ut som en homofil pipekonsert :) Vestlandet er det ekte norge.
Nathaniel Lopez
>get occupied >we won the war guys Holy shit is there any stronger country than Norway?
Alexander Hill
Fuck off babby Norway, we never should have let you snow monkeys govern yourself. This is just pathetic.
Kayden Diaz
Just do it.
Parker Johnson
>is there any stronger country than Norway
In terms of support in WW2... NO! Not a single country can even compete.
But no, we don't get any recognition for it.
Brayden Sanchez
Hahaha erru bergenser også? Tusen takk, dette blir bare morsommere og morsommere. This guy's butthurt since his country has done literally nothing since the viking age. It's ok little guy, we'll let you have your autistic fantasies
Luke Bennett
If anything, we will govern you.
Christian James
This guy has been influenced be Swedish gay propaganda, and he fervently believes in it :)
Jeremiah Thompson
I know, nuking Japan to surrender, winning an air war against Luftwaffe or beating German panzers on Eastern Front can't even compete to your achievement of surrendering to Germany. Mighty Norway is mighty.
Looks like I'm checking a dub-quad-dub here. You really don't see these too much. Damn good job, user.
Gavin Allen
Wow, shitting on your nordic buddies, beta af.
My family helped norwegian resistance fighters btw. Remember as a kid my parents showed me a special, hidden room in one of the barns where we stored food, and chemicals and stuff that were then transported over the border to Tröndelag.
I wish someone would treat the socialists and anti-whites in this country the same way. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for German children!
Hunter Evans
>they got away with being Nazis
u mad?
Isaac Walker
Family = great grandparents to be exact. We still got that hiding place, only now we mostly store empty paint cans and stuff in there.
Cameron Hughes
>We saved the entire world.
Get off the proxy, leaf.
Brandon Flores
You were on different side with that 1 sniper. He or me don't consider you a saviour.
Lincoln Williams
You're 100 % right, they were cucked by nazis then,, they are cucked now too.
Benjamin Lee
Shit, our king is turning German...
Jaxon Anderson
why is it always norway that makes these threads??
Mason Brooks
Austria was even better at it. The whole world likes to ignore that Adolf Schickelgruber was an Austrian male and roughly fifty percent of the leading Nazis were Eternal Austrians.