Why are blue-collar workers so inferior?

I'm a lawyer in London with an expensive suit, expensive watch and an expensive education. By the time i'm 27 I'll be making £100k+ a year and by the time I'm 35 I could potentially be raking in £800k year.

Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?

Any old person can do your job, but getting mine means im the best of the best.

How did you get to be where you are?

Because we're the creators.


Because we build the world you live in you yuro cunt.

You do realize in pic related that the Goose inherited all his money and doesn't work at all? Carell actually works in financing but dresses like an idiot.

>Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?

because you don't want your ass kicked?

You'll never be as rich and powerful as blue collar worker I know.

>by the time I'm
>i'll be
lmfao how's your unpaid internship going, sporto? does it feel good knowing you'll never make a good living?

>best of the best
>sit in office doing paper work all day like a cuck

Definitely need far less lawyers.

I wonder how much they cost our economy and freedoms?

my pants fit me better than Ryan Gosling, then again I actually do legs when I lift.

Looks like you're an American LARP'r by your flag. Also, you're not making that much money. My father's wallet would crush you.

Getting yours means that your parents were in the right club and you went to the right school and made the right contacts.

t. Someone who done it the hard way.

>but getting mine means I'm the best of the best.

In your field. Everybody has talents somewhere. For some people they can monetize their talents.

If shit hits the fan, you're gonna starve, because you don't actually produce anything tangible.

You have no real-life skills.

>My father's wallet

Who made your expensive suit?
Who made your expensive watch?
Who taught you at an expensive school?
Who built your expensive school?
Who built the factories where the suit and the watch were made?
Who built the watch parts?
Etc, etc...
You would never be where you are without "blue collar" collar workers, you spoiled little faggot. Now stop LARPing and go to bed.

Tyroneson and Auswitzstein
lawyers inc.

>i got expensive shit
>this makes me better then another person

I don't fucking get it. People are not the same, we agree, but fuck me I could never wire my house up or fix my own car. There are people that can and you should obviously respect them for it.

They are people just like you and believe me, if you treat them as equals from the start they'll not only appreciate it, they'll actually do an even better job.

And guess what, next time you have an emergency because your pretentious 60 $ dollar lunch shit clogged your toilet, that plumber would come early for you if you treated him like an equal.


Well you know Trump would have been nobody without his dad's wallet. Maybe a car salesman.

Same for his Jew son-in-law.

>Why should I pay people in a lower class than me respect?

Because it's in good taste to do so, and because treating parts of a larger organization poorly rarely benefits you while your living is dependent on them.

I would be less likely to do business with someone who treats people like garbage as an equal or a greater. Likewise, if I were your competitor, I would be attempting to steal your staff if they were talented because you treat them like garbage. As an inferior, I would be doing a poorer job if not actively sabotaging you, and there isn't much you can do about it as a superior without changing your interactions with your lessers; Why? because if you were to replace me, your new staff would quickly grow to resent you as well.

So, I suppose the better question isn't why should you, but why should you treat others poorly? What possible benefit do you gain from it?

>I'm a lawyer in London with an expensive suit, expensive watch and an expensive education. By the time i'm 27 I'll be making £100k+ a year and by the time I'm 35 I could potentially be raking in £800k year.
>Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?

I'm in a trade in Ontario. Right when I got out of high school I became an apprentice, I got my ticket and made $80k/yr when I was 23 years old. I have been making $80k/yr since then.

1st yr was around $35k
2nd $45k
3rd $55k
5th would have been around $75k but I wrote my ticket immediately and became a journeyman instead.

My gas ticket and trade school cost me $15k TOTAL.

I'm $28 now and I've made a net around $655,000. When you say you'll be making that much by the time you're 27, how much did your education set you back? When will you have that paid off? I will own my house in full with NO mortgage by the time I'm 30 years old and you fucking will not. You will still be in debt and paying it off when I was getting married and started having kids. You're miles behind me and you'll be lucky to catch up by the time you're 35.

So fuck you and your pretentious attitude

This. These are the type of people that throw themselves off buildings when their stocks take a hit

I can represent myself in a mechanics lien case, thank you very much.

I thought of a good way to put it.

If tomorrow, all the lawyers in the world disappeared/dropped dead life would continue on as per normal.

But if all the tradesmen/manual laborers disappeared/dropped dead, civilization would come to a crashing halt.

We're more important than you could ever hope to be.

>Getting paid to write shit down and make spreadsheets all day
White collar jobs are for faggots and Jews. At least we contribute to society by building and fixing things people need. There is nothing honourable about working in an office.

Yes, my fathers. I'm a spoiled little trust fund princess who pays no mind to LARPing faggots. Have a nice day.

Have fun with your 100k+ and exactly zero time to spend your money.

Have fun working all day from morning to late evening, even on weekends, because you have to compete against success-mad faggots with zero life.

Have fun with your superficial family life, Probably getting divorced in your 40, because you are never home and your wife keeps fucking your neighbour or poolboy.

Living the good life, user!

Simple, take all the white collars out and society would still find a way to function. Do the same with blue collars and society will collapse. You depend on them more than they depend on you.

>bragging about your parents money

Assuming they meet you in a dark alley sometime, why should they not beat the shit out of you to the point you can no longer do your job and someone that's not an asshole gets it? It's not like they would get caught.

Dunno mate, could probably batter you on Saturday night if you were a cunt. Could probably deconstruct the neo-capitalist notions you have.

>Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?
You're a lawyer. Why would we want your respect?

>why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?

If you ask that question :

1. Nice bait
2. You'll go to hell op...I fell sorry for you

Not bragging in the slightest, however when someone who makes middle class money at best comes on here and disrespects you lot, they need putting in their place a little, no? By all means, be insulted by this walking cuck who thinks he is better than all of you.

>2 posts by this ID
>34 replies
Every time

Worth is determined by virtue

You shouldn't necessarily, I'm also pretty successful and I respect people for who they are not what they do
Many of my coworkers are bitterly unhappy because they thought money would make them likable alphas but money doesn't change your personality

Is a programmer a white collar or a blue collar job?

I respect trade workers but it's annoying when all of you spout the exact same shit
>muh money!!!!!
>muh lack of debt!!!!!!
Most trade workers are uneducated, ignorant white trash, and this is coming from someone who works in construction. They're total simpletons who don't care about anything but reality TV and sports.

taking that stale copypasta bait

how new are you?

You also have something OP lacks, manners.

Nice, what trade

Why are you bragging on pol which is mostly NEETs ?????????

>paper pushing pussies think they make the world go round sitting at a desk all day

Feminine sissies.
>h-h-how can I respect him if he doesn't care about the latest fashion and pop his collar?? :(

Listen OP, that expensive suit, watch, and $800K a year salary was pre-determined because you did virtuous things in a past life.

Don't fuck up this life by being a miserly asshole with no compassion. You're born with nothing and die with nothing.

Because he's lying

White collar. Blue collar entails physical labor in industry.

as a student in mech engineering, this makes me so moist. What is this, a milling machine?

Blanket statements are stupid.

Judging a group by the lowest common denominator is stupid, too. If you want to own a house and be financially stable enough to start a family in your mid 20's, a trade is, by fucking far, the most efficient means of doing it. You can't do that by going to med school. You can't do that by becoming a lawyer.

You are giving up 5-10 years of stability by trading it for more income later on. It really just depends on what you value more. I personally think that having 6-8 year old kids in your early 30's is worth it.

lmao @ this fucking idiot thinking his backbreaking dangerous monkey work is sustainable. Nigga a legal education improves lifetime earnings by 1 mill USD minimum.

ill shit on your money job. keep welding and driving your lifted truck in your podunck piece of shit life.

Haha inferior. I could lay a women better then you and kill you with my bare hands. Money is an abstract sense of self worth.


You're just an asshole

>he posted it again

The latest fashion is faggy as fuck.
pic related is my favorite pair of Portugese pants.

Well don't ever Fuck up, they'll toss or backstab your bitxh ass. If I Fuck up it's easily fixed and moved on. If you Fuck up, people go to jail or get sued.

he is better than you loser. your daddys" wallet? WTF are you autistic? How does that show you are superior at all? Lmao kys

Blue collar worker goes to work 9-5 mon-fri.

He finishes work, his wife has dinner on the table.

He sits and watches TV with his family sipping an ice cold beer.

Saturday afternoons he spends on his hobby - fixing up old cars, carpentry, music, whatever

On Saturday nights he goes out with his friends down the pub and they laugh and joke.

Sundays he takes his son fishing.

His wife has his uniform and lunch ready and waiting when he leaves for work on monday morning.

His son just aced the maths test - top of the class!

>You're on Sup Forums on a saturday night telling people you're better than them. Cold and alone in a city of 10 million people. Make sure you finish that file Mr. Lawyerberg.

pic forgotten.

>in the US
>uses pounds
are you a fag, a liar, a copypastarino, or an immigrant?

What a cuckold.

im sick of the trade meme too.

fuck working with your hands. ever heard of intellectual stimulation? of course not because your paid $80,000 the rest of your damn life to risk your back and life. fuck gay ass trades. for unambitious fucktards. if you aren't in a union or have ur own company, u aint and will never be SHIT

Fucking savage

>in your podunck piece of shit life.
did you even read my post

If the world had 7.5 billion lawyers, a few of them would need to start turning wrenches.

lucky cat.
we built the world

>trades in Canada and Jewsa earn more than twice as much as engineers in Mexico who work longer hours

Just fucking kill me already.

t. Autistic shut in

You wouldn't last a week doing real work, you pussy.

Didn't see it coming. Savage indeed

Any future in it?

If your a lawyer you work 90hrs a week most get burnt out by 30 and the chance of you making 800k a year is slim to none bc lawyers are a dime a dozen. You're young and stupid.
t. Former corporate lawyer

No one gonna point out that OP said he was in London but has USA flag? It's a bait thread

>a year

how dreadful, you poor bastard.

do you want immigrants?
because that's how you get immigrants.

Meet my legal team.

You are actually dependant on them. See how much time you've got to make all your money when you have to clean your own office, make your own food, fix your own toilet. It is ONLY when those people do their job that you can do yours. Frankly, they should be paid more than a lawyer because they certainly contribute more to society.

>with an expensive suit, expensive watch and an expensive education
Yet your mother is cheap.
t. White collar worker and proud of it

Cartel says "no shekels for you".
If you feel suicidal just go to your boss and ask for a raise.
>police arrives to arrest him
>he pulls out the money briefcase
>cops: "gracias amigo" *call off swat*

Becuse money is better as hired man, and not as your master. You can't achieve a shit alone, but together as society, you can rule the fucking world. Hitler didin't didnt drive people apart like you are doing, instead sew them together and created the greatest dedication of all mankind.

If you had literally any other high paying job I would defend you. But fuck lawyers.

>My father's wallet would crush you.
welcome to nu-pol. Can you retards give an estimate on how long before you lose interest? Usually the place begins emptying in December. It will be a fucking joy to have the trash out this year and our board back.

What do you do with your money, OP? I'm just asking because I honest to fuck have no idea what to do with mine, except for some traveling I've done it just sits in the bank. SWho the fuck wants five cars and three stories on their house?

There's literally nothing to spend money on

>Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?

>I'm a lawyer in London
Forgot to change your flag, Rabbi.

In the end we're all doomed buddy, robots will take over the jobs of manual labor and AI will take over your job.

>people falling for pasta

Ne radi nista sa tim shekelima jer nema vremena, mora da brani camugu u sudu.

why is this surprising? not everyone can be here every minute of every day. it's sadder that you CAN tell it's pasta

Because at the end of the day I wouldn't be able to tell your bones apart from that of a slave.

Because these workers are good people in bad circumstances. Perhaps when you're done blowing your load like a typical hot headed wage slave, you can obtain some humanity.

Learn to respect everyone.

except blacks, latinos, muslims, gays, trannys, atheists, liberals and women, eh?


>By the time i'm 27 I'll be making £100k+ a year and by the time I'm 35 I could potentially be raking in £800k year.

Kek. Keep dreaming. Blue collar workers live more satisfied lives, and their net lifetime salary (accounting for city living costs and education/unemployement) will likely be the same, if not higher, than yours.

T. Med student on the path to a """great job"""

You'll need plumbers and such to maintain your home. A buddy of mine is a master plumber and owns a bunch of other businesses. Oil distribution company, commercial/industrial mechanic shop, scrap yard and nets $5,000,000+ a year.

He is courteous and well mannered because he was once a "little guy" with humble means. He gives Christmas bonuses to all his employees in excesss of $2,000 and pays for their insurance (s).

He treats people well so in turn they treat him well. We have been friends for a long time and never once asked me for shit outside of a place to crash when we were younger. 4 years ago he paid off my mortgage, cash...for no other reason than being his friend when he needed one.

Correct. You better learn the machinery. Because you will be telling men like me how to do my job. And if you're wrong on anything, we tend to get upset...

>Now tell me, why should I have to pay you bunch of retail workers, manual labourers, tradesmen and restaurant workers any respect?
Without them, you would be doing that manual labor yourself.

Mr shekelstein on the other hand would be doing all the law work.

Show proof of moneys desu