Make sure you report any wrong think you encounter comrades!

The following are both hate speech and hate propaganda:

>Biological sex exists in humans or other animals
>Gender identity is in any way related to biological sex which doesn't exist
>Race or genetic population differences exist
>Discrimination against whites, men, and heteronormaitve peoples exists.

Remember to pray 5 times a day to Allah while also thinking of Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Wynne. Good luck smashing the patriarchy comrades!

Also remember to contact your local MPs to get the hateful white supremacist flag updated to include pic related as its centerpiece.

Diversity is our strength!

I'm shit posting, just because you need a bump.

>Law passes
>Get to use any bathroom I want now, can deliberately walk into woman's bathrooms just to fuck with people

>Get to pretend that I am non-gender or female and call the police on everyone that disagrees with me.

>Get to force people to call me whatever I want while I mock them.

Honestly, this brave new world has its upsides. I just have to figure out what my pronouns are. Any ideas?

Reported to the Mounties. Enjoy your rehabilitation in the gulag comrade!

Boo hoo go fuck yourself you whiny faggot. Go be a little self-worshiping libtard, you Satan-worshiping piece of worthless shit. You think you're a good guy? You're not. You're a bad person. Everyone is bad except for Jesus. I'm sorry for you, your parents must be complete retards. And you think you can spit on this peaceful and prosperous land built by my people who worshiped Jesus/God since arriving here in the 1600s, and you think you can worship Satan on this land? You should be hanged, faggot. Now that Trump is President, you better be a good little boy. We're a lot less lenient than that faggot nigger Obama. We want a comfy society for people who worship God. If you are unwilling to submit to Jesus, the one true God, we will destroy you. If we were like Jesus, we would let you overcome us, but we are flawed sinners, who want to live in a comfy society. If you want to worship your own power instead of thanking God and repenting, if you want to worship your own strength, I'm sorry for the pain you will feel. We don't give a fuck about the 'sins of our past', nigger. God forgives those who repent. If you think that was bad, our damage output is going to be off the charts after all these years of being held down by the satanic establishment. Try us, little bitch

Trudeauhu ackbar comrade!!
say, have you checked your privilege today?

Thank you for self exposing that hateful wrong-think for all to see. The Mounties have been reported of your existence. Good luck being rehabilitated into a compassionate thoughtful person accepting of diversity comrade!


As a black female(pronouns muh fuhrer), the hate crime I committed was a result of systematic sexism, racism and bias against me. Don't expect me not to commit crime in your BULLSHIT SEXIST SYSTEM, PIG.

>Get sent to prison
>I'm female, lol
>Transfered to womens unit
>Run shit due to my natural strength
>Fuck bitches
>Th-thanks Canada.

Whoops, the patriarchy made me reply to the wrong person.


The US had Trump, and the UK had Brexit. The National Front is rising in France.

When will Canada's turning point come?

you want to blow all of us? you should come to Toronto you'd fit right in XDD

nah, but ya'll can drizzle some maple syrup on my phallus and gimme the succ instead

The only uprising that will occur is if theres a separative movement for the West to split from the East. White nationalist movement will never gain large momentum because of the high saturation of brown and yellow people

I personally don't have a problem with the yellow menace if we were to form some kind of combination of Canadian culture and yellow work ethic

finally, someone who knows what the primary use of maple syrup is, you should try to become a canadian citizen, with that kind if mentality you will surely retire in our senate

Depends on where we are in 2019. People are sick and tired of multiculturalism and SJW- tier policies and I belive that a Canadian Trump would appeal to millions. But at the same time Trudeau is importing 300,000 liberal voters a year and the CPC is far from a nationalist party.

im pretty horny and have a big dick

trailer park boys giveth, now the boys taketh away

Did you yanky cumtwats know that they literally have pink days at school in cancuck land? they get boys to wear pink t shirts and act like being gay is the tits

lol, nigger you say that shit to me I'll actually cut your fucking head off


I hope something happens and the libcucks realize that men in dresses entering women's bathrooms is not something that a civilized society should be accepting.

they will, when women start to heavily complain about it

I'm sure mosy liberals realize that. Keep in mind that Trudeau didn't win because of SJWs and immigrants. He also needed the maritimes, people who were sick of Harp's bullshit, and those who liked some of his policies.(legal weed, reforming FPTP) Since he's a massive cunt with the same basic polices has Harper, he will probably lose the support of those groups.

>race does not exist

show this to numale cuks

they are raising it to 450,000, i have little hope for this place