if you already rolled don't roll again
these people already rolled:
Risk continued
Stump Trump
Move towards perm and the northern lumber
Roll here:
Defend from all attacks, pull out of the war, cede Athens and city on Crete to Scorpiongirl,sail to Syria
Defend against scananavians
Umayyad Caliphate, I will cede you your original territory in Greece if you give me back all the territory you took from me and agree to a NAP.
Fill into all directions with cities/resources, etc like before.
taking over kek
rename it to jej
invade red :^) (czech em)
Attack north and retake cities, if spill attack Scorpion to take what cities I can.
Please continue filling the lands in Ukraine and Russia
that was way off :^(
We should agree to a NAP.
Also cede Umayyad Caliphate's original territory in Greece to him.
El Salvador, watch out for Kazakhstan.
Also please give back the corridor lands that Serbian girl gave me in the previous roll
Assist me in killing northern fags and the north is yours all the way from east to Britain. I've been honorable this whole game and you hold the real power that Pie and Scorp need.
Yes, we should
I will utterly bruise you.
We want to expand peacefully
He's been inactive since the game started
But thank you
Ahh shit there he is
So close
>potato got it
Caliphate has betrayed me, my other ally has not assisted me, and the bond of the north east is too strong to break. I offer my lands and person up as a vassal to the trio of power. What would you have of me North East Army?
I joined back desu. But i want no war
its ok theres like a chance for a 500 every hour or so
Touch Britain and I will destroy you
I had to pull out of the war, I can't survive, I would insist you do the same
Attack Frankfurt area of Scandinavia
I'll give you your land back trump don't worry
Defend if attacked, move south into Damascus
Reclaim lost territory from Trump.
Attack Trump in Germany.
Cede Umayyad's original Greek territories to him.
Perm and norhern lumber. Spills soviet star
take more red clay
(also watch these numbers)
Stump Trump
Please attack cuckistan (Caucasus gray guy)
Take as many provinces as possible
Genocide Red
Fixed bonus
Full scale attack on El Salvador, attack and defend against him.
What are you? how is el salvador in russia
Reclaim Sicily.
I want an NAP
Attack red on all fronts. TRAITORS ARE WORSE THAN ENEMIES.
>What are you?
What's your ethnicity?
>Trying to be diplomatic with everybody ends up as a series of wars
>Being this close
I'm the half Persian. I chose this because my like great grandma or smth was a Circassian refugee
So what are you? And how are you in Russia
How did I traitor you what
I tried but Scorp is the evil faction I knew they were. We were all at risk, I started this war so we would all ally to kill Scorp and live in peace. Scorp turned the tables to killing me for world peace, if I must die for peace then I will die.
What kind of Cherkess are you? Kabardian?
Sometimes I name the countries I pick El Salvador even if it's in the middle of Siberia just for fun, because I like to see El Salvador attacking other nations
Cede all lands to red
Please continue attacking, take as many important cities as possible
Betray green on the boot because he cucked me wtf
Take northern star,spills expand in Russia taking oil and cities from white,untaken tiles
Claim Albania and Montenegro from Trump. Excess kills Lonesome Wyatt, then reclaim the rest of Italy.
Stump Trump
take that city and push into red clay
(czech em this time)
Defend if attacked, take abu bakar, spill Beirut and Israel
Ok that changes things, attack blue full force.
Destroy Red.
Adyghe I believe.
So, you're literally Latin Americans inside Russia? hmm
Keep on attacking El Salvador, get Sevastopol back.
abu kamal not bakar
>Latin Americans inside Russia?
Actually there are some salvadorans living there, but literally all of them are communists that arrived in the 70's and 80's
Reinforce everything on Mainland Europe, beginning with territories bordering other nations
Conquer the rest of Italy.
Cede all my European lands to the people around them, half and half, then reinforce my African lands
Defend if attacked, take Jerusalem, spill Amma and Bagdahd
Please continue attacking
Take soviet star,spills take untaken oil and cities in russia
TRIPS!!! :^)
Keep on attacking to take back my cities and resources.
Fixed name
take over saudi and egypt
I see related you get your name from
Defend if attacked. Reinforce.
Take a boat to the black sea
Take volgograd,spills oil near it
Defend from attacks. take Amman and oil in Saudi Arabia, spill city in Iraq
Wait, what?
Fill Turkey.
Excess reinforces.
Please fill these areas
invade israel and anything green there
Get fucking crushed m8, my bonus is higher than your roll and bonus combined haha
Proper name and bonus
Do you need help in the south?
not for long :^)
Yes for long since you attacked me and I said in my roll
>defend if attacked
and I doubt you will be able to roll something good enough
Nope, seems rather peaceful in here.
its over