There go your 'feminism is misandry' arguments, Sup Forums.
How mad are you right now?
There go your 'feminism is misandry' arguments, Sup Forums.
How mad are you right now?
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Sup Forums eternally blown the fuck out
>One pathetic attempt at saving face a year.
You really think a bit of attention will turn anyone over?
>caring about men for one day
Is this like how liberals pretend to care about blacks for one month?
I don't understand, am I supposed to be upset that Dobson actually said something reasonable?
I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend these assholes give a shit.
actually, it's not the patriarchy that's failing men, it's the female oriented education system, the main matriarchal aspect of our society, that fails to teach our boys how to become men that leads to these men killing themselves for being total failures
This is the one day a year women pretend to care about men. It'll pass over tomorrow.
Quit posting comments from the mentally ill.
But feminists support all of this. They support traditionalism, they support patriarchy. They like it when average and lower-tier men suffer. Feminists want a male-dominated society, they just want the 'patriarchy' to be run by good looking fit young Chads. Then they are OK with the patriarchy.
Feminists cannot complain about how old traditions harm men when feminists pull those old traditions out their ass to harm men whenever they feel like it.
well...overpopulation is a problem, and less men means more available pussy too.
All in all this works out pretty well for me.
>feminist cares about men too!
>used to be a man
I bet other feminists will start hating on her just for that too.
>Problems facing women
>Problems facing men
This is misandry
A suicidal male tweets about male suicide rates.
Is this meant to be surprising?
sounds like the destruction of society
>Remember, the patriarchy is why men kill themselves.
>White cis men are the true bane of the world.
>Wait why are they killing themselves after years of being told how shit they are.
I didn't kill myself because my ex wife took my house, kids, and life away from me. I killed myself because I didn't talk about it enough after the divorce!
Sup Forums helped redpill me but the reason I found my way here is because I took a Classic American Literature class at a community college in the middle of farm country and it was obvious to anyone logical that they were quite literally rewriting history.
When we talked about Walt Whitman the majority of the conversation was about one little line out of thousands that if taken out of context would "prove" Walt Whitman believed in empowering gay people.
We also learned about authors nobody has ever fucking heard of, in one case because it was a latina lesbian writing about how much white people suck.
That's what Classical American Literature is now in schools. Straight up fucking communist rewriting of history.
Sup Forums is great but the real reason people are rebelling against this shit is because 1+1=2 and the education system is teaching otherwise.
Now I work a trade and have the potential to make a fuckton more money in my life so I guess it worked out.
>men are taught to suppress all emotion
you mean like anger?
This is the one place where the suicide statistics are strange, because even though men 'commit' suicide at a rate far higher than females, attempted suicide is more common in females that males. that would seem to suggest that the 'guys supress their emotion' meme is far less harmful than everyone says, and that females suffer from mental health problems more often.
This shit is relatively consistent, too, across most country's no matter the implied legal differences, the actual social differences seem to show less mental health problems for males in general.
This isn't to argue that guys don't have these too (and actually have greater longevity for symptoms like these), nor that femininity as a concept should be done away with; but the meme that 'masculinity hurts men' is a joke that just keeps getting pushed.
>Talk about your feelings
>Suddenly not depressed
Is this how libtards think depression works?
Don't worry, comrade, we will build something better afterwards, its gonna be great, we are all going to win, bigly.
This tranny would have never said this, say, a month ago. She never would have said anything about the suicide statistics.
I'm not an MRA, and quite despise it as a movement. If anything, this sort of vindicates the theory among the alt-right types, that these feminists/SJW/cultural Marxists types are only capable of empathy when they are politically crushed and powerless. Feminism is a fucking cultural poison, a literal 5th column.
If they would have won this election, they would be mocking you or worse for being white, especially if you're a white man. We need to remember that, always.
>one example
Just because feminist's try to blame shift doesn't make their misandry any less.
> it is still there, no matter feminist efforts to look like 'the good guys' they are still man hating cunts.
> implying men aren't killing themselves because they can't find a decent mother for their chldren
These bitches are only pretending to care now that Trump won, because many are realizing that being cunts to white men for the last year+ didn't help.
>give us one day
>aren't you guys happy now?
Why? You give niggers a whole month.
Cant be depressed when your drugged up and fucking strangers all the time right? Friendship is magic!
The solution to elevated levels of male suicide is to further neuter and feminise men and our emotional conditioning. It's not the fact that men are failing in a society in which they are increasingly devalued and which affords women unfair entitlements; nor is it the countless men made destitute by divorce and have limited to non-existent custodial rights; and neither is it the paucity of full-time, working-class jobs which pay enough to support your family... it's the patriarchy!
Male suicide is 3Xs higher than female suicide and it's because of male violence. The inescapable brutality of the male instinct is turning their hatred of life against themselves.
>"men commit suicide at a rate of 3x that of women"
wow user, it's almost like there are recognizable physiological differences that impact everything from cognition to physiology and mood that obviously can't be distinguished from gender and make egalitarianism de facto impossible. fucking crazy.
Remember: Patriarchy is a conspiracy theory that apparently includes all human history and negatively affects those it supposedly favours.
Its commentary is always from a place of denigration. Men aren't suppressing emotion men just don't allow it to spiral out of control.
>caring what a tranny says
>posting tranny qoutes here
Pls stop. I mean there are things a tranny can be lucid and thoughtful about, but gender politics isn't one of them.
>citing a tranny
Fuck off retard this mutant cant even handle being a man they have no input on the subject
Well he is a man after all.
Drumpf btfo
They also think taking a cocktail of brain-altering drugs will fix their depression, when in reality all it does is fuck with their personality, their ability to think, and their ability to feel emotion.
Depression is a result of circumstances surrounding an individual. Rather than changing the environment, these nutballs try to change the person and via poorly understood chemical means. Literally modern day lobotomies.
If you're depressed and want to stop being depressed, you need to isolate the causes of that depression:
Work, school, friendships, relationships, love interests, and so forth. Then take action to solve those problems.
Depression is the result of your mind not being satisfied with your present circumstances. Consciously or subconsciously. It's your body's way of making you dissatisfied, in order to get you to do something about the situation. The answer to depression isn't to wallow in it, it's to take action that improves you or the environment you're living in.
You know what works better than a cocktail of (((anti-depressant))) drugs? Physical fucking exercise. But that's hard work, you can't just swallow a pill and be done with it, and your doctor doesn't make any money if he proscribes exercise to you instead of a lobotomizing $15 pill.
>We need to change our culture so men aren't taught to suppress all emotion
No we don't. Behaving rationally is what has made men more succesful than women.
>There's a conspiracy set up by men in order to oppress minorities and women
>It doesn't help men either
What? She means Illuminati, then? Who even is this bitch?
It's also what women find attractive
This whole "it's okay to display emotion" schtick is actually a shit test. If you fail it and cry your eyes out over something not going your way, women know to avoid you like the plague. You are a weak effeminate girlyman who will never be able to protect a girl or act aggressive to other men when necessary.
beta nu-male cucks fall into this shit thinking it's a safe way to get sex, without all that macho competition, without having to actually succeed at anything.
It's the EXACT OPPOSITE of what boys and men should be taught.
It should know, it's a man. Probably having doubts again about being transgender queer and having suicidal thoughts like the faggot cross dresser it is.
Wew lad, those digits.
>when women are suicidal its a cry for attention
>when men are suicidal they get the fucking job done:
Well,he's a guy sooo
Exactly, kek
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
>suppressing emotion
>also known as : not being a bitch