Hamilton as in Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers? Am I missing something pol?
What the fuck is Hamilton?
>Miranda said that the portrayal of Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and other Caucasian historical figures by black and Hispanic actors should not require any substantial suspension of disbelief by audience members. "Our cast looks like America looks now, and that's certainly intentional", he said. "It's a way of pulling you into the story and allowing you to leave whatever cultural baggage you have about the founding fathers at the door."[98] He noted "We're telling the story of old, dead white men but we're using actors of color, and that makes the story more immediate and more accessible to a contemporary audience."[99]
>"Hamilton is a story about America, and the most beautiful thing about it is...it's told by such a diverse cast with a such diverse styles of music," says Renee Elise Goldberry, the actress who plays Angelica Schuyler. "We have the opportunity to reclaim a history that some of us don't necessarily think is our own."[100] The creator insists that all of the Founding Fathers be played by people of color, i.e. non-white, and is open to women playing as the Founding Fathers.[101]
You can find the entire opening number on youtube. Listen for yourself and form you own fucking opinion.
>Our cast looks like America looks now
How come whenever anyone says something along these lines, they're doing it while overrepresenting minorities and making whites almost nonexistent?
If the goal was to "represent america's diversity" like what they're always clamoring about, then they'd have 60-70% whites, 15% mexicans, and 13% blacks.
But instead "showing the diversity of the new america" always means one token white guy and 20 nogs.
Theatre is typically degenerate and this is no exception
Sheltered urban fantasies.
>Ooga boogas can't pay attention unless it's a fellow ape on stage, even those who are wealthy enough to go to a 1k a ticket play
/Threading your own post
H... How embarrassing sempai
i mean the life of alexander hamilton is amazing and its better subject matter than a bunch of faggots with aids. it just goes to show that white men will always fight to the top.
It's more like wealthy liberal urbanites won't pay $1k to see a musical about the founding fathers unless we add a super "progressive" gimmick and market it as the must-watch liberal musical of the millennium.
I always think the same thing, but then again, I think.
They better apologize.
Trump is gonna make a serious example of them when his term starts
>1 post by that ID
People in the future are going to think we're retarded.
I already think they're retarded. They're airheads. They don't even fucking exist.
Why make a musical about a white person and change them to non-white? Why not just make a musical about a non-white person? People who hate the race swapping bullshit won't be mad and the minorities who want more non-whites will have a historical figure to appreciate. Or is the point of that kind of thing to be a race baiting faggot hellbent on sticking it to whitey.
dude...WE should make a musical about Martin Luther King being a fucking white /pol weeb. That's the kind of shit that makes me feel odd in re: universe.
Bcuz we wuz in the egipt n sheet n build dem peeramids. we build ALL da peeminds in da HOLE WORLD. den u crackas cum wit dem dam dirtyass crackaass TRICKS n enslaves us.
dats y we be da in da theetas nao.
stay woke.
I unironically like "Hamilton." It just wish the director wasn't so married to the idea that "diversity" means "completely eliminate all white people from auditions." I mean, they intentionally cast it so that the only white person in the entire play is King George III. What the fuck man.
Why the fuck would Mike Pence waste his time seeing such garbage? Theater has always been full of shitlibs and degenerates. Apparently one of the actors is an HIV positive Hispanic.
Miranda is currently casting a MLK Jr biopic
Will she cast a white male as MLK?
Because inter dimensional hyper Chinese checkers
>Lin Manuel Miranda
Will xe cast a white male as MLK?
i did it for (you)
>implying civilized society will continue to exist 50 years in the future
>12% of the general population
>50% of the cast
>this looks like america
>the idea that "diversity" means "completely eliminate all white people
That's literally what diversity is. How new are you?
Someone suggested his wife or daughter might have wanted to see it. But I also think it's reasonable to imagine someone in Pence's position would have wanted to feel out how liberals / progressives view the founding fathers.
In short, a nigger with a Jew shot writer made an entire play with "founding Fathers" as niggers (it would be cultural appropriation were it the other way) and the Jews were so traumatized from #OscarssoWhite and having to let niggers ruin their movie gravy train, this shitty play has gotten a ton of good press in hopes the niggers will keep quiet if they don't win all the Oscars since they won all the Tonys. Understand?
The very same Jews who told you "Trump has zero percent chance of winning" tell you this is a great play.
It's an intellectually interesting concept, but I doubt they're doing it to really "make people think" or experience different perspectives.
They're just being obnoxious, lol. The "old dead white men" line gave away the true attitude and motive, imho.
Haha, yes, quite astute of you. "You gotta have a gimmick," isn't that what the other burlesque chicks told Gypsy Rose Lee? Still applies.
Heh. Make it so.
Dude that shit was a non story to begin with.
Not a bad idea
Yeah but King George fucking nailed it. I saw it with the original cast and KG was, by far, the favorite cast member.
When they were calling them out at the end of the play, applause for him just about brought the house down.
I wish the Russians would just nuke us already. This nation doesn't deserve to exist anymore.
>defeatest cuck who doesn't want to MAGA
Fuck off to Canada then bitch
My favorite part is reminding faggots that like this play that the real Hamilton was ruthlessly anti immigrant. Not just illegal immigration, but seriously against letting anyone but the wealthiest foreigners become citizens.
"Hamilton" is shit. Real Hamilton was based af
Because Hamilton is perfect for politicians, it shows all the glory of the founding fathers without any of that icky slavery and misogyny
But Hamilton was a foreigner.
Broadway producers are nothing but faggots and cucks with a huge load of white guilt.
They decided to make a play that would obfuscate white history while promoting nigger actors.
The result was Hamilton, a play about white president and his cabinet played by niggers who rap.
hamilton: diversity edition
Alexander Hamilton was Rothschilds' man, he was responsible for pushing the "Jews" banking efforts here.
Andrew Jackson is now a villain. Your welcome, stupid goy.
It's a really good play based on Alex Hamiltons' life.
The creator or actor seems more liberal but it's a good play
He drives a car real fast doesn't he?
can kek praise this
It's a fucking play. The fact that they have non-whites playing the characters should be irrelevant. It only matters because the other side has made a big deal of it: COME LOOK AT THESE BROWN PEOPLE PLAYING AS HAMILTON AND OTHER FOUNDING FATHERS IT'S SOOOO SPECIAL AND SIGNIFICANT YOU GUISE.