What if she turned out to be gay?
What if she turned out to be gay?
99,336,865 volts directly to the pussy
It would be shocking
Kek wills it
her very own day of the rope
4 U?
Deus Volt
If so, he probably passed it down to her.
He would try to fix her. Are sins and other character flaws only repugnant in strangers and endearing in family members. NO. they are equally repugnant in all. Do not overlook, excuse or indulge sin in those you love, for you do them more harm than if you were to abandon them on the street to die. Death of the spirit and separation from god is infinitely worse than death of the flesh.
Is there actual proof that he supports electrocuting homosexuals to cure them, or is it just a meme forced by CTR to lower his image?
it's a meme
It would be extremely painful
Where did she go to school? That is in Chicago. I Want to date her
Yeah, good luck with being a crazy person.
Has anyone called you a crazy person?
You're fucking crazy.
Or more precisely, you should be, at best, agnostic on the topic of religion.
it is dishonest
to assert
as fact
that which is not evidently
In other words, claiming to know
what you
because knowledge is demonstrable,
and measurable in its accuracy
Is dishonest, much like the character of your position.
>it is dishonest to assert as fact that which is not evidently true.
Nothing can ever truly be proven. I bet you still believe your mother exists.
Also what's up with your typing style?
She would do her womanly duty, marry, have children, and raise them to be healthy productive confident whole human beings.
he would give her the proper therapy to get it out of her.
30 gs of mushrooms and 2 cups of san pedro would make you think differently on that one buddy
Females cannot be straight or gay. They just want money and to feel safe.
she would be gassed on the spot