Look at what this waifu discovered when she visited paris and had in her mind "the romantic city" Fuck me ! We need to uncuck france, Make France great again, I was there 10 years ago as a kid and i was amazed at how many niggers were there. I can only imagine its 10x worse now.
>"Is this Africa?" - Japanese Girl goes on Paris vacation for her VLOG, can't believe her Eyes
Julian Smith
Luis Jones
Zachary Walker
link you fucking chetnik
Zachary Hernandez
Her eyes look weird as fuck, is it just me?
Asher Wilson
privileged white scum
Jace Diaz
Colton Richardson
Joseph Baker
>She fell for the Paris meme
Eli Bailey
Probably has coca cola bottled lenses, she cant see for shit
Top KEK you retard
You sucked trudeau today yet ?
Luke Stewart
But user, she just expected fewer black people
She hasn't been keeping up with the downfall of whitey