>Walmart uses YOUR tax dollars so it doesn't have to spend its own money to pay its workers
>Sup Forums defends Walmart
LIKE fucking pottery!!
>Walmart uses YOUR tax dollars so it doesn't have to spend its own money to pay its workers
>Sup Forums defends Walmart
LIKE fucking pottery!!
Smart business move.
Has someone saw Assange?
What the fuck?
Trump needs to start executing
>I love intelligent men to cum in my ass
I doubt you'll see much defense of this. This sucks. You shouldn't be eligible for government gimmes if you have a full time job. If you pay for X hours of labor per week then you should have no more than X/40 + 1 employees.
smart business move, the obvious solution is to end foodstamps.
Walmart is consistently in the top 5 of top 500 companies to work for on the planet. If you're not a retard you'll get promoted rapidly.
I manage a retail shop called "Christmas Tree Shop", a Walmart headhunter emailed me a few months ago to interview for an Operations Comptroller position for a district of stores they're building in New York.
Offered me a 5 year contract, guaranteed salary/bonuses, benefits, more than doubled my current salary and a relocation fee of $8,500.
I don't see the issues people have with Walmart. At one point they started with a single store and through tenacity and genius decision making have cornered the entirety of American commerce (retail and grocery).
The only people who prattle on about Walmart are small business owners who got cucked out of their lifestyle and disgruntled GED educated funployees.
If you don't want to work at Walmart, don't.
If you do, you're accepting the deal.
>leftists will stutter at this
define recieve?
you mean employees got govt shit?
or govt took money from wal mart and gave itto employees?
How to not be poor
>Graduate High School
>Work full time
>Don't over extend your credit
>Don't have more kids than you can afford
Seriously. That's it. Of the people who do those 4 things, some tiny number of them like a single percent live in poverty.
Don't worry, they'll be making even more money soon. Based Trump, maybe they'll give some of that to their employees.
Idiots. That's not wal-marts fault, it's the fault of democratic hand outs and business regulations that fly in the face of free market capitalism. Walmart is taking advantage of the government interference, which as we all should know, kills the economy it's trying to save.
THIS IS A PROBLEM AND YOU SHOULD BE PISSED. But you're aiming the anger in the wrong direction.
leftists think that walmart should pay the floor workers like $20/hr for some reason, and because they don't it must be a bad place to work.
Of course, most leftists wouldn't ever be able to work in anything besides stocking shelves, so that's why they're mad.
How about ending free trade and globalism/marxism so Walmart can't use sweatshop labor to exploit our domestic market?
Part time workers get their food stamps reduced in proportion to their income. All businesses that employ people reduce the burden placed on food stamp programs.
The subverted goym in his natural habitat.
Grateful to his kike overlords for the opportunity to wage slave for them while bashing those who opted for entrepreneurism to avoid getting cucked
>Sup Forums still goes to Walmart
>despite the Walton family donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons
You can't make this shit up.
Aren't you the self proclaimed pacifist guy who got caught masterbating to anime??
I hate Walmart and never shop there
I do love seeing Amazon giving Walmart a taste of their own medicine.
Aren't you the sociopathic autist who wanders online imageboards from his mother's basement to post images of men at strangers?
>Walmart is taking advantage of the government
THIS IS what polacks ACTUALLY tell themselves!!
>Walmart is taking advantage of YOU
Those small business owners didn't have good business models obviously. Sucks but it's happened to me, I once upon a time owned a coffee shop, Starcucks paid me to leave it rather than even try to compete. Was called The Cozy Castle.
Business is business. At the end of the day your hurt feelings aren't going to feed my kids, me making a good wage will. Your gibsmedat mentality is embarrassing.
wtf we need to end food stamps and medicaid NOW so they can't get away with this!
>somebody's ass hurt
Wal Mart didn't receive anything, their employees did. Nobody made Wal Mart's employees get on the teat. Get rid of social programs and Wal Mart employees would receive $0.
Translation: walmart employees are on welfare, so it's walmart's fault.
No. they wont.
t. Associate
> Fight for scraps or starve.
What a novel idea,i take it you are a billionaire, or a suck boy for a billionaire?
>you can earn 9 dollars an hour, no overtime, and still get snap
>you can earn 10 dollars an hour in most states and still qualify
I think I know why Walmart gets to put so many people into these programs.
nobody asked you about your fetish, creep
You could work for two hours a week at McDonalds and not starve.
i just quit my job at wal mart today. i only worked there for 2 weeks.
>implying anyone is starving in the US
No, that only happens in socialist countries
>maybe if i coat my bolshevik rhetoric with lines about kikes i'll win them over to my cause!
itt, retards act like walmart would pay its workers fuck all if the government weren't providing unrelated social services to keep people from starving and give them healthcare.
nice propaganda work for a corporation with ties to the clinton foundation
Not an argument. Nice b8 u got me.
jidf pls go
fuck off kike with your "freedumbs"
>deport 11 million beaners
>low skilled worker shortage
>more competitive wages for low income earners
>less people in poverty and on welfare
>big business kikes lose money
Quick, someone elect me. I'm on fire.
A small business will never be able to compete with mega corporations. The only thing that keeps small business like independent grocers and coffee shops alive are hipster faggots.
There is a growing malnutrition epidemic in the US, you should learn basic shit before commenting on it. but that wasn't my point anyway.
The point is, is that elites like milton friedman, the scum in the federal reserve and on wall street encourage scarcity and weak job security to drive wages down to keep inflation down. Most people have nothing to gain from arguing the bullshit you and others are arguing in this thread, except from a sense of intellectual superiorty from retardedly weak "arguments" and sloganeering.
The US is fucking retarded. People who work shouldn't be eligible for government handouts.
We're redefining what constitutes "malnutrition" in the U.S.
I want the fed abolished. I don't want a fiat currency.
You're barking up the wrong tree.
In Sup Forums world this wouldn't work to begin with because there would be no EBT.
>I'm a pacifist libertardation, cum fuck me in my ass h o l e
>I'm a real man! I'm a pacifist and I don't care who knows it!
I think I'm going to quit on Wednesday, if not earlier.
I'm playing a game I like to call job chicken. I'm going to see how long I can make it before turning in my keys and walkie and telling the management to fuck themselves.
Word of wisdom to anyone considering working at Wal-Mart, do not take a promotion. It is so much shit on a daily basis, ridiculous expectations that change whenever you meet them, shit training, and the only answer you ever get from management on how to do something is "I don't know, figure it out"
It's good for testing your limits of stress tho, it just destroys your soul in the process.
>You shouldn't be eligible for government gimmes if you have a full time job
I wish this were true. Too many areas of the country where working 40 hours a week with shit pay will not make you enough money for a tiny apartment and food.
Why people still live in big cities is a mystery to me but I think it's because urban people are stupid.
>pay more in rent than you would for a mortgage because you want to live in a noisy area where everyone is rude to each other
Fuck that. I can walk outside and fire guns off my back porch, I can listen to music as loud as I want and it will never bother anyone, etc.
Also less than 1150/mo for a mortgage with a 2400 sq ft house with a giant basement and 14 acres. I used to pay like 650 a month to live in a big city and share a small apartment with 3 other dudes. What a fucking waste.
That being said you probably don't want to get a mortgage until the next bubble bursts.
>pacifist is an insult