So, why isn't Trump's plan to get rid of Common Core and cut the Education Department getting more attention? Isn't this one of the most important issues of our time, next to the economy and foreign affairs?
why is everyone afraid to pop the student loan bubble?
Because common core is bad, schools being controlled from federal level isn't working well, and the current system is getting shit results for current funding levels. The current education system k-12 needs to drained in the swamp.
of course, but why isn't it in the open right now? it's being swept under the rug by things like media indoctrination when the true sinister plot is the undermining of the american education system, why the fuck is this not the most important thing? why is Sup Forums so short sighted?
If you agreed to pay money, why should your debt be forgiven?
No one forced anyone to take student loans, they took the loans by choice, with free will. They should pay their debts.
if you guys give such a shit about the pedogate scandals, why are you sitting idly by while their minds are being raped as well?
So...for things that haven't happened yet...there should be reporting?
And the sinister plot is to give more control back to the states foe education?
i'm saying pop it by restricting the loans to begin with, stop giving out subprime loans to people who never intend to pay it back! look at what happened with the housing bubble, subprime lending for houses that would never be paid for! it must be stopped! the effort required to get the loan in the first place is an ultimate test to assure that the person is even ready for college!
Thierry minds being raped by common core?
dude, you don't understand. I'm saying the millenials have been indoctrinated already and are becoming the teachers of the next generation, without strict reform of the education system, our children will be destroyed by the same demoralization that the millenials suffered.
You can redo the system all you want, until the niggers leave it's going to stay bad.
Because Colleges are a pyramid scheme.
I agree, they should only give loans to good students going into fields that will have the means to pay them back.
of course, it's ruining children, making them less intelligent, confusing them instead of instructing them, and i don't just mean common core, but the rest of the educational system, especially at higher education levels, in which professors refuse to teach what is necessary for truly productive members of society to be created.
do you really think all these liberal idiots parading out of their safe space colleges onto the streets are a result of the media alone? of course not! it's the indoctrination of their minds while sitting the majority of their young adult lives in a classroom with a subversive fucking commie!
I agree, the current teacher stock of liberal/sjw cuts is ruining a generation.
I was sent to good private schools, so will my kids.
Engineering departs are still no nonsense education. The rest of them need to be reset.
of course! if you're just going to give them 20k for feminist studies, they're just reinforcing the opinion that they're doing something worthwhile, but if they get a big FU from the banks who don't want to fund their idiocy, they might second guess that field and work towards something that's worth a shit
it won't matter how angry the professors get, if they're not given the loans, they can't go to the classes that are utterly worthless. I always hear people laugh when they see students learning dumb shit saying "oh they'll have to pay for that shit eventually, why waste it?" when in reality the taxpayer will be the eventual person holding the bill, it'll be a fucking disaster.
all these gets, Kek is within me, and wants this topic to be grasped by the eye of Sup Forums.
I hope he doesn't employ Michelle Rhee. Perhaps I was mistaken but she was an onerous bitch when she worked here in D.C.
Satan Junior has spoken, and his words are wise.
The problem isn't the cost of education, it's that we're enabling the enormous cost inflation by making cheep money available to reduce the sensitivity of consumers to that cost.
because it would be popular amongst teachers
I just think this ought to be one of the things at the forefront, we're losing the war, we may have won a battle, but if we don't deal with this shit, this country is fucking over with. If we don't educate people properly, they will never be able to get out of the rut that this country is currently in. Our paradise will swiftly transform into dystopia.
>tfw my state straight up outlawed common core
Eat shit, non-Texans.
Also I thought testing for competence is mostly a sham, as far as that being a singular focus of schools when the real issue is segregation and minorities who are not smart enough to pass educational standards.
fuck teachers, they're ruining the children and they don't even give a shit about anything but their salaries!
well, i guess this won't ever take on with Sup Forums, their ideals are just as empty as the damned liberals, they finally have a chance to change something real, and they give it up to talk about fucking Hamilton. bunch of plebs.
>blaming common core for shit
no amount of school bluepilling can corrupt a kid raised right on a proper family environment with the right role models
commie core and the college indoctrination scheme at the expense of a massive student debt bubble that will inevitably destroy the country and everyone is shitting themselves over immigration. hell, guess who's getting a loan right now? a fucking illegal immigrant is sitting in a classroom being taught that the country they came to is evil and how to undermine it while fucking underaged suburban white women. but nooooo who gives a fuck. no one gives a shit that muslim teachers are governing our children.
it's not just that, they need to fucking LEARN something. A good family needs to work, they can't constantly teach their children basic things like mathematics with a mortgage.
Agreed. God forbid they're given a reason to promote Trump in any way. There's too many future globalist minds at stake.
more kek approved gets and still the thread flounders, guess meme magic is weakened after the gift of trump.
you're under a grave misapprehension if you believe that Trump's successes within his administration would ever reach any of the ears of the insulated students of america, no, all that would be known is the simplistic and hateful ideology that has crafted the mindless millenial.
Because the Common Core is a means to destroy the K12 system and teachers unions through privatization. Right now there is no difference between hiring a union teacher and a tutor because by law they have to teach the exact same shit. Education is a commodity and the CC has purified it into something that can be sold to parents directly.
Similar "reforms" await the college system, which will be forced into a similar standardization scheme over the next decade. First with a "no college left behind" type act then their own "common college core" system that will in effect make the K12 system into a K18 system. And Sup Forums will embrace it as it will completely destroy the power of academics and professors, who will be pushed out of the business by part-time tutors.
This month's National Affairs journal had an excellent piece on it, but it's only in print.
well that's the problem, man! we need to get rid of it, this isn't a pro-common core thread, it's an anti-common core thread. I just wish people could meme it like they did trump, and accomplish something against it to stop it from ruining the education system even further, and maybe even put forward some productive systems that will afford our children an opportunity to succeed.
Republicans want to destroy the "traditional" academic system for their own profit. Huge money is to be made by privatizing schools and thanks to the rise of the Internet the tools for it now exist. The same is true of colleges, which will be completely destroyed from the bottom up during the final phase of this process.
Professors, like teachers, will strike and will use their students to rally for them but ultimately it will be in vain as their superiors inside the Department of Education have already sold them out. It's just a matter of time and they will loose. Most will settle for a quiet retirement, their 200 year style of teaching ending with themselves.
It's not going to happen. I myself am not in favor of the CC, it's too centralized, but it's never going away. The CC was the inevitable result of the NCLB which is still law and will likely always remain law. Once standardized testing was allowed to determine teacher pay, the cat was out of the bag and it's impossible to go back.
For their own profit? if you mean long term profit by ending the subprime lending frenzy going on with student loans, then yeah it's for everyone's profit. I fail to see how the republicans will gain any direct money from ruining the best laid plans of the commies to indoctrinate children.
It's ironic that Trump University is important to the liberals but the destruction of the common mind in every college across america is no big deal.
Yet another failure of even the simplest ideal professed by the liberals at large, education is important to them, yet they don't even begin to question their methods when they see American education slip into oblivion. It's a fucking joke, I give up. To hell with the children.
im sure he has said in a debate or some place he wants to get rid of it
cya kids. your minds are the jew's now.
Publishers stand to make incredible amounts of money by becoming a consumer business. Costs will come down for consumers (student loans as a thing will become mostly defunct), but people will also have no control over what their kid is taught in school. This is a far cry from what education was like before the NCLB two decades ago.
>It's ironic that Trump University is important to the liberals but the destruction of the common mind in every college across america is no big deal.
Most liberals are outraged by the Common Core, especially those in education who have to take orders from the feds. Ever remember having a young, optimistic female teacher in school? Those people are now in a rock and a hard place because they can't do their own curriculum anymore. Which means (amongst other things) no SJW shit outside the mandated SJW shit in the cirriculum. This gets liberals very angry as rituals they enjoyed as children (ie field trips to the holocaust museum or the place MLK was shot at) are no longer allowed.
However, there's nothing they can do. Both parties are indifferent as one of them (Democrats) like the centralization while the other (Republicans) will use this as an opportunity to dismantle privatize an entire public service. And ultimately normal people will eat it up as it means it'll be easier to take kids out of public schools and into better preforming tutoring centers. Such a thing is already popular with upper middle class types in big cities.
The biggest online schools are free. Uninformed dumbass.