Post a conflict/battle your country was in that you are very proud of.
Post a conflict/battle your country was in that you are very proud of
Other urls found in this thread:
Vietnam war
All of them
>proud of all the battles
Even that time you got the shit kicked out of you by an uninhabited island?
my personal favorite, we didnt get rid of all of them sadly
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
lol wtf
Any battle in which we killed Anglo scum
this one was a good lark
Chuckee ar lah.
The 2016 Meme war
Ah, Arminius. The original WE WUZ
the great Iraq war
the destroyer hit a landmine and the split ground forces spotted each other and opened fire because they expected to find japs
sea mine**
Kaiser = BTFO, Latvians = owe us a beer
absolute god tier
Germans BTFO
Will they ever recover?
Family member got killed during this battle.
Why is Iran the most based muslim country?
From the same conflict
Did we have to actually fight them or was it enough to turn two people against each other?
Illsidur was our guy.
>that time america and russia teamed up against the jews and bitchslapped the uk so hard they lost superpower status
>Look, mom! We killed a bunch of sand niggers while we had the advantage!
Pffft... amateur...
Germany recovered pretty good after the war.
Better than France or GB I would say.
>US and USSR on the same side after WW2
That made me hard. I guess I will really love the next four years.
2006 war between hezbollah and Israel
Battle of bint jbeil
Approx 5000 Israeli soldiers against about 100 hezbollah soldiers holed up in the town
Shit was intense
The battle of Orgreave
>US destroyed Iraq in 100 hours with virtually no casualties
>Finals had to sign a peace treaty after 105 days and 70,000 casualties
Sorry but we won that one.
Btw you did kill a bunch of commies so good for you Finland
>MUH one-thousand year reich
30-year war, Great Northern war.
Espescially the battle of Narva.
How about you guys give some interesting details and highlights instead of just posting random pics?
What's going on here for example?
>inb4 google it
Were you there mate?
Sounds crazy.
October Revolution and civil war.
Battle of Kursk, Moscow counter-offence, other WWII critical battles.
All wars of Peter the Great
The eternal kraut
First gulf war.
US coalition destroyed the Iraqi army in 100 hours. Schwarzkopf led it like a boss.
Look up the "Reveille Engagement". A US Marine reserve unit of college students, plumbers, teachers and fathers BTFO the Iraqi army and took out 119 vehicles and captured 800 soldiers. They took out 34 tanks in 90 seconds.
A valiant defeat is worth more than curbstomping some untermench.
>Btw you did kill a bunch of commies so good for you Finland
Still, not bad what US did back in the 90's, though I wish Bush hadn't fucked up Iraq so bad back in 2003 and Obama hadn't caused an immigrant wave into Europe.
> US destroyed a terrorist killing dictatorship
> dissolves Iraqi army & state services
> castouts form militant groups
> thousands in US casualties over the next years trying to stabilize an unimportant shithole country
> 2016
> ISIS still owns a chunk of Iraq
> Iraq far from stable
Please do explain how you won that one with 100 hours of fancy fireworks.
It was unironically a Napoleon's masterpiece.
Praise Poniatowski
We fucked it the second time around. We should make Israel do fight next time.
What happened Sweden?
Whole Winter War in general. Soviet Union couldn't conquer Finland in WW2 despite having massive advantage in forces.
>soviets threaten us
>US pussies out, screwing its allies in favour of its cold war enemy and proceeds to suck israel's dick for the next 60+ years in apology
No we slaughtered a pack of fleeing cowards, who were incredibly stupid enough to land a SCUD on Dhahran, killing US personnel, just hours earlier.
Other user is right though, Fins are pretty based, no confusing you with surrender monkeys.
>thinks the second Iraq war is the same as the first
Swiss education everyone.
We BTFO the Iraqi army, killed the sand niggers, and then left. Saddam rebuilt Iraq, the Kurds weren't getting killed anymore. It was one of the cleanest and most successful wars in history.
Show me what wars the Swiss mountain Jews have fought in.
Are you 6 or something?
Operation Paul Bunyan shall always be my absolute favorite military event.
Why were they able to kick so much ass?
They weren't fleeing, they were retreating, a tactical decision and an acceptable target.
313 less leafs is a win in my least they are somewhat human. You lost to flightless birds abo.
Proud of all the battles of the Russian Empire and USSR
day of the rake when?
The Great Northern War. The zenith of the the Swedish Empire. The pinnacle of Stormaktstiden. Despite trashing the Poles, Saxons, Danes and Russians every inch of the way, we could only hold them off for so long. We never recovered. Our golden age died on the fields of Poltava, and our golden king in the trenches of Fredrikshald. Still, the sacrifices of the Caroleans echo throughout our history. If there is ever honour in defeat, this war is the embodiment of it.
Agreed. I would fist bump you through the internet if I could.
what sort of communist cellphone is this
>this trigger the anglos
>Dirty Brits catch us with our pants down
>Try to burn down the whitehouse
>God sends a freak hurricane
>Sinks the British ships
>Puts out the fire
>Two tornadoes spin out of it that kill a bunch of British soldiers
>British leave
Thanks, God
Sony with 2014 theme
This is basicaly everything you need to know about America. Always makes me laugh.
When it comes to us. That time we defended the Europe with our brothers from Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Croatia in the battle for Vienna against Turks. If that battle was lost there would be no Europe as we know it.
The US military has technology that was 50 years more advanced than the Soviet made weapons.
The Iraqi Army was full of conscripts that were illiterate and they were used to killing civilians, instead of actual soldiers. They also spent the last 10 years fighting Iran.
Why do you think Vietnam didn't go the same way?
Pic is of the "Highway of Death". Iraqi forces fleeing from Kuwait in military vehicles and many civilian cars/buses, packed with all the loot they could carry. Coming just hours after the Dhahran missile attack, order was given to stop the Iraqi column from exiting Kuwait. First aircraft on the scene attacked the lead vehicles, creating a traffic jam of hundreds of vehicles. What followed was a vengeance-fueled massacre by coalition aircraft on the trapped column.
We btfo the Iraqis in Kuwait resulting in their entire army trying to use that road to flee back into Iraq, but our Air Force turned it into a shooting gallery
2016 presidential elections
>Estonian sou*ce
We held back in Vietnam.
Fair enough
Vietnam was a political war. Terrible ROE, it was led by politicians instead of Generals. Civil unrest in the US. Poor strategy that was focused on trying to kill as many VC, rather than destroying the NV government by conventional means.
Persian Gulf war was a conventional "real" war. Public supported it, most of the world really. It had actual enemy targets.
Greatness came. Greatness went. And greatness shall come again.
All of them. We will destroy you all soon.
I personally find this one more fitting
>losing is cooler than winning
So basically like every war that America fought
Election Day 2016
Sweden mehr had enough manpower. They had to keep on winning or they would lose hard. Their decline was decided at the Battle of Poltava.
They had struck harsher blows to Russia several times in that war than what the Russians struck to them during that battle, but the Russians had more manpower, Sweden didn't.
>Get your assed kicked by Mehmet and the Turkroaches in Gallipolli
>Make it a national holiday
Australicucks everyone
Vimy is more remembred however Arthur Currie was one of our best commanders in history.
I thought it was a leaf before I saw the flag tbqfmd
>War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it; the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.
nevar forget ;_;
>killing your own allies
do you have brain damage ?
4 years of gruesome death follow
good job
Not really
The Indian wars were very unconventional. The Philippine rebellions, Moro rebellions, Pancho Villa expedition, and the Banana wars were all unconventional.
The difference between those wars and Vietnam was that Vietnam was led by civilians.
>Although heavily outnumbered, the 27th Brigade held their positions into the afternoon before the Australians were finally withdrawn to positions in the rear of the brigade, with both sides having suffered heavy casualties. The Chinese then turned their attention to the Canadians on Hill 677, but during a fierce night battle they were unable to dislodge them.
Anglos getting together to beat up Chinks