Will she make Canada great again?
Will she make Canada great again?
Who cares?
nope. im not voting for some dumb ass hoe. im actually going to vote for Trudeau if the Cuckservative Party of Canada bars O'Leary from running
Yes. We need to filter out all of those that don't hold the Canadian value of worshiping Allah.
No she's a woman women shouldn't govern.
And also why is she practicing medicine only men should do that... do you really want some woman operating on you??
>make Canada great again
She's an orthopaedic surgeon no thanks.
Disgusting hate speech like that has no place in Canada.
Fuck off Jew.
What the fuck is wrong with her voice fellow leafs
Yet disgusting anti-white speech should be allowed because muh privileged?
She's an autistic gibble
>im actually going to vote for Trudeau
I would unironically Vote for A Trans, Pansexual, Half-Aboriginal, Half Jewish, Banker who advocates for the death of every white person in the country than fucking Trudeau
White peoples inherent privilege and racism has to be eliminated.
Canada is done just like Germany.
Accept it. Merkel will be re-elected or a even more antiwhite Government takes charge. And Trudeau can do so much damage in 3 years.
Looks like she's the only candidate who looks remotely Nationalist, so yeah she has my vote.
If she starts look un-Trumpy I will vote Green, who btw are the only Canadian party who want to end the temporary foreign workers program.
Idk about that.
thats a man baby
will she grab her by the pussy ?
Why would vote for a greedy Arab? O'Leary doesn't give two shits about Canada.
Pick one
Who's that old tranny?
No, Sup Forums is putting all of our meme magic behind Mad Max Bernier
Lisping wallflower zionist bitch
Dyke haircut and manface. 0/10 would not vote for.
Best case scenario for us leafs is for the US to annex us, or the monarch to literally do a fucking military coup against the Liberal Government.
I'm not certain yet, I suppose I'll have a better grasp during the December debate.
As of now my vote is between her and Andrew Scheer.
i wouldnt go that far but yeah trudeau isnt great
He's anti-establishment. Like me. Fuck you pee-brained retard
>confirmed for trans, pansexual, half-chug, half-kike
So, I just want to preface this by saying I stumbled upon this site from Reddit, and HOLY FUCK SHIT I HATE YOU GUYS. What the fuck.
No. Fucking fat fucks like you (nice proxy Amerifat) keep trying to tell us what's good for us.
Fuck you, and FUCK OFF.
This country (YOUR country, you proxy using LYING PIECE OF SHIT) is disgusting and truly full of fats.
>inb4 Canada has no cultures
Yeah, fuck off.
"imma fat Texan buy muh water filterz hur hur"
>amerifats are stupid enough to buy this due to their """education"""
I can't wait till I leave and come back to my home lands.
And FUCK YOU for telling me what to do, you fat fuck.
I'm going to be voting for the man who represents my country's interests; TRUDEAU
Hm haha. You stupid fat fuck. You can't see me right now, and for the first time in your short medicated life it ISNT because your eyes are swollen shit by your disgusting oily fat deposits surprising, because if you could, you'd see me shaking my head condescendingly at you.
You stupid fucking American.
You human toilet seat
You waste of fucking air
I'm laughing because of how sure of yourselves you are. How ASSURED you are when you make catastrophic decisions that fuck your own people and people from much better places like mine over.
Fuck America and fuck all of the Americans reading this.
Fuck you for destabilizing the Middle East
Fuck you for creating Isis
Fuck you for speeding your cancerous """""""culture""""" to the rest of the globe
Fuck you for not electing Bernie Sanders
Fuck you for making cheap high fattening and sweetened sodas
Fuck you for disparaging undocumented immigrants
Fuck you for killing black people for no reason
Fuck you for rejecting poor refugees
You fat fucks deserve Trump. I'm going to do my part and make sure the same mistake doesn't happen in my much better country.
Fuck off back to Africa nigger.
Both sides of this thing are pants-on-head. Identifying with either side confirms retardation.
Retardation? Yeah, really? Like you?
Go fuck yourself. Seriously. You people have problems.
Being honest here the American dream has died in America and Canada has taken its place.
Exactly. Is there a way I can make this post more visible?
I don't see an option of up voting. There's also plenty of posts I don't want seen either.
>mfw Trump talks about annexing us, then forgets about it because we aren't important enough.
When the fuck was it great and where was I when this was taking place?
Canada has always fucking sucked. Our whole society is based around trying to make ourselves feel better than our neighbours to the south because we know we have absolutely no chance to compete. So we'll be the kind ones, the ones with free health care, the caring ones, the soft spoken ones, the polite ones, and the generous ones. Because Christ knows all we can get is moral superiority when we know we're being laughed at.
Is that how that works? Just say "+kek" or "-kek"?
Ok, thanks!
Is that the fart lady?
> She
Canadian Traps are not cute enough
No, she's exactly the same as every other so-called "conservative" (in reality open-borders pro-free trade globalists) except for some reason that I and presumably many others can't understand, she says good things about Trump while being nothing like him and having policies completely different from his.
Every time I see her I think it is a man in a dress.
>open-borders pro-free trade globalists
Welcome to right-wing economics?
Neoliberalism =/= right-wing
It's left-wing "progressive" social policies and right-wing economic policies.
No, it's exclusively left-wing because it's a revolutionary ideology that wants to fundamentally alter society to be some gay multiracial society of the world.
Why didn't Western qt Michelle Rempel run?
>revolutionary ideology
It's right-of-center bullshit the bourgeoisie engage in to feel good about themselves while not changing fucking anything of substance.
nah. they are just custom tailoring some "alt right" politicians because it is becoming trendy and marketable to do so.
it'll all be against the whites in canada, in the long run.
just like with trump. its all an act.
"nationalism" what does it even mean? people like their flag, sing patriotic songs and argue about whose sports team is better? so what, it is just a trend. just bullshit. its all corporatism.
Left-wing = idealist
Right-wing = realist
Globalism is an idealist ideology because it goes against the way that humans naturally behave, thus it's left-wing.
>wants NDP-level immigration
nope. Her positions, even those I agree with, are untenable with blue-pill canada.
Mad Max is our best bet.
Left-wing = socialist
Right-wing = capitalist
Globalism is a way to reap mad profits and exploit less developed countries, thus it's right-wing.
Fucking Quebec people will never allow a right wing revolution in Canada. All independence movements are traitorous.
Hey buddy, we're in the 21st century now. The Soviets aren't out to get you anymore, so time to adapt.
Canada was never great
It is America's retarded brother
And who says THAT is a she?
Maxime Bernier is the only one who doesn't seem like a cuck. He's my guy.
Lol, Quebec provincial politics is focused on making muslims want to leave Quebec and on reducing immigration, while federal politics is all "privatise the CBC" and "free trade."
Who's right-wing now?
She's already got my vote.
No, it's time to Make the Left Socialist Again.
Neoliberal identity politics derailed Occupy Wall Street.
Left-right changes with the change in political situation. Revolutionary communism is no longer a threat, so in the 21st century, left=globalist and right=nationalist.
globalist kikes sent thugs to burgle her house last week, a cheap and cowardly intimidation tactic
we must rally behind her
What's this beautiful woman's name?
>dyke cut
>"progressive" conservative
Nope, just another neo-con that'll fuck this place over
>wanting a "woman leader"
>globalist kikes sent thugs to burgle her house last week, a cheap and cowardly intimidation tactic
Don't give me shit about what you yourself have painted with the label "the left".
>Revolutionary communism is no longer a threat
Quite the contrary. The wider the wealth gap, the bigger the threat. You'd be surprised how amicable to socialism poor people are. And more than half of Americans are 500 dollars away from being out on the street.
Delusion isn't just a river in... oh wait
This. Whether it's the Leitch King, O'Leary, Trudeau, even Mulcair--the entire deck's stacked against us. Canadians have no real choice, and I sure as shit don't look forward to our coming elections.
Lads, prepare your anuses for McWynnety on a national scale.
Trump supporters were called delusional too.
Because the media missed out on the massive portion of the population that wants a populist/nationalist in power.
You're Rhinoceros-Party-for-PM-tier delusional
DID YIU JUST ASSUME XIR GENDER!!! There's no place for that in this post national 2016 Canada
Nationalism ruined Europe, cuck.