>Donald Trump has yet to arrange to speak with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, despite the Swedish leader sending him a congratulatory letter and the US President-elect already calling Denmark’s Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen.
Donald Trump has yet to arrange to speak with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven...
>waiting for Trump to call
What a fucking beta. If he wants to talk to Trump he needs to pick up the phone and call. Sitting around like a wallflower at the fucking prom isn't going to do shit.
Well there it is right, there folks. Stereotypes are reality.
Oh shit, does the US have any weapons with a blast radius that'll reach the UK shores when Sweden is obliterated?
The meme that swedes are the most atheist is rubbish. Swedes are extremely religious, and the religion is american pop culture.
I really hope Trump takes a hard stance against Sweden and Merkel. The perception of all our wanna-be-californian hipsters is already getting shattered by Trump. Keep it up.
There is still a Swedish government? You learn something new everyday. I had assumed it was an ISIS administrated territory.
Dansker governmet is based
Trump was right, I'm already tired of winning
Or get on a goddamn plane and show up at Trump Tower like the nips did.
I bet you wear flanellskjorta and raka jiins.
Dräp dä
This isn't fair! We only supported Hillary because she was supposed to win! So what if we said a few nasty things along the way?
Trump can't treat Sweden like this. This is fascism.
Even Trudeau had enough dignity to phone Trump.
Just wait until they find out that Trump called Jimmie already :)
>Please respond
Looks like we found this seasons jeb
He probably waits for an offer to fuck his wife.
I kek'd so hard I thin I have woken up my neighbors
I agree. Swedes love reading the Koran.
We don't negotiate with cucks.
r/sweden might have really fucked you guys but good.
Someone needs to stand up to our government. Löfven is the biggest meme we've had in this country. People mocked Göran Persson but Löfven is a mentally retarded toddler.
>pls notice me trump senpai
Seems to be a lot of this going around lately
>pls respond
What a cuck
Bannon knows what a SJW shithole Sweden is so he told Trump to do this on purpose.
Löfven needs to get into the gas chamber.
Too busy getting mad on Twitter about Pence being booed at Hamilton.
Bomb Sweden
>and the religion is american pop culture.
What you're talking about is about as "American" as that little cesspool of pedophiles and drug addicts that we call Hollywood. Our pop culture doesn't represent what life in America is like, or what people think about and fret over. I think the only recent piece of big media that's really "American" in nature is Breaking Bad. I was actually surprised, when the almighty cunts aired something as ballsy as that show.
It's not pop culture, and it's not American. It's infantilism and indulgence that massive corporations have propagated for the sole purpose of moving more product.
>Bomb Sweden
Well, duh. Trump called the future PM of Sweden, not this loser.
It's a good thing that Trump doesn't want anything to do with your shit PM. Why would he want to tell him his plans?
He wasn't too bothered about May either, good.
But who did he have in Trump tower? Who did he call his friend for life?
Trump want's to uncuck Europe. Trump is half Scottish remember, he knows all about the EU and how damaging it is to member nations. Trump would hang your PM if he could.
Trump knows Sweden is cucked.
Why the fuck would anyone want talk to him. He doesn't deseve s call.
Trumps sons confirmed Sup Forums
Even the God Emperor himself would have browsed with a $2000 whiskey after putting Melania to sleep. He would have seen the sweden yes memes and disregarded them, to focus on MAGA>
Swedes and Americans do not need any faith in God, we have faith in the state instead.
great big shit sandwich isn't it. faith in the state, unreal.
>If he wants to talk to Trump he needs to pick up the phone and call
He's a socialist, he can't actively show interest, his party wouldn't accept that. He's trying to balance internal party politics, national politics and foreign politics at the same time, and he sux at all of it so he has only one choice - don't offend Trump and do nothing at home.