>not buying gold
whats your excuse?
>not buying gold
whats your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
if federally backed currency becomes worthless the only precious metals are lead and brass
They make gold in legos now?
Any Spain anons ITT willing to do the right thing and burgle OP?
it looks like a pill
I feel like swalling it
>burgle OP
Literally not worth it for 50 grams of gold. You'd spend more in gas going to his favela
My mom actually bought me some gold and silver for my bday. Not a lot, but it's a nice addition to my portfolio(which she made me start in the first place).
God bless you mom.
>falling for the gold jew
fucking lmao
only idiots invest in gold
I don't have money for a pack of fucking smokes, you think I can afford gold.
Tip top fucking kek I hate this country
>only idiots invest in gold
I agree
but only if you INVEST
I'd rather spend it on male prostitutes.
>Buy gold goy!
Jews own the previous metals buisiness you stupid fuck.
>Not investing in ammo, firearms, food and water
>"wasteland vault dwelling stalker will you trade your food and water for my shiny metal?"
in my country, a pack to Camel costs $47 pesos, which equals $2.27 USD
how much is a pack of cigarrates there?
> tabs of the best acid
Sign me up
oh really, cause the failsafe for when the wests money systems possibly fails, gold will most likely be the anchor everyone falls back to.
Its the ultimate fail-safe for when the biggest banking scam in human history burst
Gold is THE best thing to invest in.
Marlboro Gold 26 kn (3.6$)
>World Economy collapses
>Survivors start to recover
>Suddenly a bunch of bankers and others who caused collapse appear and declare the new 'value' of their gold at 10 times pre collapse and try and set up new banks
I think people would be more likely to say fuck you and hang them than accept a bunch of people who stockpiled gold now have all the wealth again
Those combi-bars are way over priced.
$74.28 pesos
it isn't that expensive
maybe you are just too poor
>buying gold
If the economy crashes what the fuck do I want shiny shit for...What's to stop the Jews from saying matzo balls aren't considered currency? Invest in rifles and ammo.
So what you're saying is you're the richest beaner in wetback land?
I carry about 10k in gold and silver and 5 in Bitcoin but the rest is in equity
My dads got about 100k in his house in gold though
>bought a shitload of silver a few years ago when it was hovering around $40 an ounce
>it's not even half as valuable now
Is there still hope, boys?
The western money system will inevitably fail.
$5-ish for Mboro in my southern state
That's right. Real countries use fiat currency backed by nothing and run by substitute drama teachers.
I've read that you should keep at least 10% of your assets in gold.
Not a lot, but enough to hedge your bets with the stock market.
>Not buying gold mining stock instead
Gold is a meme investment. It's ok if it's a negligible part of your portfolio, but if you invest PRIMARILY in gold, you're an idiot who fell for a meme.
>lol i'll invest in gold, it has le intrinsic value, unlike fiat money
Yeah nah.
Oh wow, way to show that you got suckered into that pyramid scheme
Good, now clean your fucking nails.
>not stocking up on ammo and Infowars rations
You know there was a Twilight Zone episode about this? The survivors traded bars of gold for drops of water.
I'm a student m8, money I earn goes for rent, food and bills, and Im not making a lot of money tbqh
Screwed myself over this month, gambled away 500 kn in a casino and now I have no smokes
did you buy for a profit? then its a bad one.
did you buy it for doomsday? then it doesnt matter
Land is the only thing worth investing in.
Time to buy some more, lad.
>pyramid scheme
>buying gold
choose 1
also, enjoy your bitcoin, totally not a pyramid scheme
That and gold.
but its not a liquid asset
>buying gold
Hahahaha as a Jew I laugh at your attempt to stay afloat
>>not buying gold
Bought mine before it was 800 an ounce and bought my silver below 10.
More recently bought a half a ton of food and been collecting ammunition for the past few years instead. Good luck eating gold.
watch the futures. its going to keep going down before going way up when stocks finally correct
$8 in Washington state
If my shitty currency was tanking id buy gold too. But for us white nationalist, the Dollar is winning bigly
>whats your excuse?
I am poor and alone
What's the point? You only make a noteworthy profit if you buy a fuckload of it or if you hang on to it for decades.
>as a Jew
stopped reading there
enjoy Trump presidency
bout 3.50
Can't wait until we're no longer the sole reserve currency
This country is going to crash, hard. With all the guns here it would be the worst bloodiest war the world has ever seen.
I invested all of my money in lead, antiomony, tin, and gunpowder. I'll just pick your gold up after I shoot you.
I wouldn't expect a fucking leaf to understand.
You do realize that almost every prepper does stock up on both Gold/Silver AND rations and other tools for survival right?
Buying physical commodities is retarded because you are always buying over spot and selling under. I think most people who buy gold are going to sit on in until they die, or sell for a loss because they can't find anyone to buy at a good market price.
Better off using money you have now to invest in real estate.
>enjoy Trump presidency
Yeah, I will enjoy the first jewish president, thank you very much.
untraceable currency
>hurr durr, bitcoin
not really
CIA is demaing 3 years bitcoin transaction records
read the news somewhere, but I can't find the link
This, stop hating on my for being a jew i like you guys, this here is good advice
i have bitcoin
4000 Colombian pesos for Marlboro, that's around $1.35
Invest in ammunition.
If law and order breaks down and one man has a a loaded gun and the other man has gold, The man with the gun has both a gun and gold.
8€ here
Gold isn't a productive asset. It just sits there being a fucking element.
I own companies that are expanding and paying me dividends. I made 5k off legal weed last week.
Enjoy your meme metal. I'm sure there's going to be a ton of demand for it in an increasingly digital and cashless economy.
The problem is that no one knows when.
Investing in gold and dying before it dollar crashes mean that your money was useless that whole time.
but the transactions aren't necessarily linked to a person or entity, which is the point. You can go see all the transactions yourself right now at blockchain.info
>gotta buy gold esse
>that tiny speck
I don't trust jews.
Regardless of your investments, can you believe goyim don't know anything about pic related?
nah ill just throw money at my roth ira
suck it
I've always heard it was silver. Redpill me on precious metals desu senpai
I'm a student and I'm currently saving up for guns.
Waiting for a good entry point.
Under 1000
Implying the banking Jews won't flood the market with gold at the first sign of devaluation of USD
I can barely afford to fucking pay rent/bills/food on a 40-50 hour week at $10.50 an hour, I sure as shit am not investing in gold.
Gold is still a fiat currency that we arbitrarily place a "hard value" onto.
If it comes to war, I'll kill you for your women and food, not for your gold.
So you're saying people would still value it no matter what?
Silver is 'the poor man's gold' but extremely undervalued compared to its historical ratio to gold.
Basically you just need to look at places that suffered through hyperinflation like Zimbabwe so know what people will do.
They go back to precious metals and gold is the one most people know about.
but would you just leave the gold?
no you would take it bitch
>Gold is still a fiat currency
You don't know what 'fiat' means. All you're talking about is the free market setting a price which is exactly how the world has worked for millennia.
No, that would be Carlos Slim.
the 99% bullshit that was going on in America a while back applies more to Mexico than to the U.S.
I live in Ukraine. I don't have enough money to eat like a white person, what gold are you talking about, miguel
We only had like $100 mil of it anyway. It's fucking nothing
>Buy Gelt
Why the fuck would I burden myself with more weight if I'm on the move and no else gives a fuck about gold, just like me?
Gold, like all currency, only has the value we make for it. Nothing has inherent an intrinsic value to it.
vends gold;
in UAE- abu dhabi
Yea shut the fuck up
Gold has inherent value in that you can make jewelery that affluent people want, it is used in electronics and people have desired it all throughout history. Believe me even if shit hits the fan peoples greed for gold wouldn't vanish.
t. Fooled By the Gold Jew
>muh free market
they're taxed out the ass so like between $5 and $10/pack
I love how Democrats always find ways to tax poor people even more.
skills is your most valuable resource. educate yourself and develop many skills.
Very interesting. Is copper not on anyones radar? Is there a sort of top 5 precious metals to wager against economic collapse? Gold, silver..
$6.50 in vegas. fucking tax hike on it last year
But user, poor people need to pay their fair share ;-)
>when the biggest banking scam in human history burst
the ultimate fail-safe is guns, ammo, and food/water
Look at what happened in Bosnia during their civil war. No one gave FUCK about gold on money. The only thing people cared about was pussy, food, and bullets.