Does anything come close to Alpha Centauri? The quotes are goose bump inducing.
Most redpilled game
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Humanity has existed for thousands of years, and have been organized for at least 4k of those. And yet, when you read what our ancestors have left or dig up their graves, we find the same old petty grievances and excuses we find out today. We may have devoted significant time to developing morals and ethics, but those are not passed on through genetics.
The game isn't saying anything special, just describing humanity as it it. Whatever may seem as "farseeing" on their sight is merelly the same old human condition, now aided by technology that did not exist before.
i wish they remade this game in hd
Pokémon is the most red pilled game. Really makes you think.
Pandora: First Contact is a pretty good successor, if not as ominious.
Yes. Getting off your ass, getting in shape and going outdoors regularly.
AC is my favorite computer game. In terms of redpilling only Deus Ex comes close
Monthly reminder that Sister Miriam did literally nothing wrong.
>not modding Trump over Morgan
What if I bought the blue version?
Blastoise > Charizard
SMAC is the greatest masterpiece in Vidya history. Still have the original box and manual, plus the strategy guide. It is my most precious possesion in my vintage vidya collection.
We must dissent.
The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.
Sister Miriam Godwinson
"The Blessed Struggle"
Somewhere in my closet is my copy of Alien Crossfire. Was pretty tough to get a hold of that.
Read the archive in xcom 2. The advent are liberals/ jews.
Still red pilled, and the first glimpse that most kids get to the concept of death, friendship, teamwork and the fact that some beings (Pokémon/people) are just inherently superior
You've described Digimon World 1 not Pokemon
"As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
-- Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"
Postal 2
And when at last it is time for the transition from megacorporation to planetary government, from entrepreneur to emperor, it is then that the true genius of our strategy shall become apparent, for energy is the lifeblood of this society and when the chips are down he who controls the energy supply controls Planet. In former times the energy monopoly was called "The Power Company"; we intend to give this name an entirely new meaning.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan
"The Centauri Monopoly"
Mgs2 predicted the future somehow also. I dont have the image but someone will.
Sup Forums inspired Alpha Centauri
1. White Nationalists
2. SJWs
3. Libertarians
4. Atheists
5. Mens Rights Activists
6. Muslims
7. Feminists
9. Black Nationalists
Kinda both if we're talking red blue gold and silver
You'd need to remove about half of those. Alpha Centauri dealt mostly with the extremes of each ideology. At times, I had difficulty telling who was more extreme: the leaders or the followers.
>Does anything come close to Alpha Centauri?
Nothing in Pokemon is as redpilled as grinding for hours on a digimon, repeatedly taking him to the toilet to shit, and watching him catch a virus that slowly kills him and then you have to go get another and the old one is gone.
>. White Nationalists
All conquered bases automatically nerve stapled, because slavery rules!!
>2. SJWs
Cannot be attacked by mindworms, because it requires a mind
>3. Libertarians
Economy+4, Police -2
>4. Atheists
Can't build Planet Temples
>5. Mens Rights Activists
-50% Energy per turn due to Child Support Payments
>6. Muslims
Fundamentalist at start, natch
>7. Feminists
Get only 75% Energy each turn (say it's because Patriarchy, but really just lazy)
Extra resources from Boreholes but must stop and lick moniliths
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
You forgot to add that the Libertarians can't build roads.
>tfw all they had to do with Beyond Earth was remake Alpha Centauri
SJWs have ruined gaming forever.
And the Muslims can't develop new technology for 700 years?
They have to rely on privately built roads, the player can't control where they are built and if you move your units on them it costs money
We Must Dissent
Yes, but their population grows three times as fast.
masters of orion 2
original is tough to get.
i still have the SMAC CD and Manual.
but the game and expansion are available on and work well on most windows versions (haven't tried win10 yet)
elder god tier vidya:
sid meier's alpha centauri
planescape torment
deus ex 1
metal gear solid 2
baldur's gate 2
vampire the masquerade bloodlines
>metal gear solid 2
Of all the MGS games you had to pick the shittiest and possibly gayest of them all.
i just did a playthrough of SMAC, definitely a redpilled and prescient game. One i wouldn't be ashamed to play and if my son ever plays vidya that's what he will play.
Spartan Master Race reporting in. Who here the black ayn rand?
this is in the context of 'redpills'.
MGS2 basically foresaw and explained memetic warfare, shadowy extra-government groups and censorship in a way that is very spoopy.
Problem with AC (and with BE) is that they both failed as strategies and were inferior to Civ itself. Sid Meyer and co are masters of gameplay and balance, immersion-focused strategies are from Paradox.
what game is that
In the game this was certainly true.
If you shat out money and quick research secret projects.
You could just shit out units like mad and just zerg rush your enemies.
The first Deus Ex game was basically a textbook manual for how our future will play out.
MGS2 when the colonel explains "creating context"
Also what does pol think of this game
I guess this thread is /vg/ now.
Units and battle system where better than shogun.
Crusading was fun.
The pope was a fag.
>yfw the left's plan to use the media to create context IRL failed due their inability to see and adapt to the influence of social media
>memetic warfare
Do people actually believe this is real.
Most frustrating game to ever play online with anything more than 20 Ping.
you're severely underinformed if you don't know what that is. Memetic warfare is also known as psyops, basically controlling information streams. It's the basics of media, cointelpro, things of that nature.
Memes are more than just cartoon frogs ya dingus
Where do you think you are?
Memetic warfare exists since WW1
It's crowd sourced psyops you fucking autist.
back when i was at university there was a module on mass media (it was a media studies type course) and it basically blew open methods MSM used. I basically stopped reading newspapers and paying attention to tv news etc for about 10 years after that module of the course! this was also around the same time as the iraq war which was clearly a load of bullshit too.
interestingly, newspapers like the sun would constantly nag about how worthless media studies degrees were, because they were exposing the methods papers like the sun used to control millions of peoples views and opinions.
i would add that things seemed very different 10 years later, in how newspapers coveyed messages, especially the bbc, guardian, independent. who seemed a lot more left wing and SJW oriented than before. i mean you have to give the elites credit, they certainly know how to push peoples buttons to get them to act how they want
Rimworld is probs the most redpilled game after Dwarf Fortress
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil."
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Blessed Struggle"
Very good. With mods it was a lot better. The Aztec campaign is so fun.
I still have my copy on CD-ROM and the AC expansion pack. Still play them from time to time. Zakharov gets it.
Learn the ways of your enemies, and use that knowledge against them:
Gustave Le Bon
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Metal gear
Neat, I guess.
When they use extreme representations, it seems more satirical than redpill to me.
Though a good satire can usually be appreciated by both sides.
>Does anything come close to Alpha Centauri?
No, sadly.
Where'd you get those patches?
I fear the new one is going to suck though
pretty creepy senpai
never played the game, whats so redpilled about it?
Get redpilled senpai
fucking lal
get out of my way, lal
there is nothing redpilled about faggots in skin tight suits ballet dancing their way to their enemy who just so happens to be yet another puppet
Read the quotes here.
oh fuggg
You need Pathologic on that list.
the characters, the quotes, the in-game encyclopedia of the tech tree with a shit ton of flavor text, the storyline
and the voice-work when you discover a new tech or secret project
simply amazing
if you can get past the 1995 graphics that look like ass now, give it a try
>gameplay and aesthetics are the only aspects of the overlying story
Gameplay is great, skin suits are a bit much, but they put them on females too so it's a balance and you're a faggot.
The fucking story, my dude, it's god tier.
I just downloaded the pic from here. Sorry user but I have no further info.
I'd probably have to watch a gameplay or read into the game. It's hard to go back to old games you, yourself never played.
Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.
Academician Prokhor Zakharov
It's basically a sci-fi themed civ II clone for 120+ IQ white men. It's not particularly red-pilled, but it is absolutely solid intellectual sci-fi.
Obligatory mention of "Paean to SMAC", a series of analytical posts about each tech/building/character in Alpha Centauri:
>“Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.”
>— CEO Nwabudike Morgan, “The Ethics of Greed”
>I find the quote itself to be just amazing. CEO Morgan is the only person, fictional or not, that I have ever heard give a principled rejection of the very ideal of sustainability. To my knowledge, even Rand and her acolytes spend their energy sidestepping this by talking about human flourishing as the key value that should be maximized.
>And here we have CEO Morgan railing against that entire tradition. Instead, he’s venerating the positive value of greed. In and of itself. Certain libertarian types nowadays, when they talk about global warming or whatever, might argue in favor of increased economic growth because a larger economy can theoretically deal with ecological problems better than a smaller one. Therefore, the future will be better off if we use some of those resources now.
>But Morgan’s saying, in essence, “Screw it.” It doesn’t matter what the future might bring. Because we’re here now. They’re not. And time itself has a huge value. So every last drop of value we’re not extracting from the environment for human use right now is a drop that we’re losing the entire compound stream of returns on forevermore. Thus, it is right and proper to capture and realize that value stream. The Ethics of Greed.
I don't know if it was "redpilled" but I remember it was one of my favorite games as a kid. Those singularity engined fighters that could float over any type of terrain.
>>that I have ever heard give a principled rejection of the very ideal of sustainability.
probably just too young to have heard of gordon gekko.
One of the points of Alpha Centauri is that everyone is split along ideological boundaries instead of nationality; it's explicitly stated in the intro. In that regard it's very much a product of the 90's, though not quite as 90's-tastic as the original Rainbow Six.
I'm not saying the idea is necessarily wrong, but it's odd to see Sup Forums call it redpilled when it's basically about ethnic nationalism being obsolete.
I never played this game but I saw it promoted on gog. I'm tolerant of archaic graphics and interfaces, but would it be easy to get into playing it for the first time nowadays
If MGS isn't a story of globalist take over idk what is.
Deus Ex is both solidly a product of it's time and incredibly prescient, though you could argue the former caused the latter.