Why is libertarianism so unpopular?
Why is not giving a fuck about social issues, while also being fiscally conservative such a rare combination?
inb4 muh anarchyball memes
Why is libertarianism so unpopular?
Why is not giving a fuck about social issues, while also being fiscally conservative such a rare combination?
inb4 muh anarchyball memes
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They are just Commies who took Lenin's capital reform a tad further and accept economical inequality as the only inequality.
The Market somehow magically builds utopia too.
The largest Economics Redpill is realizing Libertarians are just Commies in disguise.
wew lad
communism = capitalism
holy shit u r a genius
why didnt i think of it first???
Democrats are not libertarian because
- A, They want their gibs, and have no sense of personal responsibility.
- B. Social libertarianism isn't enough for them because they think minorities won't make it unless they get special treatment. Letting people do what they want is oppressive.
As for Republicans, I can only assume it's because the party is so heavily infested with Christians, who try to enforce social conservatism. Many of the most reasonable Republicans lean Libertarian, but don't go along with shit like open borders.
Well meme'd
because it's a true meritocracy and most people wouldn't succeed under it
and also it's retarded
lolbergs are niggers that have turned gibsmedat into an ideology
>da gubmint tellin me I can't deal drugs n sheeeiiit
>copyright lawz is statist n sheeeiiit
>nigga u can't tell me not to bring a camcorder into a movie n sheeeiiit
>paying for software lul I only use shareware n sheeeiiit
>Bitcoin is real nigga money I can use it to buy illegal sheeeiiit
A nation built that has no fundamental loyalty other than brand loyalty wont' have a strong base of community which is a bedrock of society.
>Why is libertarianism so unpopular?
It requires an understanding of economics most people don't have.