As a manchild who likes Star Wars

As a manchild who likes Star Wars...

I'm done.

If they are white supremist explain flynn

But that is what you get for trusting them

How did I trust them, or Disney in any way? I am a prequal fan, legit. I like Lucas because he came from nothing and just went hard to express his dreams onto the screen.

Disney is a bunch of cucks

But that's wrong. They're just humanocentric. There weren't too many black extras in 1977 suburban England.

wtf I love the Empire now

Blacks were pretty rare in film back in the 1970s. Not our faults they sat on their asses smoking dope and living in white hate

And the female commander.

At least this gives credence in normies eyes to Lucas' whole "I sold it all to white slavers" thing a while back.

Let us not forget that Star Wars Episodes 1 - 3 had Mace Windu and tons of side characters that were black.

Lucas is brilliant and far from the fags at disney. He was a capitalist and realist. A man with a vision and only wanted to express his vision to the world.

You didn't expect something like this to happen when disney bought star wars?

>the Empire isn't even allegorical nazis anymore, just plain nazis

I did but still

We have this thread every day but is there actually any proof of this shit?

If they were white supremacists then explain how the most powerful sith was a woman.

Oh whoops never mind not canon anymore.

Did you not notice the Ape and Supergirl as heroes in TFA?

Of course the Empire is white supremacist.

That's why a major lead in the last movie was a black stormtrooper. Wait, what?

If the empire is white supremacist why was Darth Maul a Sith? He was some kind of filthy alien.

Dexxter Jettster is he key to all this. Because he's a more redneck character than we've had before. If we can just bring him back in the next movie to say something about darkies..

That was before the Empire, though.

He was an infantry grunt. The white people are in charge.

Thats not the empire STUPID. The empore died qith OT

Why d they have to make it a ''white supremacist'' empire?

What's wrong with just galactic empire? It's supposed to be a galaxy far far away!

If they want a real supremacy, then why don't they do a parody of ISIS?

And seriously. What the goal of ''womyn leaders'' in these films?

White supremacist group of clones from a brown guy, led basically by the head of the EU (grand Chancellor) and a black disabled dude.

Star wars episodes 4,5 and 6 were the best. even Return of the Jedi has it's moments but maybe due to the nostalgia of watching it on pirate dvd.

Hell, i remember watching the original star wars at the cinema.

You can't get those nostalgia feels from remakes and reinventions. Its why ghostbuster robocop total recall remakes were utter shite. You jsut dont mess with classics.

I get some nostalgia feels from cape movies and tv because i grew up being a marvel and dc fanboy and despite abandoning buying comic books, watching these movies and tv shows for the first time brings me back.

Just marathon stranger things. It will make you feel better.

Im going to just pirate the movies in protest.

I'm so torn. I used to love Star Wars. My gf still loves it wants to take me to the IMAX to watch Rogue One.

I can't explain to her why I don't like it anymore without revealing my power level.

Fuck Jew Jew Abrahms for ruining my childhood. I hate that fucking kike so much ever since watching Lost.

The jeditor are a group of religious fanatics who murdered a democratically elected lwader because he did not believe in space Allah. The jedi are evil.

Just pira- i mean... "acquire" the old comics & games online.

Lots of fun to be had without giving disney a cent or settling for the slop they put now now.

>galaxy far far away
>white people
holy shit even in a galaxy far far away white people are conquering shit left and right

All of this. When I thought of the Empire, Nazis never crossed my mind. I thought of the British empire, but in space and more totalitarian.

Everything is about race with these people. They're the real racists.

More people need to feel like you did.

Finn had no power, he's disposable fodder that was stolen from his family at a young age.

fucking start the boycott of star wars.

time to get loud and proud.

>Chris (((Weitz)))

I don't want to say Sup Forums is always right but...

>Weitz's father and maternal grandfather were Jewish

Can someone tell me when did Sheev and Darth Vader showed any white(human, according to those guys) supremacist behaviour?

They're only making people more right wing desu.

I've been boycotting Disney for awhile.

Can someone verify if this is real?
I really dont want it to be...

The original Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are literally the only movies worth caring about, everything that came afterwards is complete shit. The only other decent part of this entire franchise are some of the video games.


>white supremacist (human) organization
>actually implying that nonwhites aren't human
The Jew has imploded on itself

>Lucas is brilliant
Top fucking kek. No, no he is not. The first Star Wars wasn't even anything that amazing, and he never meant for it to be. It was just a corny sci-fi film that got huge for no real reason. He had nothing to do with Empire, not even the storyline, which is why it is the best of the series. Then he got to interfere with Jedi and that's how we ended up with ewoks. And then he got full control over everything again and created the abortion known as the Prequel Trilogy.

Lucas is a fucking retard, just like his fans. Every Star Wars film besides Empire is just a stupid nerdy mess full of plot holes.

>led by women
>men do all the actual work

And they die.

we all know this is the intended symbolism even if the tweets aren't real. Hollywood is a globalist shill.

Is that Derek Jeter?

Because kikes who literally hate you are writing the movies. Stop giving them your money.

Yes it's real. The jew deleted the tweets after they caused a backlash from SW fans pissed off that they were injecting politics into the movie. Do some research and you can find the original tweets.


i gave up hope for the franchise the moment it touched disneys hands
good riddance

Felicity Jones mouth is good for fucking.

I've been done with Star Wars ever since 7 ended up being a sterile retread. It was over the moment Disney got their hands on it.

Yeah, its over. Maybe there'll be some ok vidya, but the movies are pure poz loads.

Theres a BLACK FEMALE in starkiller base in the control room. If they really are a white supremacist movement there was a real bug fucking oversight there

That's the first order. They're talking about the Empire.

All of the Star Wars films are complete bollocks and watched by numale consumerist nerd virgins, ugly girls and children.

By Supergirl you mean Jewgirl.

> What's wrong with just galactic empire? It's supposed to be a galaxy far far away!

Maybe in 1979, but it's 2016 now.
The purpose of all Media is to server as Propaganda. Critical Theory tells this.

I just want the rebels to crushed, I want to see darth vader slaughter the heroes of the film with ease. Then when they get back to the new films I'd like the dark side to win, but I don't think it will

Alright, explain blowing up a planet full of mostly white people.

they were cucks

Does anyone else finish jacking off to and feel more sympathetic to sjw things?
I mean he is kind of right.


I was done with Star Wars since 1999.

Glad you can join us.

>they had to retcon the Extended Universe out of existence because they accidentally ended up making the Imperial Remnant actually the good guys saving the galaxy while the New Republic was a quagmire of corruption and ineffectual at dealing with problems

The Empire was always meant to represent white supremacist Nazi Germany. Vader Helmet, Stormtroopers, Aldeeran's 6 gorillion people being holocausted by the Death Star. Nothing new here really.

They EU sucks past EPIII
Old Republic is best EU. Bane trilogy being the best.

It's not like Hollywood has been promoting an anti-white male agenda for decades. Programming them to be pussies and for everyone else to hate them. People are just being crazy.

It still took them a blonde white male and a caucasian white male to fix the balance in the force/lead the troops in the Battle of Endor

I wouldn't be surprised if the Rebellion was completely incompetent they needed Luke Skywalker and Han Solo to do significant strides against the Empire as chronicled in the OT.

Just torrent it

Actually films from the 70's were filling diversity quotas way more effectively and far more significant than say, shoving blacks and women everywhere and make it the entire reason why your film is good

It would be hilarious if the people in the cinema booed the heroes and cheered the empire during the films now.

It will bomb.

>only white supremacists are human

But they have black stormtroopers!

Empire was always the good guys

Gotta agree on that, your movies lately too much of a leftist propaganda.
On the other hand - no one else achieved anything even remotely similar. You movies still best in the world.

Gary Whitta is a writer for the movie? Now I know it's guaranteed to be trash, he used to be a poster on neofag and was just as SJW as the rest of them.

Sure, but they weren't shoving Nuremberg Rallies, Swastikas and Hail Hitlers all over the place.

Come to think of it, I don't think the rebellion or the Empire had any emblems or symbols, that only came later or something.

Pretty sure the vast majority of normies dont give a fuck what the jews are saying about the movie. they will just watch it cause its fucking star wars.

>The rebellion is only lead by women
>not mentioning the diverse races that compose the rebellion
Writers that don't have a basic understanding about the setting they're writing should be flayed.

The empire may have been human supremacist, but there was NEVER even a DISTINCTION BETWEEN HUMAN SUBRACES ever alluded to in star wars. Ever. I've read every single non-prequel pre-disney expanded universe novel.

Shit, they even had a series in which the "Diversity alliance" which was a group of aliens were teaming up against the human-led new republic, even though the humans had been helped by aliens and had helped to free aliens from the empire. Thanks disney for shitting over my youth.

>saw dr strange
>all characters look like the grown up version of the barnie gang

It must be hell to be this brainwashed.

Nothing but undermining whites matter anymore.



this is a test

Please tell me that's a joke, for the love of a merciful God, please tell me that's a joke.

I'm just 200% assblasted they retconed the entire EU.. The story of Revan and Malak? Gone! Kyle Katarn the real Rogue One and the man who helps restore the jedi? Gone!

Fucking Disney I hate them so Goddamned much..

>Star Wars would explain inexplicable plot events that usually did not add up as "well the force dictates x can x and still be true"
>Now in 2 0 1 6 Star Wars fills plot holes with
>muh misogyny
>muh racism
>muh conflating the symbolism to empathize normies into the leftist shitshow

so star wars is a CIA plant now i guess

Not to mention one of the most important admirals in the wake of the Battle of Endor was a black woman.

tfw still haven't seen star wars 7 yet

feels good

Make Star Wars Great Again

Can we just not go to the theather anymore? Obviously they wanna pander it to people who never cared about Star Wars in the slightest, if they wanna make it for 8 people that think Star Wars should be for anyone but the people that liked it in the first place then so be it.

Remember, they're the ones going the extra effort of shooting these films in 35mm, using real props and sets, and ultimately a multi-million advertising campaign, Star Wars is gonna die a painful and shameful death and liberals are going to be at fault.

They were pretty cool with working side by side with Lando in Empire.

Reminder that in the Original Expanded Universe, the Empire wins in the (very) end


It pisses me off so much. My favourite characters erased by some kike Disney board member.

>I want to see darth vader slaughter the heroes of the film

Supposedly, that's actually what happened in the original shoots, but Disney declared that wasn't part of ther "vision" and forced the production to re-shoot 40% of the movie.

You don't get to fanboy when you write for fucking Disney. Twitter was such a fucking mistake.


I love it how lefties pretend that white women aren't also white when spouting their corrupt agenda

The women play minority make believe, but they know. The minorities know but want to fuck the white women so they stay quiet

The result is white women openly being treated as if they aren't white. Fucking hilarious

Sometimes a white guy tries to do it to, the result is someone like aids Skrillex

captain phasma