What a fucking joke as a President. I can't believe this Sup Forums. LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.
Fuck you
I see nothing wrong here.
>isn't even in office yet
>gets into a petty conflict with actors because they addressed his BFF no homo mike pence
I can't wait for the nukes to drop over someone unfriending him on Facebook
I can't wait for Scandis develop something resembling wit
i've read this 10 times and i still cant figure out why you bothered making this thread.
Did people expect trump to stop being trump.
You're either with him or against him
>yfw Swedish PM goes full cuck and lectures him
>yfw Trump carpet bombs all of Scandinavia as vengeance
>people still don't understand that this is a 4D chess move to throw the limelight off of Trump University
You brought this upon yourselves, shitlibs. You made your bed, now lie in it, fuccboi.
Wish he wouldn't act like a fucking SJW tho
>m-muh safespace
I'm almost convinced we were played by kek
Thanks for repeating the latest message for us (((MSM))). Safe spaces are indeed bad.
See you next mission!
>big black homo that steals popularity from his friends thinks his opinion matters
Liberal media is going to spew forth headlines of "Trump asserts black people can't read."
What am I supposed to be upset about exactly?
I want to show all of Sup Forums what the fuck they just elected to the presidency.
so business as usual then
I'm pretty sure all of us wanted to elected a shitposter-in-chief m8
Yeah yeah, you cry "4d chess" and "persuasion" when he talks out of his ass. Pathetic defense, try again.
Those are the words people will be describing you with.
Trump is the thinnest skinned fucking baby ever.
If he didn't have 5000 nuclear weapons I'd be looking forward to how ridiculous the next 4 years will be.
Well done Sup Forums you killed us all with that fucking frog.
Look at the fucking degenerates face. Tatted up like an ex-felon.
>I'm like, in total disbelief.
Fucking sage.
We elected someone like us. A boisterous angry shitposter. For eight years we're going to see you snobs recoil as your monocles fall into your herbal tea and your pink hair is frayed, and we're going to laugh every time.
Every time.
That's just it tho, he' stealing their words. Using them for his own purposes free of whatever intent the sjw's have for them. There is nothing more infuriating for them.
It's like calling an AR-15 an assault rifle or a magazine a clip. It's the quickest way to piss off a lot of people and distract from teh original argument.
>This fucking picture
lol you fags lost
This, do people think Pence wasn't given the background of like everyone at the theatre, they got played so hard.
Trump is defending a Friend and widely liked conservative. Explain how he can lose the Issue?
me too thanks
>What a fucking joke as a President. I can't believe this Sup Forums. LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE.
What a fucking joke you are still fucking here. CLINTON LOST CTR! CLINTON LOST YOU CAN GO HOME NOW! Get a real fucking job.
what did they do to Pence anyways?
I love how he is the same man you ellected into office.
Its almost as if he didnt lie during his campaign.
Its almost as if you wanted him to become like every other politician and become twofaced once hes in power.
That twitter account is an actual American foreign policy asset.
lack of respect for elders
lack of respect for authority
>gay manchild who plays video games for a living
>worthy opinion
Who got elected against all the odds again?
Oh that's right, Trump. It's all a part of the keikaku.
Good role playing lads. Führer Trump might not even send you to the re-education camps this year.
>calls others thin skinned
>is actually angry
Blacker Face
>he doesn't know the cum guzzling flamer
The fuck is that? I thought it was tattoos.
They're using the theatre niggers as a distraction in the news cycle. Something Trump want's unseen?
Still taking my time to perfect the tweet
Still got no love for the wallstreets, it's the T-R-U-M-P
I blame the media
watch the statement the Hamilton cast made, it wasn't disrespectful, they were addressing him officially and wanted to make a point - the right response was to say yeah, we will govern for ALL americans bla bla bla - which is what Trump said already in his acceptance speech
of course, the huffington fucking post started posting self righteous bullshite like "Hamilton cast DESTROYS Mike Pence" and everyone got framed into a negative interaction
what should have been a heartwarming, unifying exchange was turned into one more clickbait piece of liberal shit
And they call us "fake news"
900 dollar tickets and they can't even memorize lines?
Whats the problem?
where is this "Trump is a violent warmonger!" shit coming from? so far i've seen him fuck people over with his words, not brute violence (except for that very real WWE performance).
Its actually a clever move, but few liberals can see why.
People are surprised trump is still trump
I'm not surprised liberal faggots are still liberal faggots
This, 8D chinese Chess confirmed
I fucking love this. Fuck leftist scum.
>"Oh wow, I literally can't even"
Trump don't need re-education camps cuckold. Hit the "showers".
>where is this "Trump is a violent warmonger!" shit coming from
It's literally just "muh feels." Hillary was at least 100x more dangerous to world peace than Donald (no fly in Syria). The cognitive dissonance on the left is amazing.
Feels pretty fucking good man
I'm glad trump can shitpost, it sends you liberals into faux outrage over the smallest things
Please, continue to get offended over everything. You're making a mockery of yourselves that I can laugh at.
What a fucking joke of an actor. Also what a fucking joke of a newspaper. Also OP is a faggot and still not over it that Democracy sometimes means the other guys win.
I meant to quote an user, hes distracting from trump university settlement
Still the best one.
Trump dominates another news cycle, gives bread an circus for the plebs and triggers cucks. All from a single shitpost.
btfo eternally
This x1,000.
Nah he doesn't give a shit. He's president.
fake but kekish
Kek I love the bants
It's paint you dumb fuck
>The left is in complete disarray
I've had a raging erection since november 8th and it's not looking like it's going down for another eight years.
We are the Sith you dip
Who will spread Trump's tweet faster, conservatives or liberals?
This all part of the plan, make liberals offend Trump by asking for space spaces, apologies and asking for harrasment to stop as pathetic beta behavior. While at the same time offending those who actually want those spaces in universities and the sjws.
It's because every time someone comes after him he hits back.
What they fail to understand is that he always hits back proportionately. He gets insulted, he insults back.
This "he'll start a nuclear war over a tweet" horseshit is just that - horseshit.
He's not even really thin-skinned - he's just hitting back after someone hits him.
Nothing moves faster than asspain
Face it. Trump will be sworn in soon and a new American Reich will rise with him. Join us or be destroyed. You're tied to the tracks and the Trump Train is coming. Will you join us or be ground to sausage under the wheels?
And the Fag Fest calling itself "Hamilton" needs to be shut down. It's a subversive pile of lies libeling America's past. It should be shut down and the deviants behind it jailed.
Look what you all did Sky. Unbelievable, he makes an excellent point.
>sticks up for his friends
>condemns his enemies
This is what men do, though. Nothing wrong with what he said.
Are you so desensitized to the difference between words and actions that you perceive a twitter condemnation as being the same as sending deaths squads to the actor's house?
I really don't think there is any real anger invovled either. He is training the country like you would train a Dog. If they behave, he praises and rewards them, if they step out of line, he says "bad dog!"
who the fuck names their kid sky?
>someone please tell me how to evade this move
Have they tried NOT booing and bullying someone that's just trying to watch their shitty musical?
What's the problem with Gay people becoming more "EMPOWERED?"
He has a point, you shouldn't break up a theatre performance for everyone else because you're emotionally involved with politics, take it outside afterwards if you have to.
His real name is Gregory Scott Williams. So he named himself.
>what we just elected president
You're welcome
What a literal child. He just makes shit up to insult people. Sad!
Getting boo'd is part of the job. Pence got boo'd at a baseball game in his home state by 'muh working class' too
>tfw this tweet just happened to occur when Trump made a court settlement for 2 dozen mill after fucking over a university
>tfw realize Trump made this tweet on purpose divide / distract dumb fuck liberals attention from the court case which would be a way more damaging
>tfw court settlement wont gain momentum because dumb fuck trolls / leftist are thinning the line between important issues and LITERAL DRAMA
>tfw this is exactly what Trump wants and i'm the only spic who sees it
Don't get me wrong i voted for Trump but holy shit this is some evil mastermind shit right here. He did the same shit with the John Miller shit yet nobody has wised up to it. Also anyone who thinks "our great future V.P." is a real line has the perspective of a wage peon.
He deleted it
What a pussy.
Kellyane must have finally wrestled the phone away from him again
wft I hate Trump now
What did he mean by this?
what did he mean by this
You are right: it's definetely HIGH ENERGY!
Its still there.