Sup Forums approved web browsers

Sup Forums approved web browsers

Other urls found in this thread:

opera, now fuck off and die before it's too late

safari. fuck you all

Firefox pushed out their CEO – who invented JavaScript – because they found out that he donated to Proposition 8

Not Sup Forums approved

pale moon

I use this. I dunno why people bother with anything else. I can just enter my email and google has all my accounts under them.


Do you just grab a nightly every time you want to browse the internet?

use brave


I would but the font rendering on Firefox is inconsistent across platforms and looks like shit in general compared to Chrome.

>Americans call it chromum

Do you not remember when they spent millions changing .bro to .br?
You're fucking stupid

it just werks

internet explorer

just use chrome
>but muh botnet

If you posted on Sup Forums, you're already tracked. See that reCAPTCHA "I'm not a robot"? That's Google's IP address, HW identifier, etc, tracker.

They log you server side to build a profile for your account. Once an identity has been established, the algorithms will link your profile to a real personal youtube, gmail, android phone, etc (if possible) account where they continue building an internal profile on your search history, website history, etc.

If you end up searching illegal stuff (like serious stuff), your profile gets flagged by the algo and a security team will personally review before reporting to authorities where your profile gets attached to a government database.

Other than that, Chrome is a top tier browser for efficiency

Brave , it stops ads and other bullshit and some newspapers are even calling it illegal.. was developed by a guy who was against proposition 8 in California

This. Use Brave instead.

Mozilla is converged - fuck using any of their products after the way they treated Brendan Eich.

Go with Brave.

Trumpet Winsock + Chamelion

>HW identifier
>being logged into any jewgle service will shitposting on 4chin
learn to uMatrix
posted from my Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0

The only correct answer.

>inventing javascript
>a feat in any way shape or form

JS is literally the most retarded, shitty, gimmicky and unstable language that is currently widely used aside from PHP.

Thank fuck that WebAssembly development is going well, can't wait until that abomination is a thing of the past.

so wtf is Brave?

is that the Sup Forums browser now

because i am using firecucks
had no idea about this and now that i do i want off the firefucks ride

what to use instead of firecrotch guise?

Chromium is the freeware version if chrome

>there is literally no point using Tor unless you want to visit onions or commit a felony
just fuck my speed up

Implying tor exit nodes haven't already been compromised

Not if you bought a Sup Forums pass using laundered bitcoin and are connecting using TOR.

TOR is not safe dude. Was for a couple years, not anymore.

No shit.

Opera 12.17

you didn't forget to use a laptop on a public wifi connected to private VPN bought with bitcoins that's connected to Tor as well did you?

if you didn't 7+ layers proxy, what's the point famm?

Because it's made by jewgle

just got Brave...

it says it has built in addblocker but i am still seeing adds.

firefox ad-blocker addon is superior to this shit.

Naw that's overkill. Then you don't bother actually doing it because it's too much of a pain.

I use legacy captcha

Firefox and chromium

Brave is a Chromium-based browser made by the CEO who Mozilla shitcanned for wrongthink. It's definitely Sup Forums.

Also features built-in adblock by default.

Chromium is not exactly the same thing as Chrome.

Firefox as long as you don't use the default search engine. That's how they make their money.

Did you change the setting? There are different options, not all of them block every ad.

Firefox + NoScript + AdBlock

>"We'll fire our CEO because he's not respectful enough to women" Mozilla
>"We are dedicated to fighting racism and harassment" Mozilla
No. Fuck off.

So Brave or ungoogled chrome

This motherfucker right here. Way faster than firefox, and less memory intensive than chrome. Also comes with built-in adblocker and vpn.

If anonymity - inside a virtual container (or VM) with net access set up only for the container and not the host system + some router (or virtual router) with Tor grab sites by other that http. Then open with any browser offline and isolated.

If you have to post some data - use fake useragent + links/lynx.

Also, this thread posters are clueless, illiterate, childish, bullshit spitting burgers.

>ungoogled chrome
You mean Chromium?


Opera was pretty dank back in the day. Is it still the master race? I've switched back and forth forever. I just want a non-cucked browser and I can't be arsed to run Linux 24/7.

The only browser for the truly redpilled (created and maintained by a Swede)

The in built proxy is neat and the essential addons run flawless. Never used Firefox desu.

>less memory intensive than chrome

kek, you don't have a surplus of RAM? A memory intensive browser is good. Unused RAM is wasted RAM.

>The in built proxy

well, which is it?

Having your browser use up unnecessary amounts of RAM is not exactly a wanted feature. Chrome uses more RAM than some games. Chrome is the RAM Jew.

All exit nodes are fucked bro, don't use it

Its a vpn

Naked browser

Pale moon

Ok so what search engine should I use?
If I say I Google something then pol talks shit. Same with bing. The duck sucks, what else is there?


Startpage. But it also sucks.

Memory hog in low end systems. It started out as fast and lightweight but got more bloated as google started adding unnecessary features.

So the all the good ones are morally wrong because ((())) and all the morally ok ones suck? Ok thanks!

Brave. I use duckduckgo and brave and it seems to work well, imo.

ask jeeves

If startpage is powered by Google then why not just use Google? Is it just because of the supposed anonymity

So Google doesn't collect my information


Thanks for giving me an opportunity to use this image, ph4m :)

>inventing the scripting language used in all modern web browsers based on "Make it look Java-y and script-y."
>founded Mozilla
>CTO for a decade
>promoted to CEO just to fire you for being conservative

So chrome = carbon?
What's your point?

>make it look java-y

and that's how I know you're not a programmer/software engineer

JavaScript is nothing like Java.

Ever wonder why your browser is slow, crashes or hangs? That's because some shitty indian """developer""" wrote shitty JS on one of the pages you have open.

If you want another reason why JS is complete garbage, google "left pad npm". JS development is a clusterfuck of writing wrappers for wrappers for wrappers.

Talk to any successful full stack developer and ask them what they think about JavaScript.

Also, there's a reason nearly every big web codebase nowadays is either already using or in the process of converting to TypeScript, Dart, JS++, etc.

dude if you're concerned use duck

>it sucks

well no shit dumbass, you're the one that's concerned

Filling up more memory is good if that memory it's actually used for something useful. A browser that uses x5 times more memory and multiple processes to achieve the same performance of other browsers is by definition shitty. Plus, chrome is filled up with bullshit google user tracking (((features))) that re-activate themselves at every eula update. And no, using nigger chrome (a.k.a. chromium) isn't a valid solution.

I used opera until 2009, then switched to firefox. Recently I reinstalled Opera and it managed win me back. Opera has many interesting features, like the built-in vpn/proxy. Also, unlike back in 2007/08 it has a decent selection of extensions.

>Sup Forums approved

yeah, right.

DDG was actually recently revealed to not be "anonymous" and kept logs of your searching history etc.

Startpage + VPN is what you're looking for if you want privacy. Realistically, you're still going to use google (as I do) because the reason they have good search results is because they're tailored to your browsing habits. If you want a good product for free, you have to come to terms with the fact that you're the product.

Google Chrome

Does Brave have H.264 compatibility? I'm currently using Chromium (Not (((Chrome)))), and there isn't any.

You didn't really use that image correctly.

F-fuck you.

I still thought it was cute, no hard feelings.

Yandex. Fast. stable, Putin approved.

is Brave better than Chromium?

for me google chrome works just fine
>inb4 pleb
don't care

Vivaldi is pleasant to use. I normally use Firefox though, only use Chromium for Netflix.

Jesus, all the retards here using chrome.

Not as though I'm surprised, but wow.

fucking this
sadly only Vivaldi tries to get close
>unironically using Opera after v12

used firefox for a while but stopped because memory hog

used chromium for a bit, then pale moon, and now I'm currently using opera

Chrome is freeware.
Chromium is FLOSS (MIT License)

this for last 8 years or so. should i upgrade?


>not lynx

Brave or Palemoon. All else are pozzed.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>ddg is not anonymous
You gotta back that up, leaf.

>Cuckzilla SJWfox
>Jewgle Botnet
Who /palememe/ here?

I'm sure (((Gabriel Weinberg))) is a trustworthy fellow

Well, not all jews are (((jews))), especially those, who are it or stem. And a jewish surname is by no means a proof, but a trigger which makes you think till there's an evidence.

Perelman, Tanenbaum are my guys.