How can people here illegally find jobs?
How can undocumented people even find work in the US?
Employers pay them $2/hr and say everyone against illegal migration is racist
Paid under the table.
Some of the ese's at my job are here illegally yet get paid minimum wage plus tips. How are they not getting deported?
Fake IDs
Employers hire them for below minimum wage and force them to work in shitty, unsafe conditions. If the immigrants complain, the employers report them to ICE and they're deported. Really shitty system, and I'm happy Trump will be working to end it.
Sanctuary cities.
They hang out at home depot or one of their 50 cousins hooks them up with work and they get payed under the table
I live in a majority-hispanic city with a large amount of illegal Mexicans, my white female pseudo-relative is married to one of them.
They get fake papers/IDs. The illegals can do a surprising amount of things most people think they can't. I don't how they get these fake papers/IDs, but they do.