You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space.
You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space
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Sup Forums BTFO by based leafs again
I don't care if you love Hillary and hate Trump, and respect your right to post your opinions here as a believer of free speech.
However, this also means I have the right to inform you that the world would be a better place if you gassed yourself.
the fact that you are allowed to post here without censorship proves it.
Because literally anyone can post here and nobody can stop you.
You don't get downvoted and hidden for disagreeing.
So universities aren't liberal safe spaces either?
not really. Just look how they try to shut down every free speech event hosted by faggot Milo or take down any "racist" posters
Faggots like you are allowed to post here without getting banned/censored. /r/politics is a safe space
Faggots like you are allowed to post.
cripple kike pol is a safe space. Post this there and see how long before you get perma banned.
Day of the rake is coming for you leaf
You just make this post and don't get automatically deleted beacuse it represent a different opinion.
Now shooo leaf.
you sure do sound #triggered
that's not what defines a safe'll all still untie to shout down dissenting opinions
A fucking leaf
Because when you post different opinions here you dont get banned just a lot of yous that bring more attention to your post
Its the opposite of a safe space because contrary opinions tend to get more attention
They don't. They protest Milo's presence but don't shut down. In fact many universities allow his presence on campus while others deny him out of security concerns not to silence his opinions.
Your thread is enough proof that this board isn't a safe space.
We don't need a safe space, we won.
>while others deny him out of security concerns not to silence his opinions.
>not to silence his opinions.
So youre opinion gets a shit load of attention and not downvoted to obscurity?
This thread isn't getting deleted.
The fact that you can post here dumbass. Try trolling liberals on reddit or twitter if you want real safe spaces.
How come when I post pictures of black men with white women, it gets deleted?
the burden of proof lies with the accuser
its on you to prove that it is. this is logic 101, how old are you? this is an 18+ site.
Actual safe space:
>contrary opinion
>gets banned
Sup Forums:
>Contrary opinion
>A FUCKING LEAF *proceeds to make his side look like an idiot to any onlookers while opposing opinion gets more attention*
Maybe because youre posting porn or borderline porn and shit that isnt related to politics and they ban you for actually breaking the rules of the board?
You serious mate?
It's university students who came up with the whole safe spaces nonsense, for them it's a deliberate and desirable aspiration. Nobody on Sup Forums wants to shut out non-polack opinions, the whole point of this place is that it's one massive argument. Shutting dissenting opinions out defeats the entire purpose.
WTF I'm with her now
>You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space.
it's raided by leftyshills like you every minute
>meme Trump into power
>prove to me you guise r x
fuck off leaf, its over, Sup Forums is on the right side of history, you are not.
anybody who posts left-leaning content here knowing full well the board is heavily right-leaning should expect nothing less than the shit storm that'll inevitably come upon them. It's retarded to think to you'd get a positive reaction posting liberal shit on a conservative majority site. Its not that we need a safe space, it's that we just full on disagree with the retarded posts you make and therefore criticize accordingly. Free speech doesn't mean free from criticism.
Because we let you leafs post.
What about Ben Shapiro? He's banned from a t least not university for "hate speech" when he voiced his opinion
>leaft leaning content
fixed that for you
You are not safe here. BeLEAF me!
I agree with you but then again half of all threads on Sup Forums aren't related to politics.This is pretty much Sup Forums2.0
The fact that your allowed to post here and shit post speaks volumes
No I posted a picture of a black man who is a teacher and his two white female students and asked what we can do to improve the education system of America and it got deleted for being off topic? What could be more ON TOPIC than improving the education system of a country?
SJWs don't get banned.
Behind every shitpost, THE LEAF!
elections over dude
Get fucked
Sup Forums isnt a safe space for us you retard, it's one of the alt-right's think tanks
yeah sure, you fucking cuck
when the fuck is the day of the rake? christ i fucking hate leaves
>a fucking leaf
Anyone can post whatever they want
Triggering people and baiting people is common and welcome.
No one gets b& or censored for having extremely differing opinoins.
Sup Forums is like the opposite of a safe space. Just because normies and triggered snowflakes get scared off by the speech here and are therefore not represented as much doesn't make it a safe space.
That's not what you did, we can all tell you're lying.
Well user we also have people who canstantly post bm ww porn so youre thread may havr been pruned for being mistaken for or being seen at a gateway to posting porn.
Why dont you make the same thread with a different less risky pic and tell me how it goes. Post a chart or something in the op not stupid stock photos. Doubt itll be pruned for anything but inactivity after that.
Were you banned for posting this?
Exactly. Sage.
because you're here, aren't you?
there are no passwords. there are no requirements. anyone can "get in" here
This board really is great, isn't it? Brings a tear to my eye.
Fuck you, bogan scum. Fuck you.
It isn't a safe space. But there's too many people here with the same strong political and social values to put up with cancerous nu-males and faggots so they quickly get shot down whenever they try and infect us with their cuckoldry.
A safe space is a place where everything that you disagree is removed so you never feel bad.
Sup Forums is the complete opposite, we can't post what we post here anywhere else or we get instantly perma banned. You can post your stupid leftist shit here but you will probably get rekt and go back to your bubble and cry with your feminist friends afterwards.
Explain how pol IS a safe space
Hey leaf. Does it suck to hear that people disagree with you?
The_Donald is a safe space
Sup Forums is constantly brigadef by libtards like OP who think they can argue (they can't)
But at least on Sup Forums it's not like they can be downvoted off the front page.
>You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space.
Its literally called Sup Forumsitically incorrect
You're here and you're not getting banned, aren't you?
In fact you fuckers outnumbered us for a few weeks when it looked like Clinton might actually win.
>You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space.
You are here and you are voicing your opinion.
We could criticize Trump for his shitty past.
Goodnight, sweet queen.
The fact I have to share it with the ARYAN menace.
This. Cucks get btfo and go back to r/politics by their own choice
Why are leafs so based?
Untie what?
Because being a faggot like you is allowed
>Sup Forums safe space for drumpfy
I voted for him and crack jokes about him, he's a total meme, these guys don't mind.
Sup Forums is a containment place
be grateful about this
otherwise we would be all over your shitter and kikebook faggot
The amount of times i have been insulted, shaken my views by either Commies and Nazi's alike, shock images etc.
Are too much to count.
Any triggered millennial collegetard would get crippling PTSD, just by the amount of freedom we get here, and can say to each other.
They haven't range-banned us yet. Though some of these whiny faggots would if they could.
Because you're allowed to post your shitty opinion for all to see.
I guess this is how you Hillery shills deal with the last stage of grief. Which is depression. You are sitting in your room with all your mountain dew bottles and dragon dildos all over the ground. Attempting to use our tactics against us. What are you a retarded nigger? Thinking this will work? CTR is done for go home and get a real fucking job. You tried and failed for $8/hr. I heard Mcdonalds is hiring for $9.50 to $10/hr here is the website.
proof: you're allowed to post this here
Your post is still here and you were critical of us.
Praise Satan's firey cock
You're free to post what you want. You can discuss it, but you'll probably just cry and call people racists in the end.
They can't understand that most people are not actually hurt by words or offensive imagery.
Keep strong leafs you are hunted because you can take it. Because you are not our hero. You are a silent guardian. A watchful protector.
You don't seem to understand what a "safe space" is yourself..
My old University started implementing them my last year there. They are spaces where NOTHING is allowed to exist that can be "triggering" at all.
So by that definition. Since you're allowed to post here, and we're allowed to see it, whether we disagree or agree, means that this isn't a safe space
>You have 30 seconds to prove to me that this board isn't a safe space.
because you don't get banned for offending others.
You're allowed to put your opinion out for others to see. Regardless of how they feel about it.
as an aside
Is tripcode enabled on Sup Forums so I can distinguish myself from the faggot leafs?
You are here and we don't care we just shitpost you off the board or as I like to say it
>Many regards
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is it better to regard someone ten times instead of once or twice? Why not juts write
not bad, for a leaf.
It is and I'm fine with that. The left has theirs, we have ours.
Go away.
echo chamber =/= safe space
you can't get banned for having opposing opinion
but leafs should be banned anyways
it's a benign platitude that goes at the end of a letter.
Besides, that letter represented about 50 Sup Forums posters.
It's not a common closer but it's basically an amalgam of "Many thanks and Best regards"
i'll give you the Biggest and best EXPLANATION ever, your 30 seconds will be so great, you' ll be tired of being proofed, but I'll just have to give you even more Proof! heck, We don't even NEED 30 seconds!
/pol will prove it self UNDER BUDGET and AHEAD OF SCHEDULE
I'd also like to add that it was really fucking late and I wanted to be the first person to send an email exposing the violent leftie.
And I was, and the only for that matter.
Your post.
You don't get banned when you disagree with someone