Admit it. She was brilliant

Admit it. She was brilliant.

Other urls found in this thread:

>i'm a woman
>the other guy is a bigot
>we need more obama
>8 years wasn't enough
>it's my turn
>fuck i lost, time to get shitfaced and assault john podesta

I'm so glad she lost desu

Of course she was. No one said she wasn't. Her and her husband are both political geniuses. Anyone else would've wound up in jail decades ago for trying to do the shit they got away with. She's just unlucky.

She lost so if she is a terribly talented politician that would make Trump a living Machiavelli.

Since no one is willing to admit that then no she's not.


Lets finish this thread early, someone post the hillary loser image.

/thread in advance.

>Extraordinarily talented politician
0 words into the article and they already lied

the best among a sea of scumbags, what an honor

She went into the election with every conceivable advantage and still managed to lose to a guy with absolutely 0 political experience.

she got beat by someone that ran for president as a hobby lol

She was brilliant when she was a behind-the-scenes politician.

Then she let her ego get the better of her and decided to apply for and force herself into positions that would put her in the forefront, figuring out far too late that she doesn't have the charisma or stamina to be in the limelight.

She was good until she decided she wanted her name in a history book