Why is this?
Why is this?
Oh god no please stay in your designated shitholes
Too much minorities
Cause big city's are disgusting, soul crushing hellholes that are only beloved by the uber wealthy who don't actually have to deal with the problems a city has, and the incredibly destitute who have no other choice
Full off niggers
Chicago is like 20% white and newyork 30% white
They're leaving NYC because it doesn't have enough housing for its demand, causing prices to skyrocket, so that it self segregates upward in class while the lower class are kicked out.
For example, a room in a shit neighborhood with bad connection to the subway could cost 700-800$ a room.
I have to ask, who will keep niggers in check after the beaners are gone?
What stops the coon gangs from taking over once their enemy is no more?
Full of niggers and ridiculously expensive to live in.
chicago is easy to understand. It's a murderous hellhole and Rahm Emanual is only making it worse. Also, taxes.
NY not so much. It's probably due to cost of living. Cities are too expensive and the job at starbucks can't cover it.
Without enough white people around they can't function, as no one is paying the taxes required for a good amount of food stamps/enough area to commit crimes.
They're like cattle. They need wide open fields filled with food stamps and not too many other negroes
They're moving to Florida to make the state vote democratic next election.
>a 1,000 square foot 2 bedroo. apartment in Toronto minutes from the subway costs $900 within minutes from groceries, liquor, banks and timmies
>this is considered extremely overpriced
Because it is time to bring diversity, multikulti, equality to another red state, as leftists always do, all over the world.
Moving to Canada because Drumpf XD
Oh the irony. The worst grammar belongs to the so called intelligent Americans.
Fuck Off Niggers. They made their bed, now they can sleep in it. I don't want to be overrun by shit eating liberals and stinking niggers who want to spread their treacherous ideologies.
NYC is great for those with fuckloads of disposable income
it's shit for anyone on a budget below several hundred/day
Maybe white people should send their wives to take care of them, that will do the trick!
All Liberals are bunched up in small areas. They want to spread out and vote in typically red states.
>a metropolis
wheres the rake at?
Younger people aren't successful enough to live there, boomers are retiring and becoming either snow birds or permanent transplants into other areas.
t. Successful New Yorker.
>libcuck urbanite scum in NYC, Chicago, and California flood their locations with nonwhites and policies that run themselves into the ground
>pick up and leave for better whiter areas
>settle in red states
>vote for the same shit that ruined NYC, Chicago, and California in the first place
>rinse and repeat
>nothing to say
>insult gem regardless
What a leaf
Toronto is bigger than shitcockgo
>who will keep niggers in check after the beaners are gone?
Well they are not doing a decent job of it now, so who cares?
>implying mexican nationals are the only Hispanics in the US.
You do realize people migrated to the US legally and have since become citizens and have children that are citizens right?
>no horizon
>full of niggers, spics, jews, hipsters
The question is: why fucking STAY?
>Why is this?
Minorities and housing costs.
If you aren't a minority, you have to pay full price.
Expensive, full of niggers
Scarborough is a festering shithole full of niggerish scum and Talibanny type gangsters. Literally.
Montréal is a dope city though. Vancouver isn't that bad either.
>American flag
I'm so sorry public education failed you.
White flight innit
>Montreal is dope
Quebecuck fuck off! Go kill yourself stupid faggot atheist communist
Because not being shot > being shot.
would be intresting to watch if only homeless, junkies, blacks and another poor people would live with upperclass in NY.
it would turn like south-africa in the second
>Expecting a leaf to understand population density
Chicago has a third of the city space that Toronto has. NYC has 2/3rd as much, but has almost 9 million people living there. Population density is what makes a metropolis.
That whole Johannesburg effect is insanity.
Isn't it glorious Asia friend?
Nothing better than watching a city crumble after white people get sick of all the bs there, and just leave. Anything that throws libs into cognitive dissonance is good. Its why Trump won.
Ching chong ding dong
No, it's not glorious, as much as I hate cities. They keep the scum contained and away from where I live.
Thats not how the japanese sound.
I'm American. I own a few food related businesses and Montréal is a more fitting city for my personal tastes. I take vacations just to dine and enjoy local restaurant culture. I also enjoy skiing in Quebec. A lot of New Yorkers do this.
Ping pang pwong?
What is a drove? Is it like a car or something?
Fuck off weeaboo trash
Fish face lover
This is a well known phenomenon, and the reason is simple: not enough housing. It's why Californians are all over the southwest.
Well I meant the liberal reaction is glorious. They all know they wouldn't want to live anywhere thats not mostly white.
>Toronto 240 miles
>2.7 million people
>Jew York City 468 miles
>8 million people
>Shitcockgo 230 miles
>2.6 million people
You're a fucking retard
Chicago is 1/3 the area of Toronto? New York 2/3?!?!?! Is this qwhat common core taught you?
Fuck off faggot go kill yourself Quebec is a faggota theist republican communist atheist colony they need to be wiped out
hwayat flayat
Chicago is the most culture corrupt place in the country. It makes Detroit look like Disney Land.
Fuck NYC for ruining an amazing state.
Did French Canadians rape your mom and you're the end result ?
I don't understand the blind hatred.
I DO understand why one wouldn't like Toronto because it's by a far margin more dangerous than the city I live in.
Why would you want to live in a city to begin with. Urbanites are the worst type of people there is.
They're like a fungus. As soon as the stalk starts dying the spores spread to destroy more of the world.
All I see in msm columns is aging millennial women bitching how there are no "good" (white, wealthy, as close to Chad tier as possible) men in NYC
Because liberals shit up every place they go and then move to new places and demand they institute policies of okd shitty place
Rich foreigners stashing their ill-gotten gains in real estate. Driving the rents up to the point where it's just not worth living there anymore.
>toronto dangerous
Oh yeahs some Jew is gonna snip your foreskin so scary
There's no niggers in toronto they're all in Scarborough it's not toronto amalgamation never happened
Quebec is dangerous because they're atheist faggots
Just like the Californians, they've been perturbed by the high costs of living, the inner city viol- ehh, enrichment, and the waves of people willing to work for meager wages being highered over them.
And they're all headed straight for your state, with the full intent of making it blue and enriched as the ones that they are fleeing.
I live in NYC and I'm going to leave ASAP because it's a filthy concrete shithole that isn't nearly as exciting or cool as it thinks it is
Seriously, this place is fucking mind-numbingly boring
Considering both of those places are 99.99% shitskins and jews, absolutely agree. We need containment walls around those as well.
Try living in NJ and commuting to the Upper East Side daily.
It's hell.
Well, unless they go to PA or deep Maine, New Yorkers can't do any actual damage.
Whites build up a city then leave for the suburbs when colored people show up and start fucking things up. Then colored people try to leave the shitty city for some place nicer with more white people.
>"good" (white, wealthy, as close to Chad tier as possible) men in NYC
Isn't it wonderful. I wish pol would try harder to redpill fb/twitter users about the problems with progressives in how it hurts women and men's relationships. We could really turn the tide to conservatism even more than we already have.
wtf how is it boring
Scarborough is part of Toronto though. That's like saying the Bronx isn't NYC because it's not on the island of Manhattan.
Seriously though, did your wife leave you for a French Canadian skii instructor?
They should be made into special economic exclusion zones so they don't negatively effect the freedoms of the normal people in the rest of their states.
I lived in Vancouver, BC for about 8 years, near downtown. I actually inherited a ~$1M condo from my parents about 3 years ago in the downtown area. First thing I did was sold it and moved about ~60km out of Vancouver into a nice, more rural area. I fucking hate city life. It's absolute shit in almost every way, the entire concept of it is to extract as much of your money as possible at as fast a rate as possible.
NO ITS NOT Scarborough only joined in like 1999
It's NOT fucking Toronto
Kill yourself faggot
And no I hate Fr*nch Niggers because they didn't assimilate to our Anglo culture! GET OUT TO FUCKING HAITI IF YOU HATE ENGLISH FUCK FR*NCH
I really feel like central US will be the last bastion of decent human beings. Northern VA is already becoming increasingly overrun by niggers and liberal cucks since we've been expanding so much to accommodate people buying home to commute to DC.
Hi upside down Poland
Nice bullshit numbers, whites are still the majority in new york
I used to live there, when I first moved in I did all the exciting stuff that's unique to the city. But after a while you just settle in and fall into a routine like everyone does no matter where they live, going to the same bars and restaurants. Eventually you realize you can do this literally anywhere else and for a lot cheaper too. There are some conveniences I miss though.
>Whites build up a city then leave for the suburbs when colored people show up and start fucking things up. Then colored people try to leave the shitty city for some place nicer with more white people.
Myriad ways
> boring people
NYC people like to promote themselves as rough and tumble and gritty but the reality is that overall they're timid and soft and dull
> Boring culture
Few good museums, but the rest of them are full of cheap plastic bullshit trying to pass itself off as art
Broadway is only for rich bourgeois faggots
Times Square is nothing but flashing lights and subpar movie theaters while beaten-down drug addicts cosplaying outside try to charge you for photos
Every interesting-looking building here was built decades ago
Parties are just people getting drunk in the same room, no spirit or zest or life
Clubs are just places that blast music so you can't hear anything
Meetups are exclusively organized by the most bland upper-middle-class fuckers you could imagine
Huge stretches of the city have nothing to do but eat at shitty greasy restaurants
Parks are full of garbage and overly regulated (better not walk on that grass!)
> boring aesthetics
Buildings are a mishmash of gross imitations of various architectural styles
Live here for a year, and you'll realize the only redeeming thing this city has about itself are a few somewhat interesting restaurants
Liberal shitholes, and those people will probably migrate to other states and vote for the same policies that made their cities and states into a shithole.
Same thing is happening with California with more people migrating out rather than in. I would love to say that due to them leaving it would make California great, but Mexicans are just replacing them so California is a lost cause without a purging.
This is NYC in a nutshell.
I'm not joking.
I'm here 14 hours a day, it's 100% like this.
Why don't you like the French? Doesn't make sense at all considering their culture, all of it...is superior to English culture. The English don't even have culture when you think about it, their beverage of choice is Asian, so is their National Dish (Curry). Factually speaking they've appropriated everything that makes them "English". Even shit like whiskey and port aren't remotely English in origin.
At least France has beautiful countryside and an amazing culinary acumen.
Cause they've ruined their own cities, are too stupid to figure our their politics are the cause and are now spreading to fuck up other places.
>white people leave
>it becomes an even bigger hellhole now with less taxpayers
>"f-fuck whitey"
Chicago is up next, then the rest of Michigan. Oh would you look at GM and Ford, they're trying to shut down plants in the rust belt and open factories in Mexico for cheaper labor because they're greedy jews.
Kinda reminds you of what destroyed Detroit, huh? You're greedy jew auto executives and white flight are going to kill yet another city, I'd advise to get out NOW.
Well, at least they can watch Hamilton in peace
>tfw I just want to live in NYC and visit seedy places at night with a motorcycle
I was planning to go to NYC but I realized its full of libcucks, but now that Trump is God Emperor, I guess it won't be so bad. here I come
No, it is.
Don't come here. It smells, it's dirty, there's mentally ill homeless men everywhere.
>walk into small closet
>population density is 1 person /.17 sq m
>my closet is a metropolis
really made me think
Massive gentrification. I've lived in Chicago for 35 years. The rents keep going up, the taxes keep going up, Section 8 is getting harder and harder to come by, and the historically "cheap" neighborhoods are slowly becoming less and less livable for people who don't pay taxes.
I live way on the north side of the city in a neighborhood called Rogers Park. Its one of the more colorful parts of the north (white) side of the city. When I was in high school this part of town used to be called the hobo jungle. When I was in college it was a shithole gang war between Mexicans and Blacks. Today the cheap housing is dominated by the kinds of immigrants who scrub their stoops while everything else has become a condo. You can't buy a house in decent repair for under $350k. They're putting in nice hotels and yuppie bars.
Even hellscapes like Englewood are seeing development for the next wave of transplants, kids earning money downtown, and the fashionable pioneer set.
You're going to get assraped for your ideals.
Do not come to New York City and expect anything besides constant strife.
all I want is to be in a big city. LA is too hot and chicago is too small and in bumfuck.
wrong. They will come to these new areas and realize they left their safe bubbles and entered the real world.
The homeless stay at Port Authority during the winter time, they don't even bother going to tourist spots because the police WILL arrest them over pettiness and dumb shit. All the time. It is a boring city to LIVE in, but to visit it must be exciting..like any large city on the planet.
because people are realizing they are terrible places to live and that the (non-west coast) suburbs are infinitely better.
West coast suburbs is that shit Europeans meme about how they are unnatural and insane. East coast suburbs are natural sprawl centered around small towns
NY and Chicago used to both have distinct cultures, my guess is those died and were replaced by negro culture. Also, they're putting poor black people in normal apartment building for free now as part of diversification
If you have mexican genes, you are a mexican national. America is for whites