We are doomed


are people really this stupid?

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Her grandmother would be so proud....

yeah, i opened a can of spaghetti in 1 1/2 minutes, then i cut the crotch out of my pants and pissed

Well that was fucking vile.

What the fuck is that shit? Do they believe that shit is artistic? for real?

class room instruction on how to open a fucking can.

Is she prepping some spirit cooking beans for Hillary and Podesta?

hahaha, I remember when this vid came out. We really thought this was as bad as it was gonna get with SJW's and feminists. We were wrong.

but isn't it simply true? *sniff* the paradox of *sniff* of taking so long to open *sniff* the can of food, when this is precisely the function of the opening tool. Isn't this precisely the struggle of working poor *sniff* against oligarchy? And finally in the climax, the shredding of the pants *sniff* gives way to sexualized urination on that process. This is true emancipation, true egalitarian society *sniff*.

Vaginas are made of chef boyardee and frankfurters

Its funny how so many women use their body/vagina to make art...

i feel enlightened, how could i not see the obvious

it improves flavor

Why didn't anybody use the chance to throw some tins of Zyklon B inside and lock all doors and windows?

Zyklon B has to be heated over 26C to start working.

Rrraw, inchestuous, enerrrgy

why were the spaghettios black.

her ineptitude with the can opener shows her ineptitude with life, that is the only art here.


Its like if I slapped my hard cock against some acoustic guitar strings, and called it art related to my oppression somehow.

So you're saying killing Jews isn't cool?

Great performance art exists though, plebs.


If you don't think this is genius anti-degeneracy stuff, you can't be helped. Vito called Marina Abramovich the worst performance artist of all time.

A couple of the girls are laughing/covering their mouths

>Meanwhile in Shanghai

These children

Why is there a justin trudeau pic on the wall

WTF is this and why cant this woman use a can opener i don't know what life is. how do these people exist. race war now, im ready to spill blood of the traitor and the non human

Fucking Democrats

I didn't sit down and watch this whole stupid seven minute thing, just skimmed through it to see the what fuck this was/ And then it occurred to me. I seriously think these people do this type of shit for sexual attention. They have some kind of fetish and need to have tons of people looking at their naked body. So they do "art" that lets them act like horny retards and get away with it. And get positive attention for it.

If you can't say something without resorting to using your genitals, you have nothing worthwhile to say at all. I'm tired of women using art as an excuse to get attention for their naked bodies, I'm tired of women being this thirsty and desperate.

this video old as fuck. Welcome to the internet, buddy.

What. In. The. Fuck?

Description on youtube:

Documentation of Interior Semiotics, a performance by Gabbi Colette. Performed on March 27, 2010 at Forever (21). Pizza Slut.

>>Pizza Slut

Is civil war what it requires to be able to shoot degenerates like this?

sufficent destruction of ny kind allows change

this is why we praise kek

fuck thats an awesome idea. could make a band around that whole premise.

wew lad fresh off the redditboat? sure is some stale ass material you brought to the table.


This is some amerikike shit if I've ever seen one

>the paradox of *sniff* of taking so long to open *sniff* the can of food, when this is precisely the function of the opening tool
that's due to user error, not some paradoxical design in the can opener

>6yo video meme'd to death on all boards
thanks, newfriend!

On a positive note, that's the closest most of them will ever get to sex.