Why are Republicans so uneducated compared to Democrats?
Why are Republicans so uneducated compared to Democrats?
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Because they aren't Monarchists
Only the stupid need to be educated to function
So you have to take college to be educated/smart right? Yeah sorry not true.
That is not the only criteria but it sure helps. Depends on major of course.
Why are democrats so ideologically programmed?
Why are traps so fucking ugly compared to humans?
Because you are making an assumption that you have no proof of.
now who is uneducated?
>no proof
>loaded question
Bill O'Reilly graduated from Harvard faggot
Because they go out into the real world to get worldly experience.
Democrats instead live in an academic bubble learning worthless shit and having ideologies crammed into their heads for years but get a $100,000 piece of paper at the end saying they have an "education".
If by educated you mean a fine arts degree than yes they are more educated. A better question would be why are more democrats unemployed?
If I graduate from high school, become a plumber and make 6 figures by owning my own business by the time I'm 30 and you go to college and in the same time (even with a STEM degree) are making half as much and have crippling debt, who is the smart one here?
>but it sure helps
Actually it harms your ability to function as liberal professors cram liberal ideals into your head.
you, dumbass.
Why is OP a tranny liking degenerate
If democrats are unemployed, why are the Republicans the ones voting for Trump to bring back jobs for them?
>Hillary Clinton has a 65% chance of winning the election
Sage and hide known CTR spam. Pol is not b. Illegitimate formats are not tolerated. Read the rules at the top of the page.
to piss off democrats, of course
What's with that JUST-hair layered on top of that girly hair?
She had more +1.7M votes ahead btw
Ooh ooh do the income one! That will show those retard republicucks!
I think it's really easy to say a person who hasn't been to a traditional 4 year college is 'uneducated.' At the end of the day, people who are career plumbers may know less about Socrates, but short of Jeopardy, what's the point? Ultimately, college is basically a yard stick by which to measure if a person can keep their shit together, not a case of how much 'book smarts' they retain.
My final point is to simply summarize, you don't need a diploma to know in your heart and mind that you love your country and you want less nigger gib me dats, less meth running Mexicans, and less faggots teaching their kids about what fisting is in the first grade.
It has to be said that college is nothing but a high level brainwash facility used to push Marxist shit into people's brains before they've had to join the work force and be at the mercy of a nation and a minority who will only abuse them for their enlightenment.
>there's no difference between objective statistics and statistical analysis.
Name a country that uses straight popular vote for elections
Cause Canada & the UK don't
That boy is so lucky to get to wear gels clothes...
See, that's a device known as a rhetorical question. I ask a question to which the answer is already know to illustrate a point.
check your premises
republicans are more educated
democrats have more government degrees that they must get government job to live on because they have no real engineering skill
>You can get far by putting in the work you need.
>Christian values in the White House.
>"Traditional morality says we can't X/we should Y"
Reps pander to bite-sized ideas that the less educated sectors of the American population can get along with; mainly people who are still hung on the Cold War, Rural workers and Christian hard-ons.
Because people in proximity to each other tend to share their ideologies with each other. It just so happens that the democrat demagoguery is currently prevalent amongst city populations (who have better access to education) than it is among rural populations. If we go back to the 80's we can see the opposite trend occurring with the worker's rights movement being generally "uneducated" but forming the basis of the democrat voter-base while the republicans had a much higher representation amongst university graduates.
Conflating these notions is simply straw-manning.
I really like how this graph demonstrates just how easy and worthless non-STEM postgrad is.
I voted for trump and im really smart!!
>Bring back the jobs we lost to robots but are blaming on immigrants! That'll teach those democrats.
Makes sense.
I know how to trim fruit trees and i make 2x what most 4 year grads make lol
Republicans generally win the educated white college vote. Democrats always win the minority vote and usually win the working class vote. Obviously, this latest election has turned things on their heads, but the point is that you're just really wrong.
There are some ideas so absurd, only an intellectual could believe them.
That's really all I have to say.
Ignorant goy. You're not truly educated unless you've taken a semester of Feminist Dance Therapy.
dems are book smart
republicans are street smart
I'm agree with your point but +1.7M votes is a lot user
>college is basically a yard stick by which to measure if a person can keep their shit together
No it isn't. Maybe once upon a time, and maybe if you plan on having a related job that involves actual work being done, but it's basically somewhere between a trendy accessory and "adult" daycare right now.
who here is smart but lazy?
Since when does education equal intelligence?
Street smart is something retards say to justify their stupidity
republicans know how to do everything
democrats bullshit
its that simple
Sure, if you don't account for how many of those were cast by illegals or in the names of dead people. Saying she's the voters' choice is a lot like saying a really prolific counterfeiter is the world's richest man.
BTW, we'll never actually know the real count, they stopped counting absentee ballots when the electoral race was called. A lot of those were military, and military votes always skew right.
see that's a device known as satire. I say you're smart, when I really think you're a dumbass.
Is snooki smarter than a rocket scientist because she decided to be on reality tv and makes an order of magnitude or two more than the scientist?
Republicans are educated. Democrats are indoctrinated. Understand the difference.
>implying a college degree means fuck all in this shithole society.
It's a glorified reward for agreeing with professors for 4-5 years.
Because an education in womens study dosnt mean shit in the real world.
You can't deny applicable knowledge is a thing.
For example: my dad never went to school to be a mechanic, yet he can take apart his entire truck and rebuild it because he had to work on it himself as a teenager to get it running.
Why are democrats often on the lower tier for I.Q.'s in the United States?
>Pic related.
"""""Educated"""""" meaning taking 4 years of classes and taking away that 'le all white men are ebil, muh diversity, muh whyte privilege'
A place that supports segregation through "safe zones" is considered an education. meaning you can be down right retarded but call yourself smart because you paid money to be told your right.
Don't ctrl+f the number 9
that face is manly af, why do they do this
look at those legs, hugger than messi's
calling yourselfs educated when you get your sauce from the fake news like CNN
Gender studies and liberal arts really can't be considered being educated more like indoctrinated, so if we ignore those we will be on an equal playing field
You misspelled indoctrinated.
t. redditor
care to explain?
>tfw to intiligant
worst meme ever t. meme war veteran
You mean people are born knowing science?
Sure, leaf, lemme shoot you the link.
You can do your own damn homework on this one, not spoonfeeding you.
You have to be educated to be educated. Being smart isn't something that is rewarded.
Will the southern states IQ improve if you don't count all the niggers down there who overwhelmingly vote dem?
We need more threads like these to encourage the self improvement of our dumber conservative brothers in the US. Thanks OP
because they believe in equal rights and actually care about it.
>college is an indoctrination camp
this is you
>The place that rich people pay for As.
I waiting user
The guy in red actually doesn't look half bad
Trump is from the red zone. People like him created the crime rate.
And so damn dumb. all that high educmucation.. .they can't have common sense.
You do realize that a hillary supporter on twitter admitted she voted for Hillary SEVEN times, right? And she even encourage her followers to do the same.
I know right lets ask the college students: youtube.com
with the exception of a few fields of study, only stupid people are "educated". also, conservatives are far more intelligent than leftists- it's not even close.
This hurt my brain
What are you talking about. If anything, it's always the republican who says things that blows mind more. That gets minds working more. Dems are just peacey people that can't fight logic with more logic but with peacey stuffs that force everyone to agree with them.
Dems always say obvious things. Republicans always say things that make us think for a sec.
>muh liberal arts bluepill
Being a democrat is a result of being a pampered richfag
Because Republicans focus on financial and social success instead of academia.
You can see it in the breakdown of the election.
The rich and successful voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
The poorest of the poor voted Hillary.
White educated males and females voted for Trump, while educated minority females (who focus on arts degrees and other low paying education routes) voted for Hillary.
Basically people who contribute to society prefer Republicans, while those who don't or aren't capable of contributing prefer Hillary.
Hope that clears it up.
Wow, never heard of that country before.
>knowing science makes someone smart
>someone is dumb if they don't know science
nice meme.
Intelligence will flourish no matter its origin or circumstance. The fact Right wingers are more self sufficient despite lower education demonstrates the intellectual inequality among The Left and The Right.
Generally those with Leftists tendencies have less of an ability to be self sufficient.
Basically they are stupid.
fuck off
They cut spending on the arts, sciences and education no shit they would be uneducated compared to Democrats lmao
If that's the case, why did Trump secure the votes of everyone bar the lowest income earners, including college educated whites?
Just curious.
Majority of educated Hillary supporters are minority females who take arts courses.
The majority of Hillary supporters in general are educated. Donald got the majority of men and women who haven't graduated college or stopped after high school. Democrats have been the ones to increase spending on sciences and arts, not the Republicans