
When will you christcucks realize that Atheism is the future? As science and technology get bigger and better, religion will get smaller and eventually, become irrelevant. When will you guys wake up to the truth?

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your worldview just doesn't make sense to me, sorry

> Not realizing that agnostic theism is superior in literally every respect

Jump off a bridge, perhaps.

Hey guys, although there's no purpose in life and we will simply make one up, let's continue to advance our selves to reach a non-existent goal that will be useless in the end because we will just die eventually, also, I'm actually a Buddhist atheist (enlightened), and Buddhism isn't even a religion, it's a lifestyle, life is literally suffering and your religion is um, dumb.

jump off the fence, faggot.

Atheism isn't a religion, though.

`septic sceptic` alert


how would you define gnosis/knowledge?


Yes goy, good goy. Keep refusing to believe. This is the way of the destined future, goy. You are doing my bidding nicely.

Remember to take out more loans for expensive luxuries at 50% interest, goy!

nah, we won't. Christianity is a blessing and a refuge....don't you realize without the Lamb you are doomed to die the second death?

If I am wrong, then not much will be lost...oblivion right? but if your wrong? You're fucked....

Christcucks are wrong and so are you. Kek is the only true God.

Disproved by Kek.

When will atheists realize that being religious isn't a choice that the vast majority of people are born stupid and you will always be a minority. Arguing about religion with people is beyond dumb it makes no difference.


When will you realize you're being lied to?

yeah guys cheap cargo pants and spaghetti memes are clearly the future

>aetheism is the future

There are christians working at federal level space programs all around the world and youre an aetheist shit posting on a chinese image board

Let me know what you PERSONALLY have done to warrent any shit talk

Im not baiting, but do you really believe theres a fag in the sky who watches over every one of us ( 7 fucking billion) and judges us.?Not to mention all life on earth. Religion was just invented to keep the masses in check. dont kill dont steal etc. which is a good thing. but as technology developed you start to see its a hoax. Id rather live a sad truth than a beautiful lie.

the only thing close to religion i can accept, is that ay lmaooos made us , as maybe an experiment or just for fun to watch us, like we watch tv series.

Atheist here, why attack christians? Who really cares if others believe something you do not?


>Im not baiting, but do you really believe theres a fag in the sky who watches over every one of us ( 7 fucking billion) and judges us.?

Honestly? I think there is some high power shit going on.

This year alone had the most improbable things happen.


>do you really believe theres a [god] in the sky
literally no does.
i'm not even sure where to start, you seem to think God is like a person watching things in real time on a videoscreen.

Thats what religion and the bible describes him to be. I've read the bible even tho im agnostic, its not great but not bad literature either.

why would what you can create personally within a realm of existence stipulate the absence of a creative force for said existence ?

have you done any research at all into quantum mechanics etc?


read slowly

No. I can confidently say that because of this board and what happened here, this election and the events surrounding it, and Pizzagate, I know God exists. I felt it, like a wind on my face.

Why does the newest niggertech keep you from believing in God?

thats called sociological engineering

yes, and that's most astounding..its almost when you get down to that dimensional level, that God is everywhere

>Im not baiting
>proceeds to forget what the word "God" means

my understanding has always been that the better understanding of the universe that you live in you have and how it operates the closer you will be to proving rather than disproving intent at the base of creation, especially considering that all the atoms appear wherever they need to, whenever they are needed, in whatever form necessary to create all this

omniscient, yes.
not as a man in a room watching 7 billion screens play at the same time.
it's not like that's a logical impossibility though anyway.

you didn't even really make an argument, you were just voicing that you found it silly.

They just don't understand all of the evidence that destroys their arrogance.


what evidence?

Which god exists? There are thousands. And how did you decide which god did it?

>you seem to think God is like a person watching things in real time on a videoscreen

but this is the philosophy that most creationists follow. Try telling a group of creationists that god is not just the father, the son, and the holy ghost,
You'll have a bad time.

The one and only God that predicted the future thousands of times.

>No. I can confidently say that because of this board and what happened here, this election and the events surrounding it, and Pizzagate, I know God exists. I felt it, like a wind on my face.

Sup Forums the post

holy shit there's a special type of retardation around here

>Not being spiritual but not religious
what a n00b

In other words, the one that was shoved down your throat when you were too young to think for yourself.

>Which god exists? There are thousands.
i hate that people quote ricky gervais like he's some wise philosopher and not an unfunny comedian.

>no one converts to Christianity from a different belief system

look into the historical evidence of the death burial and resurrection of Christ.


Sup Forums is filled with people afraid to disagree with their parents. There's definitely exceptions to this, but for the most part, man-children post here all day long.

>As science and technology get bigger and better, religion will get smaller and eventually, become irrelevant.
Nah mate. TV didn't kill the radio. Internet didn't kill written press. Science won't kill religion.

>Comes to a board that is known to hate the pretentious liberal attitude
>Acts like a pretentious cunt

1/10 for trying now please gas yourself


Atheism is a meme religion for brainwashed dumbasses who want to feel really smart about themselves.

In fact, the Bible explains science superior than atheism, especially for a book "written by bronze age monkeys." For example, the Bible reveals that there is an infinite universe, an infinitesimal universe, and mountains in the seas in a time where people still thought the sun revolved around Earth, and couldn't travel the depths of the sea. The Bible proved these unfathomable facts to "bronze age monkeys" before modern science could even think about it.

Hell, any atheistic view of how the Earth began and how the Earth functions is statistically impossible. It's like assembling an airplane out of pure luck, it's just not possible. There needs to be a designer and creator, hence why there needs to be a Creator of the universe. But none of you fuckers want to listen because of your self-entitlement. You would rather hold on to the 1 in centilion chance that the universe both exists AND a world can actually function with living beings.

Why should anybody listen to atheist cuckholds, who claim to be "le epix smart" like op, who can't even into basic statistics?

as much as a girl on the cock carousel is christian.


every atheist on here is an arrogant ass, so probably.

I have been asking that question since I was a teenager 35 years ago. Ricky clearly can also see the effectiveness of the question in getting theists to begin to think.


Can you quote the verses where the bible explains multiple universes and mountains in the sea?

the statement is dumb though
>people have different mutually exclusive beliefs about X
you say it like you think
>therefore, X doesn't exist
would follow.

i know the implication you're trying to express is "there is an equal amount of evidence for all of these beliefs though, zero" but that's just not true.

i haven't examined thousands of them, but i feel confident ruling them out because of the evidence for the God of Christianity, and the God of Christianity's claim to be the only one that exists.

i bet he is working on it. The Bible also claimed the earth was round way before even the Greeks calculated the circumference of the earth.

Deism is literally the only respectable branch of theism.

The total sum of evidence presented over the past 2000 years to support the claim that your favourite god exists is the same as the total sum of evidence for every other god ever invented and that amount is zero.

>every atheist on here is an arrogant ass
I'm not.

Why does the god have to be a thing, why can't the entire matter and energy of the universe be god itself?

Why does there even need to be a god, random or divine that doesn't change shit so why waste time over it?

You all make me laugh

>zero evidence
have you ever watched a scholarly debate?
theist vs atheist?

did the pro side just sit there and twiddle his thumbs?
there is a mountain of evidence.

listen to this debate if you're bored enough one day:

david wood does a great job of laying out the historical evidence


But all I did was state a fact.

Infinite Universe: Isaiah 40:22, also implied everytime "countless stars" are mentioned

Infinitesimal Universe: Hebrews 11:3

Mountains in the Sea: Psalm 46:2

Bonus: Earth as a Sphere: Job 26:10, flatfags btfo. The literal hebrew definition for sphere, khug, translates to both circle and sphere.

Sorry for the wait, had to refind the Mountains in the Sea verse.

there was a Christchan infographic that had a ton of these, i thought i saved it but i can't find it.
i think in the bottom left it said "tip harder, faggot"

Let them believe whatever they want, they can't even agree on what ((((God)))) is.

Your religion was invented for the same reason that all other religions were invented. To separate people like you from your money and to wield control over you.

If you can prove just


contradiction in the bible, I will believe you.

I found this while trying to find the Mountains in the Seas verse, if it's anything. Haven't looked through all of them though.

1: that image is actually just a lazy recoloring of an infographic that showed all of the places where the bible references itself (pic related)

2: it didn't correlate with any of the contradictions the SAB purported to have found, which is usually included in that image

3: they have all been refuted here:

4: you put God in echoes, yet the person who heads the group that made that image is a jew (((sam harris)))

name ONE irreconcilable contradiction.

>Be a deist
>No comfy churches or nothing
>No cool priesthood or anything

I feel that we don't know enough about the universe to say whether or not there's some kind of God or not, but if I had to wager, I'd say probably.

It probably isn't a conscious thing, or the kind of God we think of when we think of God.

I don't think the Books of any religions are written of divine will, but human interpretation of the universe, same with science.

And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month…Nebuzaradan…came…unto Jerusalem… —2 Kings 25:8

…in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month…came Nebuzaradan…into Jerusalem… —Jeremiah 52:12

Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. —2 Kings 24:8

Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem… —2 Chronicles 36:9

Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy…and they shall be your possession…they shall be your bondmen forever. —Leviticus 25:45-46

Undo the heavy burdens…let the oppressed go free,…break every yoke. —Isaiah 58:6

For I am the Lord; I change not. —Malachi 3:6

And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. —Exodus 32:14

For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. —Exodus 20:5

The Lord is good to all. —Psalms 145:9

The most telling contradiction would be the New Testament accounts of Jesus' life.

For example, John has Jesus cleansing the temple twice, and there are multiple sayings of his sayings on the cross.

However, you could chalk that up to them being by different people, I guess

>The Lord is good to all
Not a contradiction. The Lord is good to all means just that. It doesn't mean that he is only good to all, but to all he is good.

What thread are you trying to slide with these posts?

>implying the future isn't dark already

i messed up the link, it's just:

without /index

You can piece together the accounts of Jesus's life. Some just left out parts that others included.

The cross is the same. I did it once, actually.

All the synoptics are relatable, of course, because they all descend from Mark. Reconciling Mark with John is hard, though.

It's weird, because Mark seems to be the more plausible account, but John seems to be more geographically accurate.

Of course, the Baptism and the Crucifixion are all the same, and those are the only two parts anyone can agree on concerning the Historical Jesus.

I'm pretty sure even Harris and Dawkins would recognize that much, unless they're bigger memes than I thought and actually believe the Christ Myth Theory.

Of course, being baptized and being executed don't make you God

>Of course, being baptized and being executed don't make you God
rising from the dead may though, you should listen to this debate too if you're bored enough one day:

Dates can be rounding from different people (the bible was written by a whole gaggle of authors) or translation issues (old book)

Numbers like 8 and 18 can be understood as translation issues or maybe even spelling mistakes.

The next one is not a contradiction, it's a command. It says to let those you oppress free, and to not fight the one who oppresses you and let them free you on their own accord (I think).

Repent means feel sorry or bad about doing something. Not sure what you're getting at here.

God is good to all. That's a statement. He can be other things to people, but one of the things he is to everyone is good.

Try again.

I believe the empty tomb, but I believe it's more likely his body was destroyed to keep people from venerating him as a martyr more than I believe he rose from the dead.

Trust me, I hate atheists more than most, but I just can't believe this stuff

I too, remember being 15.

the old
>supernatural events don't take place because there's no evidence of supernatural events taking place but if there is something that seems like evidence of supernatural events taking place then it's not really evidence because
circle eh?

I don't believe supernatural events aren't real, I just think that they should never be supposed in favor of natural ones.

People have destroyed the bodies of holy men/ important figures to keep their memory suppressed forever.

Even as recently as Osama bin Laden.

>2 Kings 25:8 and Jeremiah 52:12
Unto and into have two different meanings, which makes sense in context

>2 Kings 24:8 and 2 Chronicles 36:9
Reigning can occur at different ages in life, for complications or whatever. For example, King David was anointed king in 1Samuel 16:13 but fled from the already reigning king Saul, so he wasn't king for a couple of years.

>Leviticus 25:45-46 and Isaiah 58:6
If you studied slavery in the Bible, you would find that it is not equatable to slavery in Egypt or in Europe/early America. They were treated more as prisoners of war and with respect with a spiritual basis for worth, dignity, equality, and hope to face difficult circumstances.

With that being said, the two verses are not relatable. One is talking about owning slaves, the other is being about being oppressed by the law. Reading further, Isaiah 58:6-12 is about how God will give you light in dark times. Verses are unrelated.

More to come

the disciples all died martyr deaths for claiming to have seen Jesus ressurected

If you knew for a fact what you preached was a lie, you wouldn't die for that belief

the argumentation laid out in the debate rules out every naturalistic explanation i've seen.
>body destroyed
that's covered

Maybe they didn't know it for a fact, then.

Do we even know who the first historical person in the Jesus Narrative is?

We know Pontius Pilate existed, but who's the first disciple that can be empirically verified?

I think they think they've found James the Just. Paul tells us he met Peter and James, so that's something, as people are pretty sure Paul was real.

yeah this, and it was claimed to have been seen by multiple witnesses, which is documented in a credal statement (found in 1 Corinthians 15 ) that even secular historians date to the first half of the 30's AD (the credal statement is dated to this period, not 1 Corinthians itself)

>3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
>4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures,
>5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
>6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.
>7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
>8 Last of all, as though to one born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also.

so if He's seen by multiple people, then it couldn't have been just a hallucination because hallucinations are subjective to the individual perceiving them

what do you mean the first historical person?

The first person to report Jesus as resurrected was Mary who was going to tend to the body of Jesus. If this was a made up story, a women would literally be the last person to rely on because in thag day a woman's testimony wasn't even admissible in court.

>Malachi 3:6 and Exodus 32:14
First, Malachi 3:6 literally means "for I the Lord have not changed my covenant.'' However Jeremiah 18:7-10 explains it best.
"If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it."

>Exodus 20:5 and Psalms 145:9
God is good to all. However, if you don't serve him, you will get punished. Everybody has a chance to earn God's grace, ergo God is good to all. It's up to you to accept his grace and live by his command.

No contradictions found as usual.

I mean who's the first person to actually know to be historically attestable?

It's probably James the Just, since they supposedly found his body.

That'd be pretty good, since James was probably his biological brother

>agnostic theism

A contradiction of terms my friend.

Not really. By the strictest standards, Dawkins would technically be an agnostic, but he's all but an atheist.

You can be sure of something, but still admit that you don't really know.

I believe in a God, but I don't know one exists for sure

I'm going to bed for church. Stay comfy, and remember pic related.

Atheism won't ever be a thing because people will always worship something, money, earth, political leaders, ideology. With out God you become pagen by default. Being atheist is humanly impossible. Abraham's God won't ever go away time soon because Islam is growing faster than atheism/agnosticism.

That atheist guy is so fucking stupid.

Maybe you should just die
Praise Kek