Daily reminder that the MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton.
If you're still #withher be sure to sign the Change.org petition so electors make her president on December 19.
Feel free to post those funny frogs :)
Daily reminder that the MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton.
If you're still #withher be sure to sign the Change.org petition so electors make her president on December 19.
Feel free to post those funny frogs :)
Found one!
>White checkmated black
>"B-b-but black has more pieces so black is the winner!"
>~62 million is the majority of ~320 million
Accept defeat hill shills, a petition won't equal anything in the popular vote by the electoral college.
suck a fat cock.
pick one
>Ignoring that Trump would've won the popular vote if he was campaigning for it.
>the MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton
Any rational person would know that the cause is hopeless when the people in power who benefit directly from her win, including hillary herself, have already conceded defeat and begin the handover process
Fact Check: Not True!
A majority of Americans didn't even vote!
Nice try, OP, but your finished.
That's just marker pen on her face, right?
Please liberals, continue to riot. It's time we removed you like the terrorists you are.
It is over. You're didn't just lose an election.
Who you lost in the process should scare the shit out of you.
>Change.org petitions
>doing anything
choke yourself to death on a kike's nose
Fun fact: she still lost the election
>not moving almost half of your pawns
What the fuck is this gambit? Seriously, I'm intrigued.
I don't think you understand what the word gambit means
I grabbed the picture off of google images just to make the point I made. I'm sure it's just a picture example of a back-rank mate to teach newcomers.
I certainly do. I want to know how, in God's name, the game could possibly have ended in such a state. Step by step if possible, I'm only an amateur.
Are you a pedo, OP?
Oh that's mildly disappointing. I was hoping that this had happened in a tournament.
Yep first and last names please. Everyone who still supports her, get on that list ASAP!
It is over. Your gone and will die before you get another chance.
This dumb bitch never stood a chance.
>only 30% of the US bvoted
All these retarded Killery supporters falling the news like sheep thinking she could even have a chance at a come back.
FYI she will be dead of health failure before 8 years.
Black sucks.
Put himself in a corner.
guys I'm looking for that picture where the two little alt-elves are trying to hold her up while she speaks pls halp
Any Killery supporter will be gone soon.
An estimated 3 million Hilldog votes were cast by illegals/voters who cast multiple ballots
Absentee ballots were not counted in many states aka early votes aka people who use the postal service aka republicans
She's done.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
As deluded as the Bernie shills were inbetween California and the convention. The day of the rope approaches.
VAST majority of Americans voted for Trump or DIDN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HER.
So much for "Muh First Woman President" meme.
Say it with me /pol "NO Madam President".
>when the reptilian overlords cut off your supply of stem cell enriched lizard blood
This a is a joke
Did you not know that they found 3 million illegals registered to vote this time around? That explains Hillary's "popular vote win"
I wonder how many of the 12 million illegals voted... and how many times?
no, actually it is over you stupid faggot, she conceded the election
"But she was gana be the first woman! how could you not vote for her? like she was a woman with an vagnia that means she gets to win without even having to try cuz feminize equals woman having the huge advantage and getting votes"
The only reason Killery got any votes is because shes a woman.
>cut her off
Something something something learn your history something something something the art of the deal something something something kys homosexual
this made me kek
>majority of Americans
>less than 20% of America bothered to go out and vote for her
>of the ones that did, less than 50% voted for her
Even then, they both played for the electoral college, not the popular vote. That's like saying you won in chess becuse you had more pieces left when you got checkmated. That's not how it works.
It was supposed to be her turn!
Daily reminder that Trump said he would deport 12 million potential killary voters if he won.
My college professor was trying to tell the class how easily the electoral college could switch to Clinton. He said the electoral college was there to overturn the decision if the winner was unfit.
I told him it's for the morons that penciled in harambe and Bernie. He just looked at me with a death stare and said well see.
Idiot. The US is NOT a democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic from it's founding. There is no National US popular election. 51 State (& DC) elections instead. She lost the VAST majority of those and thus Electoral College as per the Constitution. BTW, 5th time in US History.
Blacks for example didn't even bothered to vote. Whats your point, snow?
I guess if you count those ilegal spicss as Americans then I am an American too.
pls I know one of you has it
My point is that 12 million illegals, all with the ability to vote, would be deported if Trump won. 12 millions votes for Hillary ONLY because they're in the country illegally. And still she barely got more votes than Trump.
>tens of thousands of teenagers woke up that morning, went to the polls, and literally wrote the name of a dead fucking gorilla for their vote in the fate of this country
And this is why no one takes millenials seriously.
I have a feeling as we speak Soros goons are blackmailing as many electors as possible so that Shillary can legally win. Things are too quiet.