What is his political ideology?
Alex Bones
Other urls found in this thread:
Water filters
globalism squisher
libertarian constitutionalist is what he claims
He is a Libertarian.
The sound of his own voice
he used to be a lolbertarian but he dropped most of that to pander to alt-right babbies
He's an idiot, but he's still too smart to be a white nationalist.
Libertarian nationalism, the last redpill
Right wing populist
Seems pretty obvious
critical thinking
His head/neck looks like a thumb.
>The sound of his own voice
Good double
he was saying on facebook live videos some California nearly pulled a gun on him. seemed pretty shook about it
He's screaming about Jaysus a lot more recently so I wonder if he's a dominionist theocrat.
He's not a politician, retard, he can't be a populist
whatever he is paid for
Mekkin the frawgs gay
goblin warrior
What do y'all think Alex benches? 315?
Maybe 315 kg
He's went
He finally dropped libertarianism because Gary Johnson was a globalist that gave the ideology a bad name
Don't libertarians want open borders? Wouldn't open borders go against nationalism since it wants strict borders.
He must sell water filters at all costs.