What is it about Trump that triggers kids?

What is it about Trump that triggers kids?

Susceptibility to public propaganda and a need to be congruent with the popular culture.
>propaganda to children is beyond easy mode

bitch is ugly always not just ugly crying xD

> blames somebody for being ugly.

Kids these days doesn't have any accountability anymore.

>indoctrinate against Hitler.
>tell them over and that it must never happen again.

you know the rest.

They haven't fully developed critical reasoning skills because their brains are still developing.

the glowy box in their living room said he was bad
the clickbait articles spamming and shared all over their social media said he was literally hitler

their ENTIRE generation dreams of being part of something bigger than themselves and will grasp at anything they think might turn into a movement

Don't forget snapchat news!

So much anti-trump shit on there I was literally shaking.

Wait. Snapchat news? That's a thing? Seriously?

best answer in thread

He personifies a well ordered, strong authority (father figure) which the leftist media has taught them to hate.

Looks like the kings men could put Humpty back together again

Yea, they force this featured articles shit on your feed where you look at your friend's stories


Thank God I'm too old for snapchat. Are young people just totally desisted to propaganda or what? Do they just not notice it? Someone help me out here.

No, I am in the minority, but the active minority who calls news out for its bullshit. I'm only 18, but thank fuck I have the maturity to question what I'm force fed on a daily basis.

They've been given everything they've ever wanted and don't know how to deal with failure.

One article i seen on snapchat today was this new challenge. Like how that stupid mannequin challenge was a thing. Now there's a "trumpscoming" challenge. Someone yells "trumps coming" and everyone runs..
I wonder whos behind this idea.

Fishing for compliments using Trump as an excuse

esteban cut a bitch's cheek open.

More interesting question:
>What is it about kids that makes them want to take staged selfies of themselves crying and share them?

She's probably crying because she looks like chelsea clinton. I would cry too desu.

It's also some badly underrated acting, especially on Thurmond's part. When she sits down she become enraptured by this mature, charming gentleman. Then she sees what he did to one of his whores and she snaps out of it. She remembers that he is a pimp and he's anything but a nice guy. There's a lot of subtlety in that scene. They speak not only with words, but with the looks on their faces.

He's dad.

He's literally hitler and he's going to holocaust all the trannies.


>their ENTIRE generation dreams of being part of something bigger than themselves and will grasp at anything they think might turn into a movement

Yes. They have nothing actually wrong with their lives so they need to make some shit up.

You have to be aware before you can question it. It's the same principle involved with realizing Santa isnt real. But this is more complicated, and young people aren't as motivated to do it because they arent as personally invested in it as they are in getting presents from Santa.

Drumf will litrally send out death squads to kill all POC, LGBTGETQHESGADHE , and ALL WOMEN!

These people are under a spell of persuasion. They have actually hypnotized/ brainwashed themselves into to believing Trump is actually Hitler incarnate or insert any chant-able lie.

The strong emotional response with no basis in reality is quite scary. Studying human nature people are prideful, and most will never admit to being wrong or that they have been deceived.

His privilege

This bitch is mental

Do they just hand out blue checkmarks now?

i think shes kinda cute is that bad?

She's not quite as bad as chelsea-kun

a hip hop tmz gossip vlogger recently got one so probably
not at all

this is the same girl

My 8 year old niece loves Trump and "wishes Hillary would die".


This would be me if i heard that

I'll give you these bitches are annoying but you alt right morons aren't much better

Being brainwashed by the educational system run by the liberals.

>Let me grab some attention the Twitter selfie post

As a necrosexual, I approve of this

no child should be worrying about politics at all

sign of bad parenting desu

This, the media and internet are blowing this little kid cry's about trump shit outa proportion. Why the fuck should anyone even care what kid's think anyway? Adults decide POTUS not children. Also it seems to some extent many liberal teachers have been telling their classes blatant lies or half truths to indoctrinate them. Show me the elementary school teacher that supports Trump who would think of decieving children for political reasons. These leftys have a real strain of scum. America has always been about people getting along with diverse opinions. Now the left thinks America needs reeducated. They are fucking vile creatures.

We rekt your shit you fag. We outmemed and outsmarted you at every turn.

but the children won

Trump represents working hard to get what you want rather than crying until someone gives it to you. Children hate that.

>10 things you didnt know about nipples

Fuck me no wonder this generation is so fucking stupid.

That's what happens when everyone gets a trophy just for playing.

kek you don't actually believe that do you

Your opinion. Don't mean shit. Enough people disagreed with you to elect Trump. Hillary would have been 10x worse than if you can't see that you are lost forever.

It's generation snowflake. The entire crop of them are emotionally handicapped.

I'm starting to wonder if they're being warped by the K thru 12 school system.

Are you trying to imply that Trump hasn't worked hard to get to where he is? He just accidentally stumbled into a 3.7 million dollar net worth?

billion, I mean

He tells it as it is rather than pussy footing around

>be kid
>trust parents and listen to every word they speak
>parents tell me trump will literally kill me
>literally kill me
>fucking cry

its simple folks

The "words can kill" campaign scaring the kids of free speech, & like ISIS encouraged the kids to give their life to a cause.

Their retarded parents have been terrorizing the children. Sheer child abuse!
These Kids will grow up hating their parents and teachers liberal ideologies and be staunch conservatives when they grow up.
Game, Set, Match!

Never learn Liberals!

Yea, there was also one on vaginas, butts, etc
Not sure if they are just running out of ideas or what. But yea, its stupid.

>kids nowadays grow up on (((media)))
>(((media))) feeds them (((certain information)))
>trump speaks out against it
>kids get triggered

we are living through history's longest Pavlovian experiment

fpbp. nice one digerydoo

actually more selected hillary and keeping up with Kardashians is the highest rated show in murica so it just shows we are a nation of dumb dumbs

post picture

>What is it about Trump that triggers kids?
Pic related

yeah if breaking contracts hiring illegals is working hard

Thanks Otrump

Why is Trump so bad?

Parents rant to kids, kids believe parents, both lose.

They will have to live out the consequences.

What ever happened to "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"

Watch your language, junior

taking a company inherited from your parents and increasing it's net worth by 10,000% is hard work no matter how you go about it.

>More selected
You mean dead people, people who voted many times and illegals.
>Highest rated
Among the very few people who watch T.V still?

>They will have to live out the consequences.

I felt the same way about Obama. Still do. Yet I somehow managed not to throw a tantrum and act out emotionally.

It's part of being a grown up.

>yfw the next generation will grow up exposed to the truth about the Jews and the net gain of nationalism
Gen Z will be the last of the cucked generations for a century

More like commie teachers rant to kids, parents are too busy to teach them correctly, America loses.

Their hysteric liberal parents

>Gen Z will be the last of the cucked generations for a century

I'm beginning to question this. I'm an old guy. And I'd like to believe a backlash is coming. But I suspect they are now being weaned from preschool on a steady diet of PC hugbox culture.

And it might get much worse.

wtf I love 8 year olds now
>that's not what I meant to say, fug.

Dumpy white girls have no personality. So pretending to care about "minorities" or even further pretending to be a minority, makes for a good substitute in their minds.

Thankfully, most will grow up and actually have deeds and accomplishments to talk about instead of how scared they are for their minority facebook and tumblr friends.

Their teacher and parents have been telling him spooky stories. All kids are brats, but their parent aren't much better.
>"You'd better not stick your hands in that chimney, or the Chimney-Monster will drop down and eat you."
>"If you walk around the house naked, the dogs might bite off your penis thinking it's a hot-dog."
Those are just a couple of the retarded lies i remember my mom telling me when i was a gullible child. The chimney-monster was when I was four: the concept genuinely spooked me. I imagined it as a jet-black orangutan like beast with four arms, six eyes, and a mouth like a shark. I wouldn't go anywhere near any chimney for a couple years after that, or so my family tells me.

mmm your tears are delicious

>And it might get much worse.
what makes you say that?

Kids are either submissive or contrarian. Add the integration of social media in their daily lives growing up, we'll see a study rise of SJW but also a rise of opposition. Even now, kids make fun of faggots or SJW bullshit.

That's a pretty neat cat,user.

Newest generation is fucked, that huge amount of attention seeking

>im cryin :( (tell me I should be happy!)
>im ugly :( (tell me I'm pretty!)
>fuck trump! (let us circlejerk)

>people commit terrorism
"Terrorism can kill"
>people commit civilian casualties
"War can kill"
>people commit suicide
"Words can kill"

Liberals are just a whole world of something else, can't even begin to describe their own contradictions and systems of assigning blame.

Neural conditioning.

Literally these people don't know Trump, their only exposure to him as been basically what CNN and MSM shows them.

And the MSM has dont nothing but shitpost on Trump as literally hitler for the last 8 months.

They are growing up in a big hug box. Sheltered from from anything emotionally upsetting. They can't even pretend to shoot guns with their fingers, play cowboys and indians, possess gun shaped bread, etc. They are being exposed to "my two mommies" type of BS and are protected from bullies.

They grow up without the basic tools to handle emotionally stressful situations.

Pavlov was a Jew.
>his greatest discovery was how Jews influence people.
>he discovered his latent Jew powers by ringing a bell when he fed a dog (a lesser animal). it's exactly the same for all of these international happy merchants, only we are both the dog and the food.

>Even now, kids make fun of faggots or SJW bullshit.

Not the way we did.


this is all true. but what happens if/when a Trump presidency reverses the tide?

gee what a coincidence

That looks more like a rare Pepe than a merchant.

i don't make these bro, i merely save and recycle

this is a serious problem though. i have nothing wrong with my life and i'm depressed 24/7 and want to gas myself

it probably didn't help that they called it like a sure thing the whole time either.

They don't know better
That simple

>this is all true. but what happens if/when a Trump presidency reverses the tide?

The Federal Department of Education would have to be abolished. There's no other way and good luck with that.

Local municipalities might due better here and there.