>Explain to me how Trump is like Hitler...
Explain to me how Trump is like Hitler
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they are both mean boys who didn't care about feelings and they both got elected to be the country's big leader! don't you see? it's like they're twins!
Because trump wants to build a wall and Hitler had the Berlin wall!
Trump is currently at 1933 levels of Hitlery, and positioning to make a run towards 1935 levels of Hitlery. Reducto ad Hitlerum fallacy (or Goodwin's) does not apply when you don't have to reduce the subject to Hitler, but rather the subject reduces themselves to Hitler by continually taking pages out of the Hitler playbook and surrounding themselves with figures that are as full of hate and malice as the people we see surrounding our president elect. Furthermore it should be noted that social acceptance for bigotry has plummeted and the reprocussions for bigotry have become much more severe since the 1930's. The fact that our president elect has surrounded himself with people as openly racist as he has should be alarming, for the racism that peaks out into their public image is just the tip of the iceberg compared to all the stuff they want to say and do.
I'm scared, I wasn't scared by a Bush win, either time, I wasn't scared by the prospect of a McCain win, nor Romney win, but Donald Trump terrifies me. I've 1920-1930 Germany too much to be anything but terrified about this man being our commander in chief.
""""BUILD a WALL!""""
They're both white males.
kek troll, or Manchester fan?
they were both
>leans into mic
white males
>They both breathe air
>They both drink water
>They both eat food
>They both have ears
>They're both human
Literally hitler.
this should be a colombia advertisement
Something about that guys face makes me want to attack on some animalistic level.
You're fucking stupid. Trump's daughter is a Jew for fucks sake. This comparison has no basis in reality and is a result of pure media spin.
Imagine the obese purple haired hamplanet with her skele bff saying this and being serious.
Thanks Canada!
Is that iDubz?
because he doesn't want to kill all white people
Not gonna lie, former white man here. This is fucking hilarious watching whitey crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let White men in power
God that guy really was the physical embodiment of Nu-Male, wasnt he?
i don't even what is doesn't yet not become?
Honestly Trump is a disgrace compared to Hitler. Hitler was one of the greatest orators of all time, Trump stumbles and bumbles through speeches like a autist. Do you really think Adolf Hitler would be shitposting on Twitter about some theater show if he were alive today? Trump is an absolute clown compared to the Fuhrer and even mentioning them in the same sentence is an absolute disgrace.
nice try leaf, but Ive seen this pasta before.
the media are absolute clowns though, so are most millennials. Everything he does is an hjonest reflection of what we've come to as a society.
I guess that's what happens when you base you entire belief system on mountains of dead bodies and lies
>Explain to me how Trump is like Hitler...
Both are/were white males in priviledged positions and power
Did we ever find out who Carl is? Its been months and there has been nothing on him.
Well, take a look at the source then.