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>reposting bullshit
Go the fuck back to your cuckshed.

"I can't read" has worked for me before


England YES!!

britain is so cucked it's depressing

explain yourselves bongs. don't you have the power to vote i mean seriously what the fuck is wrong with you limeys that you let your government put cameras in your house and make you have a license for your tv

>Sup Forums
>user name
Huh? They said attending court isn't optional though.

first thing I noticed was how blurry and differnt-looking "Sup Forums.org" looks related to the rest of the letter
fake and gay

>Sup Forums

They obviously don't know what they're talking about
Unless you're a namefag

this is real fucking autism right here, tell me something else, ayylmao did 9/11?

Pls be real

If they're trip/name fags jail isn't enough punishment

this made me actually laugh out loud

>cuck forgot to put a signature in that space

Next time, sign your fake letter.

>it was all a joke haha for laffs haha
>it was ironic satire art social commentary
>I was just roleplaying

If it was a namefag I have to say he had it coming

>being real

Perhaps your mates back in Afghanistan will think so.

>none of the images on Sup Forums will load


what about callsigns from the meme war

It's real mate
You guys are fucked

Maybe appear and stop being a racist ass? Just a thought.

Going to court without being arrested - bullshit.

Court being optional - bullshit

where's the signature fagget?

Letter seems pretty unedited to me, but I highly doubt a legit police service would write letters with neither subject nor signature, which I'm pretty sure makes the whole thing instantly invalid, meaning there can't legally be any consequences coming from ignoring it.
The ID line seems pretty suspicious as well and I've never seen an institution like that ever thanking anyone in advance either. Seems rather unprofessional.

Either that, or Britain's so cucked they just don't care about anything anymore.

This is why Americans have guns. Do you europoors understand now?

>cops don't fear their citizens

what a joke of a country

Stop being a namefag you fucking retarded koala bear.

There's no signature you autistic retard.

Nigger, it is dated today. Did they print that letter this morning and have it delivered the same day?

You really need to learn how to read, Ireunderage.

Maybe try reading his post again

Fuck yes, my reports are working


> Posting with a trip
Glad to see the courts feel the same way about tripfags.

What court or police department issues letters like this on a Saturday?

>tripfags getting what they deserve

i see no problem

Fake m8. In England we put in an actual signature, even if it is just a print or a jpg of one.


I had to attend a diversity re-education camp for owning kitchen knives, and having furniture with "sharp corners".
I plead ignorance to the government inspectors who came to my home to investigate my blatant disregard for personal safety.
Thankfully, my furniture is now clad in non toxic rubber casing.
Safety first, Ameribro.

>area to sign

>no signature


Good luck, user.
May Kek be with you.