Why do you support a fearmongering liar president? Is it because you conservatives get your "news" from fake news outlets and breitbart?
>"Everyone is too PC. Say what you mean."
>"Okay. Well, we vehemently disagree witb your political views and actions."
Why do you support a fearmongering liar president...
Other urls found in this thread:
Just like how Obama "harassed" that veteran? Trump is the only one who harasses people in the audience, and he fucking bitches when people want him to apologize.
He's a terrible leader. He's going to send you to a concentration camp. Rape your mother, concubine your sister, abort your children, and force you into reeducation camps where you watch nothing but Bill O'rielly, Hannity, and Rush 24/7.
Reminder that Pence was one of many male senators that swam naked in the Congressional pool late at night.
They were finally told to stop in 2008.
the most anti gay republicans were caught having homo sex. its what they do.
Just curious, who's paying your wages now that CTR is bankrupt? Also (you)
>fake news
You need to kill yourself.
The left are the ones doing the fearmongering, as evidenced by the pic in >we fear these unfounded things that we inferred out of nowhere and others should be afraid, too!
Noone gives a fuck you disgusting shill
They interrupted a show to lecture Pence and call him a le evil racist bigot. Fuck those niggers.
a gay cast calling out mike "what was his name again?" pence for his stance on gays is now fearmongering
you fucking fool...
nobody literally fucking cares and people came to see the show, not to hear biased opinions of people who have absolutely zero credibility or understanding
Start expanding Gitmo now
Execute the entire cast.
Trump and Pence need their safe space.
Pence was never Senator he was a Congressman, Duquan.
Never come here again.
>kill them
>lock them up
>shut them up
wow you scummy bootlickers licking the elite asses. what the fuck happened here...
>blowing things way out of proportion is not fearmongering
These people act like they will be executed at their doorstep by the SS in a month. But you can't really expect much else from the mentally ill faggotry.
braindead shitcan who doesn't understand anything about how society works and the contract between the people and the government institutions. Literally a fucking moron calling other people bootlickers.
I never said shut them up. I said that there's a time and place to speak about certain things. And that was very out of order. Go be a roody-poo somewhere else
and this
he has never mongered fear....Cliton on the other had has based her entire campaign on FEMmongering being that the only reason the dumb cunt got any votes was becasuse "MUH FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT"
CNN is the fake news. I get a chuckle every time they report about "fake news"
It's like he actually thinks anyone gives a fuck what he has to say in response. We're in control now, get used to it.
It's our country now.
no one gives a flying fuck when or where you think its appropriate to speak out against what some one perceives as an injustice.
>thinks he knows what motivates others to speak up.
yea that whole "we won were in control" thing isnt working for you. and by the way it was always your country youre just a piece of shit who thinks a new puppet president makes a difference. fucking traitor
Yup. Roody-poo detected. And I thought CTR was already out of this place. I actually hope you slit your throat as soon as you realise how braindead and wrong you were your whole life.
>Pay to see a show.
>All the performers stop in the middle of the show to attack you
Nothing to do with PC, that's just being salty unprofessional cunts.
A bitch nigger calling me a traitor? That's rich.
>you dont think like us so you must be getting paid to post
how fucking tiresome. i hope that jackboot comes down on your neck nice and hard fucking bootlicker
youre a filthy mongrol traitor for thinking America is only your country when the new puppet comes in. go lick that boot.
You don't pay the actors to insult you.
If they have an opinion, they can do it outside of their business hours.
lmao who are you to talk about fake news
>Clinton insists email statements are "consistent" (they aren't)
>Obama on Syria: "I didn't set a red line" (he did)
>Clinton on emails: "Everything was permitted" (it wasn't)
>Obama: "We must be aggressive with ISIS strategy" (he isn't)
>Obama: ISIS is contained (they clearly aren't)
>Clinton: "People do trust me" (LOL)
how pc of you.
>there are only certain times when people who have a grievance with those in power can speak out to them and a safe place like a theater is not it
how fucking pathetic all of you turned once the puppet of your choice was elected. no one said a fucking word here when obama was booed
you crying now shows how fucking fake and disingenuous you are.
sick ass bootlickers in this place.
It's cowardly virtue signalling at its finest
If you think politics are actually about coherent philosophical arguments versus defeating the outgroup at all costs, you've got another thing coming.
So, you go and buy a product, and the owner insults you.
I'm sure you'd be happy with that service, right? You wouldn't complain, right?
A business isn't a private individual; never has been, never will be.
Leave then, pleb. No-one wants you here anyway.
>fake news
Go on. Keep making your narrative obvious. You only make us stronger.
yea sure. "my team won, you lost, rah rah rah". meathead mindset. its why the new puppet in charge has got most of Sup Forums puffing out their chests in victory. itll soon come crashing down on them that the puppet in charge is only a puppet and not a superman.
>obama booed on the podium of a political event
>playwright lecturing the VP elect as he is patronizing the theater
Even a libshit should be able to tell the difference
>Going to see revisionist history
Hamilton was a traitor whos only (((contribution))) was helping found the (((national banks)))
of course youre gonna get harassed by the diverse commie cast for challenging their (((morals)))
What do you mean by this?
Why do you write like a dumb nigger?
unfortunately they make up 14% of our population
id try to figure out why the person i just bought a product from is insulting me. what did i do to cause that? am i some one who has the power to change his life? am i a random citizen? come on dude. its not even close a comparison.
people will protest those they feel have power over them and intend to use it in a "zap zap the gay away" sense. it was a gay cast and mike "zap the gay away today" pence was in the audience. you want them to shut up then you dont understand what motivates people to speak up and just cus you want a special place designated for protests, it just isnt going to go that way. they booed obama everywhere he went, this is america dude.
These CTR bullshit threads are going to backfire hard pretty quick now.
Honestly, it's not the worse thing a Democrat actor has done to a Republican in a theater.
every time a post like this appears it makes another right wing supporter
>go away because i only want to see posts from people who think like me, this is my safe space.
fucking sick...
wew a Philadelphia crowd boos President Obama for being a Bears fan
you're a fucking idiot
its called the white house
Time and place nigger, the hamilton cast were crass and tactless, you don't wait for someone to get in your general vicinity just to harangue them.
yea sure thats the only instance obama was booed and it was because he was a bears fan.. fucking delusional trump supporter. oxymoron.
>call someone a liar
>lie right in your post
they literally stopped the play to lecture and boo him, that is totally ridiculous.
another bootlicking faggot.
>when you see some one who has power to affect your life you should wait for the proper time to speak out and not anywhere else.
do you even know what oxymoron means?
yes buddy. delusional trump supporter.
You and every other liar made up the image of pence in the name of some fucking funny ass may may, and if you spread a lie long enough, it becomes truth.
So invite him backstage if you really want to talk to him that bad.
You don't think it's ironic that a lot of people on here espouse just that?
so you don't.
good job
We're not lying down even for your pansy-ass 'deniable' (oh they really didn't insult him lol, you're just over-sensitive) attacks, you fucking fuck.
He wants to electrocute gays, wtf is wrong with you people.
>Liberals kissing up to government asses
What happened here.
yea i made it up top kek! ive been here since last week im no newfag. i see the "whats his name again" posts and i see what pence himself has said about the homos.
This tweet was such a mistake on his part I can't even begin to explain.
yeah i wish things could work like i would want them too also, but sometimes... you dont always get what you want.
Are you implying that faggot medicine from Thomas Edison doesn't work?
So you aren't denying it.
Or is this one of those 'jokes on you I was pretending to be a faggot' things you think are cute?
I do get what I want, I'm tired of winning.
actually i got to trump gang respect for the way theyre playing the media, the same media who sucks the dick of who ever is in power for access.
>pic related
im the one who first said "kek"
wasnt the the greatest? when trump would go all "and youre gonna be so tired of winning its going to make your head spin!" those were the days
hopefully people with issues with those in power learn to only speak out against them in certain situations, in preselected "protest areas" right?
Liberal projection is a thing to behold.
The cast was fearmongering and virtue signaling. It was disgusting.
You sound like the kind of faggot who approves of safe spaces, so yeah, sure.
>Tattoos on face
His opinion is valid as a piece of shit.
trump needs to suck it up.
>faggot who approves of safe spaces
Rape is up 9000% since the election
Yelling at someone at twitter =! bullying your own customer who paid $2500
Homosexuals who dislike faggots usually go conservative because they understand that they owe their survival to their culture as it is. Kikes then make it a point to shame them when they remain homosexuals. Kind of sad you leftist vermin fall for it every time.
take your bullshit words and get the fuck out
Thats what I said, you can't even deny it you fucking liberal pussy, go cry into your therapy dog you genetic dead end.
>shitposting without a license
Kek. An oxymoron is a pair of words that are a contradiction of each other you intelligent shill.
homosexuals who want to repress their inner gay but secretly continue sucking dick while writing laws to punish other gays is what conservative homos do. who shames them? kikes? oh ok the kikes...
Well delusional trump supporter IS an oxymoron, just now how he thinks.
I know, that's why it's funny.
id rather watch trump cry about safe spaces being violated
yes. exactly.
Precisely, the kikes. The same ones who breed you fags in the first place. Have fun watching your little ideology crash down over the next four years.
>interrupt show to single out an audience member
>startspouting your bullshit
>forced to sit through bullshit
>later Trump says they should apologize
this is what people who bait Sup Forums for replies actually don't believe but know it will get a ton of (You)'s
So a delusional trump supporter doesn't exist?
I supported and voted for the guy since the beginning.
And his irrational behaviour is disconcerting to say the least.
Is he going to try to silence those that speak against him?
He needs to quit being a sore winner.
And learn to work with 'the people' even if they disagree with you.
If he can't do that, then this is going to be a loooong term for him.
homosexuals are bred by the kikes, thats a new one. I gotta lurk more.
whats gonna happen in the next four years? you dont really think the new puppet is going to actually change americas course do you?
its not pc since trump isn't threatening to silencew there free speech you dumb kikes
hes just >muh apology
this shit will die in a week.
If you don't do anything during the business transaction, the fault isn't on you, no matter what you may have said outside in other matters.
Private individuals and groups that are protesting on their own free will are totally different to a business that you pay for services.
Also, Trump CLEARLY dropped THREE Sup Forums memes in his response, he didn't even fucking care, he just wanted to meme because he knows that in the past we enjoyed it when he gave little "hints" that he liked us & visted
now suddenly Sup Forums doesn't like it
he's probably a little upset, he truly considers you faggots his online friendly army & I'm sure he attributes some (however small) his defeating of Hillary to Sup Forums
basically you should be fucking ashamed you probably hurt his feelings by being retards