Why are there so many gays in the alt-right?


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>same reason there are so many commies on the far left

Only place they fit in with the views they hold.

theres not. or at least i dont think so. i honestly dont even know what the alt right is supposed to mean anymore, if i ever did

>tfw no pol bf

Here you go CNN, incorporate this information into your story about how gay the alt-right is. Remember we are all Nazis, that Nigger Hamilton said so.


because being gay doesn't mean being stupid.

why are there so few lesbians int the alt-right?

because being a woman does.

Gayfag here. Long story short, Milo Yiannopolis, and the failure of Clinton to stand up for gays after the Orlando shooting.

The alt-right is actually very inclusive. It only defines itself as opposition of leftist identity politics, retarded economic policies, and commitment to destroying culture and heritage. It encompasses the spectrum from full fascist to moderate.

Have you ever been to /lgbt/? They chimp out at anything that isn't leftist. The alt-right is more ideologically tolerant.

Way more gay in leftism. Its just an outlier but obviously the most flamboyant stand out.


>Leftists support muslim rights
>Muslims support "Its raining men"

Its really simple tbqh senpai

Not gonna lie, former faggot here. This is fucking hilarious watching lgbt crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Trump supporters harass lgbtbbq+

My worry is that the alt-right will fail to be a movement with solid, well-defined principles and will become something like BLM or occupy wallstreet when normal people stop putting up with unironic fascism/neo nazism

I dream of a reunified classical liberal left in 2020 that doesn't stand for this kind of shit. Also checked

Because they're men without families to take care of thay jave fallen into fringe academia. I'm not kidding. Greg Johnson and a lot of other "masculinists" are a good example of this. If you think about it, gays are out best weapon. Nothing says class like a bunch of verbose, uptight fags btfoing other academics and calling them out on their anti-white bullshit. Electric nationalism kills the leftist.


Gayerfag here. its because you find the most interesting people in the closet and theyre always right wing

Because the alt right is against the muslims and the muslims are against the gays.

>My worry is that the alt-right will fail to be a movement with solid, well-defined principles and will become something like BLM or occupy wallstreet when normal people stop putting up with unironic fascism/neo nazism

The alt-right was never a movement. It's a reaction. The more intrusive and hysterical the left gets, the stronger the push back is going to be. It vanishes the moment the left becomes sane.

One step at a time.

I think it's because they're sick of the lefts shit now too. They already have their gay marriage and now the left is catering to insane trannys and demisexual wolf-kin and making gays look like lunatics by association.

Gayestfag here. It's because gay people are inherently more susceptible to delusion. Hence "It's not a choice!" and other such bullshit instead of owning your sexuality like a real faggot.

I can only speak for myself, but if I could choose to be straight I absolutely would. It's never made sense to me that someone would deliberately choose to be among probably one of the most universally despised groups of people (speaking world-wide).

Because faggots are attention whores and once they saw the attention it was getting they couldn't help but try to faggot their way into the spot light

Gays came into the spotlight because of the supreme court ruling last year regarding same-sex marriage. I think there's something unseemly and degenerate about gay pride parades, for example, and that marriage is definitely a religious institution and the government shouldn't be in the business of regulating marriages in the first place. Gays are definitely becoming more bold and open about it though.