Did the holocaust happen?

Did the holocaust happen?

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its illegal to say that it didn't

haha what? what happened to freedom of speech?

they don't have that underwater

i think it's obvious why, don't you

No it didn't and if you can prove it did I will pay you 6 gorrilian dollars

Yuropoors dont have that

Yes it did. Now stop believing the jews are some kind of overlord

It didn't... I wouldn't call the unintended deaths of a few hundred thousand people a 'holocaust'. I would call it the inevitable result of imprisonment during a continent-spanning war.

There were no gas chambers. There was no 'factory line' murder program. There was no mass murder of jews or any other group in the concentration camps. This is all but historically accepted, but nobody can actually publish it without terrible consequences for themselves and their family.

There are many good videos about it online, if you feel like looking it up. The Holocaust lie's days are numbered. It's only a matter of time before people start talking about it... unless they make it illegal everywhere.

Its mathematically impossible, and that alone should show you its a joke.

Jews are the advanced human speicies. We make the best music, film and literature. Not to mention the world would be uncivilized without the scientific adavancements of Jewish scientists and philosophers. Yes most of us are in authoritative power. It's because we have the intellect and virtue of a good leader. You wouldn't let anyone else fly a plane other than the pilot. Too bad insecure brainlets don't understand this instead they have to rely on antisemitic conspiracy theories to feel superior.

No, the Jews just had as spergout.

They're prone to genetic disorders and criminality due to inbreeding.

Not the way they portray it.

We will never know what really happened. The Jews have put out too much propaganda and nazi apologists have done so in equal but opposite measure.

"It was real in my mind"

A man in the US was charged and convicted of hate speech for denying the holocaust just recently.

Well its illegal in Canada to question so I believe it. If the government is going to put people in jail for questioning a historical event in which it was involved, it obviously is telling the truth.
No matter what, I believe.
600 million instead of 6 million, I believe.
Stories about soap/lampshades, I believe.

Even if I didn't believe it happened, I would never say so on account of how much jail sucks.

Jews did the holocaust.


Whoa, whoa you weren't thinking of denying the Holocaust were you, might I remind you that would be illegal


>I wouldn't call the unintended deaths of a few hundred thousand people a 'holocaust'.
>concentrate millions of people
>those people die
>"nazis dindu nuffin dey good bois n shit"

>Sup Forums mathematics

Its not relevant in 2016 anyway.

No it didn't, but pol would do it again.

what are you a racist

Yeah, tell that to the Jews.

Must be nice living where don't have Jews in every direction.

Now that is an abstract merchant

so since deniers will not post arguments i will start:

Literally what did he mean with this?

I wish.

Was there a government conspiracy? Were there gas chambers? Did 6 million jews die? No. There is no evidence for any of this. All the evidence that is available contradicts these three assertions.




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor: One third of the holocaust

It happened, but the fucking jews try to capitalize on it every time they do something shady
>hey Israel, can you stop treating the Palestinians like shit
>but m-muh holocaust
>oh shit you're right, carry on then
also they ignore the fact that not only jews were killed, gypsies, homos, communists, slavs, etc.

the difference between 271,000 and 6,000,000 is pretty huge.

It might even knock the holocaust off of the #1 spot of largest genocides. We even have a name for it "the holocaust" whereas other genocides get names like the "the rwandan genocide" or the "the nanking massacre"

I'm slowly learning that Jews think they are some kind of gods and how much I want to shoot them in the face for relentlessly shoving it down everyone's throats.

The bigger mystery is how they came to be so self centered, and why haven't we killed them all?

It happened, but the magnitude of it was exaggerated for extra sympathy. This isn't even mildly surprising to anyone who has ever interacted with Jewish mothers.


For you


no, but it should have

Wtf? Yes you idiot. Take your meds!

Consider the story of Anne Frank.

>Anne, sister, mother, father transported to Auschwitz in September 1944 at the height of the holocaust
>live for two months together in Auschwitz
>Anne and sister both transported to Bergen Belsen
>both dead from typhus by March 1945
>mother dies from starvation in Auschwitz after a few months (she had been feeding her rations to her daughters)
>father survives Auschwitz and is eventually liberated in January 1945 from the Auschwitz hospital where he was ill with typhus

The story of Anne Frank suggests two things. Firstly, there was no general plan to exterminate all jews. Secondly, there were no gas chambers.


Mass Extermination of Jews homosexuals did occur, it astonishes me how people can visit a concentration camp have such ignorance.

It's like saying the Earth is Flat

My mistake, he didn't get convicted. The charge was eventually thrown out. The guy did get arrested for basically only posting things on twitter though



What is the original claim in your pic?

>>hey Israel, can you stop treating the Palestinians like shit
>>but m-muh holocaust
literally never happened. When holocaust is mentioned in a discussion about Palestine it's invariably to accuse the Israelis

>between 271,000
let me guess, it is the
>muh red cross
document you are talking about?

Answer me this: You think Red Cross had access to the camps mid war and had enough resources to make a accurate death toll?

You also think that red cross had access to the einsatzgruppen brigades?

Also check pic related

>one more denier BTFO

>I'm slowly learning that Jews think they are some kind of gods
You need to leave your house and talk with some jews for once

No it never happened!

Oy vey delete this goy

This old lady has more balls than most Germans.


no but it shouldve

There's no evidence that a holocaust happened in the concentration camps. No evidence of a government conspiracy, for example plans, orders, records. No evidence of gas chambers. No evidence that 6 million died, for example mass graves, population statistics. All the evidence that is available points to these things not having happened.

>There are paid holocaust-pushers
>in this thread
>at this very moment

muh reel masterrace

>It's a conspiracy! Get the tinfoil to stop the (((CIA))) from reading your mind. Also buy my water filters.


>Firstly, there was no general plan to exterminate all jews.
Himmler disagrees with you ;=)


>god's chosen people
That's where that attitude of superiority stems from.
I get pissed when I am speaking with a god worshippin Jew because I know they believe themselves to be better than I am.


You and I both know that the only thing cooked up in those ovens is propaganda.
Unfortunately people are too indoctrinated to listen to reason this topic.

When I was in 5th grade we first learned about the Holocaust, covering it only briefly.
Then in 6th grade it was a major focus of history.
We ready books about the Holocaust in English class as well.
This continued every year throughout middle school.
We continued it my first year of high school also.
My senior year AP history covered it again.

Years and years of indoctrination. Never once did we cover soviet gulags, the Chinese communist rise to power or reign, the Holodomor, WWI was basically a footnote. There is no subject so heavily shilled in all of public schooling as the Holocaust story.

>things Himmler never said

Regardless, even if the recording is genuine, no general extermination plan was ever carried out, as we know from the story of Anne Frank and thousands like her, including survivors. So it's not actually evidence for anything that happened in reality.

First, 52 ovens was the max capacity of the camp. Because the kremas broke down constantly, there were never 52 working simultaneously

>8 loads of bodies

literally wat?

Now let's do math the right way:

4 bodies(4 bodies were fitted in the muzzles at the same time) * 20-30 ovens *1 hour = x

24 hours* 365 days = y

Now make x * y + z (z= the number of people burned in mass pyres)

Where'd you get those sweet nunchuks?

you expect the average retard to be able to add numbers? Lower your standards bro, believe me, I've tried this line of reasoning, you'd have better luck showing people the exposed liars who collected govt reparations for their "trama" and whose stories were shown to be inexcusably false


if i got a cent everytime a stormweenie linked me this when i post posen speech i would be richer

Nowhere in your link the autor tries to establish Posen Speeches as a fabrication

> no general extermination plan was ever carried out
>Himmler talks about the extermination of the jews to german civil/military commanders
>"It was just a joke bro HAHAHAH"

Deniers are just funny

show math so i can debunk it

But we know there was no general extermination plan carried out from the story of Anne Frank. And thousands of other Auschwitz survivor stories.


knock yourself out

ah yes and the "admissions of guilt"

pol, if kike puppets were crushing your testicles, what would you do?

where is the physical evidence? Nothing
We have nothing but testimonies gained through torture, and "survivor" stories.

I'm not that stupid. No physical evidence, no holocaust

You see, the Nazis totally wanted to kill every Jew. They managed to do this by gassing hundreds of them every single day, without fail. They also burned people in crematory ovens. Also every day, without fail, multiples at a time, while they were still alive and screaming.

It just so happens that the Nazis were taking a break during the years that all of these survivors were present. Think of how blessed these people must have been! Narrowly escaping an all encompassing plan for genocide because the Nazis needed to take a break in the middle of their never ending extermination plan. What are the odds?

Surely God must favor the Jews above all others.

more sources for those interested


the jew and control

more zion stuff

As you become more familiar with the material, and more convinced, you lose interest in convincing people... but if you wanna read give er

>But we know there was no general extermination plan carried out from the story of Anne Frank.
Are you serious about this?

So you deny holocaust because of the story of Anne Frank?


Anne Frank did not die in Auschwitz because she was old enough to work

This is not the math. Nice moving the goalposts. Got BTFO in one subject, now you want to get BTFO in another

Yes, but the real number of jews killed is about 4 million not 6. Anyone who said it didn't is a fucking moron

say whatever you want, i dont care anymore. You could be JIDF for all I know why waste my time

this happened only to the SS commanders responsible for the Malmedy massacre

You got BTFO once again

>get BTFO
>calls me a jew

wtf i deny holocaust now

>"new" info just happens to pop out years after the war
>years after the war rubble was cleaned and years after they collected evidence
>audio much clearer compared (much less noise) to the records of that time
Sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

There is no physical evidence to suggest the delousing chambers were used for anything other than delousing.

So, no, there is no evidence of the Holocaust. Many Jews died from starvation/typhus though.

Yes, around 4 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews died.
The Jews and Sup Forums ignore the other groups to promote their goals.
The JIDF is real and railroads (ha) all Holocaust threads into Jews vs non-Jews

Try less than a million fuckwit.

>she survived a death camp
really causes my neurons to fire

>Sounds pretty far-fetched to me.
wtf i deny holocaust

You got anything that supports your claim that the speeches are fake other then your fee fees and some circumstantial bullshit?

It's illegal here and in yurop, don't know about the US. Some poor bastard got fucked over a couple years ago for publishing a book called "Did 6 Million Really Die?" and got extradited to Germany for it, RIP.

>montana man

Grand mother survived an internment camp in Poland.

She was a nurse and treated the soldiers that were brought in to the adjacent hospital.

There were no gas showers, or other wacky was of killing in mass that most Jews describe.

As Allies bombed supply lines it starved the Germans out, supplies became very slim. The solider were of course fed first and the captives second.

Well after a few months of low rations the Germans would take the weakest out and execute them in a strange form of mercy. This is when the crematoriums burned and mass graves started to appear.

The allies not the Germans were the cause of the massive Jew die off. My grandmother said the other shit was made up to buy back Israel and guilt trip the world.

To her dying day this is what she told our family.

>So you deny holocaust because of the story of Anne Frank?
Partly, yes.

>Anne Frank did not die in Auschwitz because she was old enough to work
If Anne Frank was old enough, then so were the majority of people who went to Auschwitz. Besides, Anne Frank never did any labour.

No they didn't. There are too many jews in the world for that number to be remotely true and no evidence at all that that number died.

>We want to remove all the Jews from Germany
>actually, shit, these Arabs told us we should kill them all
>lets do that instead
>Alright boys, fire up the masturbation machines, homicide roller coaster, and the industrial sized electric chair
>What do you mean none of these things exist? We're fucking Germany, we'll invent them.
>Fine, we won't use any of those. Lets just shoot them all and be done with it.
>What do you mean we can't shoot them all? You just want us to sort of keep them around?
>But we'll have to feed them, clothe them, provide medical care for them too
>Fine, fine. We'll take care of them and put them in camps, I suppose we can use them as labor.
>What do you mean the camp will have a pool, an orchestra, a theater stage, and even a cantina where they can buy beer and cigarettes!?
>Mein Gott! Do we want to kill them or have them vacation in Tahiti?
>Ja, fine, whatever. So long as we eventually purge them all from all the camps

The Holocaust.

>MFW this guy missing the hours

There is no charge for denying the Holocaust here, only catch all "speaking bad about any minority" laws. And besides as far as I know only Ernst Zündel has been charged/convicted in relation to denying it but he was doing all sorts of other stuff.

This, the camps existed, but the numbers are highly fudged to sell a narrative.

Jews did die out due to supply lines being destroyed because they thought the internment camps could be training centers for soldiers or weapons manufacturing plants.

>a denier has absolutely no idea of what auschwitz was


Auschwitz was composed of multiple camps and subcamps and was not a "death camp" in it's entirety. To put it simply, parts of auschwitz were a "death camp" and other parts were "labour" camp.

That is why auschwitz is the most famous camp, because it left many survivors

The fact that they do not refer to anything that happened in real life, as proved by the story of Anne Frank and thousands of other similar stories on record, makes the authenticity of the speech academic. But there's more than enough internal textual evidence, as well as the fact that it sounds nothing like Himmler, to dismiss it as fake.

Why are you so passionate about arguing with holocaust deniers yet so poorly read on the actual subject matter? You always write the most confused sounding rebuttals while trying to sound authoritative by punctuating it with "blahblahblah you got BTFO".

you know the math is wrong in the very first equation of that image?

Just how camps for Japanese existed in the states. Just imagine if there was a war on that front Japs would have been dying in mass too.

The Jewish/degenerate camps were exactly the same as the Japanese ones in America. Only problem was the shrinking supplies and the cold ass winters with no real medical care.

>then so were the majority of people who went to Auschwitz.
old and weak people were gassed.

>Besides, Anne Frank never did any labour.
Lol, of course she did

>You just want us to sort of keep them around?
Jews were absolutely vital to the german war effort, especially in the later parts of the war

>It wasn't real in my mind is legit evidence but it was real in my mind is Jewish lies
It's almost as if you're a different side of the coin that is kike bullshit

Sure, if by a holocaust you mean the 70 million people that died during WWII absolutely. Did 6 million Jews die? No. More Catholics died in WWII than jews did. Fun fact, the allies killed more civilians than the Germans did. Not even counting the 20 mil of his own people that Stalin wiped out.

Death camps only existed in the USSR and Allied-occupied Germany.

i believe in it now
i just decided to in the last hour
reality is a matter of faith anyway
and i got a good reason

Heebs in this thread continually ignoring this post and go on denying any way.

>The fact that they do not refer to anything that happened in real life, as proved by the story of Anne Frank and thousands of other similar stories on record, makes the authenticity of the speech academic.

>But there's more than enough internal textual evidence
I'd like to see this

wtf i deny holocaust