Serious questions: which political ideology will propel us to this future (pic) the fastest?
Serious questions: which political ideology will propel us to this future (pic) the fastest?
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Racial Nationalism
eugenics is the only reasonable way to create an actual utopia. And it can be done peacefully. Humans need to be, at a minimum, twice as smart as they are today.
>lack of natural resources
>service slave economy while the uppity uppest classes jet around in personal spacecraft
I hate your future so fucking much. the best way forward is anti-populism.
Thats what I first thought
My nigger. I hate how the Nazis ruined eugenics for everyone else. It isn't a racism thing for me, it just seems like the only sensible way to reproduce.
Pretty much the only way to get through the redtape that hampers current science innovations.
read his hollywood reporter article
I don't know, but I don't want to live in an anthill society like that
India 2030
centrism, atheism, anti-globalism and technocracy
National Socialism, just not for the whole world.
National socialism.
We exterminate the jewish race, the satanists in power, the corrupt and viciously insane.
Afterwards we use science to select for desirable traits in all people, including leaders.
- Remove all the religions
- Use all type of media to promote intelligence over narcissism. Narcissism should be seen as something awful and degenerate.
- Remove national sport stadiums but promote sports in an healthy life (just don't promote sport as something you should watch, but rather be part of)
- Remove all the junk food, chips, sodas, chocolate, etc
- Remove lawyers. If someone steals, does drugs, rape, or kill someone just terminate them right away. Let's not waste time with 'badboys' and the bad genes.
- If your IQ has double digits pass 20 years old you are to be terminated
- Remove english because it's a sub human langage and replace it with something glorious
>If your IQ has double digits pass 20 years old you are to be terminated
lmao you'll be terminated too, IQ doesn't vary much as you age. Also, the rest of your ideas are hot garbage, please fuck off.
this. there's passive eugenics and active eugenics.
we don't have to kill anyone... we just have to give incentives for smart people to have babies in order to outpace stupid people that have multiple children with multiple partners without discretion.
that black lady that has 20 kids by 20 different men for foodstamps? I guarantee you not one of them will be "the next Einstein"
not an argument
Kek vult, motherucker!
>Authoritarian with nationalism
See the results of an authoritarian lite, it works. Our economic growth is the highest in all Asian region. Top 2 is China. Duterte did it in just 3 months of office
Thank you.
>implying your post was an argument
Came to post this
Bro liberal globalism. But it will come at the expense of racial identity and culture.
Yep. This.
Faith in the Emperor.
>tfw floating toilets(roads) means shit flying everywhere
that looks awful
You realise about half the population have double digit IQ, by definition of the metric? All these stupid online 'IQ tests' have inflated the perception of what a realistic 'IQ actually looks like. Your idea of exterminating everybody who's below average is retarded in the extreme, and probably indicates that your 'IQ isn't terribly high either, since this system with just lead to revolt by the population against the retarded government.
If you wanted to push for eugenics, the bar should be much lower, say, 2 standard deviations below the average 'IQ = gets sterilised. That way the average 'IQ slowly rises and you don't find yourself halving your population every few years like a lunatic.
When will you globalist cucks learn that this will not work, cultural marxism is just degenerate and is regressing our society because of all the ((( muh minorities ))) and identity politics that come with modern day liberalism.
White Nationalism.
Fuck off Paki.
> Not putting His Name atop each tower
Did I mention cultural Marxism anywhere in my post?
I said neoliberal globalism. I.e. global free trade (a natural consequence of which is mass migration of people between countries). This is the fastest way to grow the economy.
He's right you know
Things are gonna get even better.
Sharia law apparently
Absolutely disgusting
So you sell your soul for nice looking buildings?
I got to stop hanging around this shitshow of a website. Recently, I've noticed this place has grown more and more petulant abd infantile. ANY dissenting opinion AT ALL is met with nothing but slurs, never a decent argument. Even the ones who try to make an argument (like Mr.Cultural Marxism above)ends up sounding like a brainwashed imbecile, regurgitating buzzwords and catchphrases he heard somewhere before. This place really does remind me of tumblr.
meritocracy + total birth control + eugenics programs
can you explain how? i never really understood its economic principles
National Socialism.
When all is said and done, this is a literal perfect ideology.
w/e hongkong was did a pretty good job as well
Low tax free trade unregulated capitlism. Also not done by retards with zero IQ
lol, I was just b8ing u.
sharia law is ignored in dubai retard
just watch them panic as their oil runs out
Mr Trump, please, were tired of winning! We cant take it anymore, were winning too much. Please stop!
>complains about people not making arguments
>didn't make an argument in the first place
Elon Muskism
All built by foreign companies and designed by foreign architects. You sand niggers better hope your oil money doesn't run out or those building will look like shit in a couple years.
Ivanka's election will get us there.
Dubai still has sharia law as does any state with 95+% mudslimes
You cant report rape or else you go to prison for having sex without being married
Aka oil money
>- Remove national sport stadiums but promote sports in an healthy life (just don't promote sport as something you should watch, but rather be part of)
>- Remove lawyers. If someone steals, does drugs, rape, or kill someone just terminate them right away. Let's not waste time with 'badboys' and the bad genes.
>- Remove english because it's a sub human langage and replace it with something glorious
Why don't you man the fuck up and tell him why has wrong instead of complaining about it like a little bitch
I agree globalism has some benefits but ur a faget m8
Once oil runs out there will be mass killings world wild. Once the mass killings are over the few scientists left will use thorium nuclear energy to rebuild society and hopefully people work together this time around.
Just send us all your QTs and stop posting
Once we have unlimited energy and a factories that build factories what do we do then?
Shit posting will be intense at that point I guarantee it
what the fuck does a theocracy have to do with a state's economy
Virtual reality and comfort like wall-e. Also sex with real human flesh bots
fundamentalist pragmatism
>and a factories that build factories what do we do then?
You would be eradicated by robots just like humanity eradicated and locked into reservations all other primates.
National Socialism. If this doesn't send a tingle up your sack then there is something wrong with you.
Everything when the entire country is controlled by one set of ideals.
If you ban something because its against your religion it can very problematic.
Have a glance at Africa for subject matter.
Religion and politics are the two sides of the same coin that is theocracy. If you imply a political ideology is any bit more important than a religious one you are misled
Well when we start to expand off earth things will get interesting. I'm sure those who will inhabit the moon and then mars after that will not be the races that have problems. I would say eugenics then but only for white people. But who knows what the future holds.
these places are not real. they have no soul, no culture, no history
>Limitations upon the freedom of man to pursue his own interests by his own means
>propelling us to the future
The only answer is laissez-faire capitalism and a system of governance leaving each individual mostly free to do as he wishes, so long as his endeavors do not bring about injury to others. I don't like saying libertarian because that brings up images of "dude weed and gay sex lmao," but my general idea is small government. Government funding for scientific pursuits ensures a narrow-minded focus upon what we already know, not upon what we wish to know. The end result of most scientific research is a paper corroborating or debunking gathered evidence. Governments have deadlines and a desire for results, discouraging more adventurous methods to the proposed goal. Private everything a best.
I wouldn't consider myself a libertarian for the aforementioned reasons, but I do believe in the "invisible hand" of pursuing one's self-interest leading to the betterment of society as a whole. This being diametrically opposed to the deadening hand of government action, and the tendencies for actions intended to improve society leaving it worse off (e.g. welfare state, FDA, SSA)
socialist democracy
It sounds valid at first look, but there are too many risks when messing with something as complex as genetics.
Enjoy your economic collapse.
Universal Basic Income will not only propel us to a better future but get rid of (((credit))) slavery
implying governmental failure was not the reason the great depression was so great
>you made me fuck up my meme arrows
White Nationalism/Race Realism
Moderate economic policies.
Exactly. Imagine if there were no real differences between races. If race really was only skin deep. We would truly have world peace. We would all be equal in ability.
Anarcho capitalism
Full automated workforce and menial tasks. Not only will immigrants get BTFO but all of our lives inprove. Prove me wrong
What makes that pic so great? It is just a city with lots of greenery. We can do all that shit now
>relying on government handouts every month will free you from slavery
yeah and having sex will make me a virgin again
Feminism being punishable by death
> The future means skyscrapers meme
Fuck off. Scyscrapers are literally an indicator that your country has been taken over by (((them)))
You people do realize you're just right wing Marxists, right? You're just as bad as communists who insist their system works, but just hasn't been done "right" before.
Trust me bro trump is not hitler I promise bro would a goy ever lie to you?
Islam isn't just a social or judicial system, but an economic system as well. Economies run under Sharia law are typically extremely centralized and controlled, and subject to stupid laws like usury being illegal. Consequently, Islamic economies are only prosperous when the government (kingdom) finds itself on top of massive natural resources.
I've heard that ~80% of Saudis work for the government (kingdom), imagine how that would look if the gov't didn't have access to the oil they do now.
Pure, objective meritocracy.
Which people aren't going to be organically capable of for a long, long time. I think an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) might be our best bet in this regard.
Your pic has lots of empty spaces, so maybe a political ideology that purges undesirables by the millions?
Any future given our current course will lead to a jungle of third world descendants blotting everything as far as the eye can see.
What happens when the oil is gone?
Private research means that society on a whole needs to do the same research many times, as every company needs to independently research new concepts. If one company discovers something new, they don't just share it with others, the others need to figure it out themselves.
Public research spending is 3-10 times more efficient then private r&d. Just look at what DARPA has put out, far greater progress than any company.
Eugenics has never failed.
The jewish program has been especially effective at creating a race of lawyers and bankers.
As for fascism and Ethnic Nationalism, I agree. Ethnocentricism is third-world tier garbage, and fascism inevitably results in the average joe getting shafted by corporate and government interests. What happens when your fascist government decides firearms are detrimental to the public good?
However, you can't deny that eugenics works. I mean, you breed bulls to be aggressive for bullfighting and they gore people. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi all come from the same species of plant bred to have different characteristics. Eugenics in action. As for actively culling the lower classes, I do not believe that's necessary. Just sterilise the handicapped and profoundly retarded.
Military Dictatorship
I'll agree with ching chong Having that much water on your roof is a recipe for disaster and the style doesn't even look good to begin with.