I ignored the wikileaks conspiracy threads this week, but look at this gif. It looks like Assange's most recent interview is doctored. Should we worry?

Other urls found in this thread:

You should have been worried the minutes hash values changed without explanation.

It's from YT. Youtube compression creates artifacts.
I don't imagine anyone making such a mistake and not double checking it.
Also why RT would fake dead Assange?

Is he dead? Da fuck I know but this gif isn't a proof.

Earlier Asssange bread:

They can't hide him forever. If in a month there's still nothing from him, he's definitely ded. I doubt he will stay shut during xmas, if he's alive.


He is dead and or captured.
Lets move forward and not have it be in vain.

If he isn't dead now he will be once Trump takes office. He was useful during the campaign but he's a liability, a rapist and a terrorist. Ecuador will either kill him for us or hand him over so we can Seal Team 6 him.

He's either dead or in a dark room.

looks like he is doomed


wikileaks confirmed compromised by edward snowden

The fact that you're here AGAIN posting AGAIN.

No. Pam Anderson just visited him. And the
interview with John Pilger---Pilger's pretty much above reproach. So a few people have been in to see him.

Assange has been held with round the clock police guards with no contact with the outside world before for different periods.

He dressed his cat in a tie and collar to show up at the window instead of him, that's the best he could do right now.

Fuck no.
That's a video editing technique.

What possible reason for that could there be? Does he really think he'll be sniped if he peeks his head out the embassy window?

no one is above reproach.

i saw a research paper on this , they could basically make a video of obama or trump say anything they wanted. just with a camera. they achieved this by gathering tons of video data of Obama speeches and i think it was machine learning to make it learn how he moves his mouth and face. and could transfer between video of your face talking and obamas face talking

idk about this particular clip, could be a normal video glitch. but soon videos like this can easily be 100% fake


Real-time Face Reenactment

Yep, just looks like video compression to me.

When you save (or re-compress) a video, you specify a bitrate. This is how many bits of information can change per second. Videos of higher resolution and more movement require a higher bitrate to keep up with the changes.

For example, a cheetah sprinting across an image will leave a trail of cheetah pixels behind it if the bitrate isn't high enough to keep up with the changes (really it's uglier than that but you get the idea -- more data is changing per second than the bitrate you specified can account for, therefore some get left behind in each frame. If movement slows down, the bitrate can clean up the image and catch back up.)

Lower bitrates save space and bandwidth but you can end up with "artifacts" during any sort of movement.

And even if it was perfect on your end, YouTube may pull shenanigans to mess up your perfect compression ratio.

Let it go.
He is dead.
