Antifa protesting Trump in Melbourne

>Police in Victoria are gearing up for potential clashes between pro-Trump and anti-Trump rallies in Melbourne with about 2,000 people expected to march on Parliament House on Sunday afternoon.
>haracterised by duelling marches between the far-right groups United Patriots Front (UPF) and True Blue Crew, and a collection of centrist or left-leaning anti-racism organisations.
>The Melbourne Against Trump Rally, coordinated by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and No Room for Racism, will gather at state parliament on Spring Street at 1pm, to “show that this city rejects racism, fascism, and sexual assault”.
>The Victoria police force said on Sunday it was aware of the rallies and would be out in force to ensure both sides conducted themselves peacefully.
>“We respect the right of the community to express their views peacefully and lawfully, but we will not tolerate people breaking the law,” a police spokeswoman told Guardian Australia.

fucking kek at the media saying that antifa are centre left leaning and not implying they are full blown fascist/communists

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I hate antifa... how do I hurt it?

dont these cunts have something better to do

Amazing that our nation is so powerful we can make citizens of other nations around the world riot against who we pick for president.

Feels good to be the best country in the world.

Take the mask off

they are timid arts students that feel tough in numbers. its just their way of getting to be aggressive when they usually get pushed around IRL

...It's Melbourne.

Ofcourse they don't.

who the fuck cares who's protesting in australia, it's like a million miles away from anything relevant

>Pro Trump rallies in a different hemisphere
Why do other countries care about our elections so much?

AntiFa is literally the most ironic group out there.

Like, it's so perfect that they don't see the irony in what they are doing.

That being said, even the weakest Sup Forumstard could smash pic related if shit hit the fan.

This. tbqh familia.

Most americans couldnt even name leaders of foreign countries, much less give enough fucks to protest

Just sic the emus on them all, let Australia have their first emu president.

o shit

They often outnumber those who they protest yet still get smashed. Honestly they're just a bunch of weak gutless cowards

How can you say that? Dropbear is obviously the better candidate

Dropbear v Emu 2019

>Be Antifa
>Act like a fascist


Make that always. Antifa never attack unless they have numerical advantage, and they still usually lose.


>protesting Trump
>In fucking Melbourne

Because America, against your constitution has a huge influence on the rest of the world because you are so involved with what's going on, not only trade which you should, but wars.

There's something wrong with melbourne. Like we need to actually fucking nuke it

Who leads America also tends to affect Australia somewhat. Especially if Hillary had of won, Australia would have been pulled into a full blown war with Russia.

fuckin hell those are bottom of the barrel

Surely the Antifa community of Melbourne will cause Trumpo to step down.


Great hope I dont have to avoid these cunts on my way home from grim work.

Anyone gonna stream it?

It's fucking OVER for Trump.

The protests in the United States did little to blunt his prospects for wielding executive power, but now that Melbourne Antifa is in on the game, he will have no choice but to resign as soon as he takes office, as will Mike Pence.

>centrist anti-racism organisations

>other countries protesting the US election
Biggest waste of time ever

You work on Sundays?

Sad. Man.

I really hate Melbourne now. It must cost a lot to employ all the cops for these protests.

The weather is fucking shit today in Melbourne. Who the fuck would want to trudge into the city in this stinking, muggy, grey sky, heat to go yell at people who disagree with them?

At least the upf are showing up to this sesh
Its always a laugh

>protesting something that happened in a completely different country


things are getting comfy as fuck

We celebrated when Trump won. Of course the cucks are gonna have their say too.

>Pic of right wing group who were attacked by Antifa

kek, they're all standing and smiling. Reminds me of that protest in america that antifa rocked up at. Started attacking the Nazis they outnumbered ten to one, Nazis pulled knives on them and they ran to the police as soon as shit got real

Everything I find from reverse image search claims they were the attackers. Granted all I saw were a bunch of commie rags and reddit.

Yep. Just like about 6 months ago when Antifa attacked "nationalists" with knives and bats, cutting open people and everyone published the attack as "Anti fascist and extreme right wing nationalist groups have clashed today" as if it were equal.

anyone have the album cover version?

Melbourne isn't a country mate. Most "people" in Melbourne fucking unaustralian. It's like a slightly more conservative Canada here.

>a collection of centrist or left-leaning anti-racism organisations.

So shouldn't they instead be celebrating that they're not going to fight the Russians....yet?

People confused and dazed, bored, talking, protesting shit! No brains for critical thinking. Pawns and expendable. Is the cause worth a life? No! The protesters have nothing to believe in, no future goals. Hollow existences lead to discord.

Typical. Here in Melbourne when armed Antifa scum attacked a small group of hippie animal rights fags for criticising halal slaughter the papers reported it as "anti-racist group clashes with animal rights protestors". They refuse to even the name the cunts.

That is what happened. People were celebrating that Trump won, then "Anti-fascists" come to harass them for being "racist".

>thinking the anti-war left still exists


>tfw I got beat up by "anti-fascists" at a concert once
>they were talking about how I was a nazi or something
>I'm fucking Jewish

Drunken assholes, it's like they just want to hurt people


Wow it's fucking nothing. We get this like everyday here.

About another nation's election, no less. What do they even want?

only this one

>beating random people they think are nazis in the streets
>mfw I am an actual NatSoc and I would fucking defend you even though youvre jewish.

Fucking hell I don't tolerate chimping out on my side but I sure as hell despise Antifa chimpouts.

Strange how these leftists will pull opposites together huh?

Literally leftwaffe

It's funny, I was actually in the CBD when these fuckers blocked up the streets with their 'hands off Assange' protest 5-6 years ago. If I knew about this earlier I might've even gone in there to shitpost a little and see what they're actually trying to acheive now.
Melbourne is shit, but the vast majority of the people here (including students) are fucking sick to the back teeth of the Socialist Alliance. Monash Uni literally banned them a year or two ago, the sentiment is similar at Melbourne Uni which is probably the most pozzed.

I'm in Melbourne but fuck that

trouble is these idiots think they are "citizens of the world" so have loyalty to nowhere

Are you saying there's a chance of Making Melbourne Great Again?

Probably too much to hope for with all these mud people and disgusting white coal burners pumping out mystery meat kids.

Never leave home without your juden "I'm special" golden goldstar/armband ;D

>Be impressionable teenager who goes to an anti-war rally post 9/11
>Meet neckbeards from socialist alternative
>They speak in a lot of buzzwords
>Ask if they learned that at uni
>Laugh and say they dropped out (they are all >25) because what was the point 'working for the man'
>Realize they mean they are on welfare
>Most pathetic people I've ever met
>Begin to question the 'movement'
>Slowly become more conservative over time
>Meet leader of Socialist Alternative
>Guy is decked out in designer clothes and, no shit, eating caviar. Comes from rich family.
>Probably the biggest cuck I've ever met
>Laugh in his face
>Move city
>Hate going back to Melbourne because it's full of leftist hippie morons

The greatest insult you can ever give a NatSoc is to compare leftist antifa garbage to the old reich.

Us "nazis" find that label more insulting than any holocaust lie any jew can come up with because unlike NatSocs, lefties want to destroy their own people and country and spread their poisonus civilization killing ideology into EVERYTHING.

You sure don't see any "nazis" trying to shove how Hitler did nothing wrong in videogames or other in hobbies that's for sure.

Why are these fags protesting like our opinion means shit to the US?

Their biggest protests were anti-war protests post 9/11 which failed to do anything except make people late for work.

And they think they can make changes in OTHER countries? LOL

Man fuck these evil degenerate mutants. Do you know what this safe schools BS involves?

They probably think they're altering the political atmosphere here in Aus. Like observing them acting like fuckwits is somehow going to make the rest of us consider them the normal and therefore cause us to lean left.

Really they just want to belong to a group and feel like they're a part of something.

they have a protest quota to fill

desu the anti-iraq II war protest was the only protest I've ever seriosuly partaken of

The only other protest was one about banning smacking of children, and I went as a good spirited counter protester which upset a lot of people at the protest: Mission Accomplished

When your ancestors smile at you, you smile back

Nah, unfortunately Melbourne's pretty fucked. It's better than Sydney in that it's fuller of Asians than unexploded kebabs, but it's getting there and now has a Somalian gang problem. I don't see it ever being great again, at best once all these liberal kids finish uni and struggle to get entry-level work, barely afford rent and see the possibility of ever owning property is gone there'll be a hard swing to the right. Normies here are already getting sick of political correctness and bullshit like safe schools and 18C, lets see what happens when the city goes off the cliff and their parents are dead/retired and unable to pay them.

You mean all those Somalis living in inner-city ghetto apartments without jobs are causing a hassle? Sure would be a shame if you knocked them down, sold the land for the billions it's worth and moved them out to Bayswater where there's manual labor jobs they can do.

Nah that'd be racist tho

It's the Sudanese in the outer suburbs that are causing the most problems right now.

It blows my mind that at least once a week I see race traitor white women clinging to these criminal apes. Regular women, not fat slag trash like you'd expect.

I guess the danger excites them, regardless of the fact that the ape's cousins are probably breaking into the bitch's Granddad's house and holding him at gunpoint while they steal his car keys.

here's a bunch of pictures and links to various twitters

Not the best country but undoubtedly very important and influential.

I thought Melbourne cops said they were cracking down on people wearing masks to protest and were going to start forcing people to remove them. Guess they forgot.

Sounds about right, I'm sure Dandenong station is a reaaaaaaaal party town in the evenings.

No, the problem should be contained. Many suburbs are actually still nice places, no point creating future ghettos everywhere.

This is actually more correct, my bad. What's worse is there's both a lack of police and the existing force seems to be doing jack shit about it. I'm lucky enough to live in a nice suburb, mostly all I see is groups of white and asians seperately doing their own thing and not bothering one another.

>implying Sup Forums wouldn't smash this

Gross. This is the most Melbourne picture I've ever seen. If I had to use an image to describe the suburb I live in this would be it.

His is why i dont reapect the opinion of leftists.
Why would I care what someone of lower social status thinks?
Plus they just want gibs because they dont have reals jobs.

>First one is a ghost
>Second one is 2/10
>Third is unattractive asian
>Fourth may be a man

>the days of skinheads kicking the shit of these people are long gone

Maybe not in some Euro countries, but it saddens me that it's dead in AUS and US so now the commies rule the streets.

I hope the kiddies have a nice day out with their signs.

I wonder what it's like to have time for this sort of stuff because you're not a productive member of society.

We replaced them will Somalians. Unfortunately they are a bit more indiscriminate with who they beat up

>he typed on the Sup Forums website

Why does it make you sad? 'Skinheads kicking the shit out of people' is degenerate bullshit that only harms the conservative cause. The reason you don't see it anymore is a combination of mainstream leftism and the fact that conservatives know that that happens 'in the streets' has almost no impact on government policy. If you want people to take you seriously you put on a suit and tie, grab a briefcase and get to work, not dress up like a clown and act like a degenerate.

Guys is this still going?

I'm thinking of going into the city to check it out

Hot as fuck day tho

top cunt

I don't like to see good people attacked by commies. I'd rather see them bleed. The Right Wing has effectively been turned into victims. Within a generation the Right will be the ones crying for safe spaces.

Just watch. The Right will become the new hippie pussies. It's already started with Libertarians.

>implying it's not soros making people protest

Fuck the cops must be roasting in those uniforms

literally CAN NOT WAIT for my MAGA hat to arrive

fucking why

desu having to stand out in the sun for hours on end is one thing that put me off about joining the police

>you are scum under my boot americuck we are the best

Keep in mind, this bullshit has been going on for decades and isn't necessarily a sign of things getting worse. My dad did medicine at Melb Uni in the 60s, which had about the whitest most conservative cohort you could get, and even then students and professors where doing retarded naked protests and shit. They throw tantrums, get it out of their system, achieve nothing and eventually reality hits and they grow up. Their meme communist party has and will never get any traction while One Nation grows rapidly.





I kinda want to go just to meet some red pills irl and maybe buy them or a cop a six pack.

daily reminder





It's not even your country you daft kangaroos. Fuck off we're politically full.

So what do ausfailians think they'll accomplish by protesting an American election? Do they think they can get us to hold a do-over?