No virgin females left

>Females virgins = pure and beautiful
>Male virgin = losers

Why the double standards? I want to wait for marriage. But because of gym bro dudes who have no purpose in life other than increasing their sexual partner count, I won't be able to find a virgin wife.

This is disgusting. I find nonvirgin girls absolutely disgusting. Even the ones that are virgin but have KISSED another guy. I am disgusted by humanity for this so called (((sexual liberation))) which has led to monopoly of women by a few men.

I will always be bitter because of this and will carry my hate for any good looking guy.

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess Sup Forums doesn't like discussing important topics which are KILLING our society. Figured

That Chad is too beautiful to be wasted on women.

Lmao, go away you racist faggot.

See? This is the exact attitude that I fucking hate

He should not be ADMIRED for his beauty. He should be punished for making it harder for other men to find love.

Read the Bible you fucking leaf. God doesn't have different rules for fornication for each gender. The Lord of Lord and King of Kings, Christ Jesus, commands you to only have sex within the confines of marriage, until death do you part, amen.

how about you stop being a sad kunt ,get FVKING huge , and pick the women u like

I'm a female virgin tho... T_T


There are no VIRGIN girls left. I cannot be a good christian because the fucking society has made it impossible.

>Being fucking deranged
Go figure that someone who think women who should be virgins is mental. Guess what? People like fucking, and they like fucking people they find attractive you lunatic.

I only like virgin girls
And none left
what then?


A fuck younger girls
B get over it

Rolling for digits 3,6,9,0

come back in a month or two when the shills, normies and proxyfags are gone and you might have some actual discussion on topics.

there's like a 1 to 20 ratio of actual Sup Forumstards to newfags and shills at the moment.

This is all very true. But guess what? Only a small pool of men is attractive while a huge share of women can be considered attractive.

Women want to be fucking sex toys of a guy who has other 50 girls fucking him exclusivley than to be with an honest honorable christian man. This isn't wrong to you?

Anarcho-/r9k/ meme, make it happen.

By punished I dont mean death
I mean they should be fined
We cannot let a small percentage of men to make life miserable for the rest


the muslims and beta leftists don't play by the rules
we shouldn't neither , we are not living in an exact christian society anymore , adjust your goals

>You being a bitter autistic virgin is an important topic
Day of the Rake when?

Rolling now for 3-9

So a gorgeous tax? How is that going to change the fact that you can't get laid?

You are delusional. I'm not ugly but fuck am i plain looking and have acne scarring on my face and body and still get laid. If you make an effort anyone can fuck half decent girls. The only ones who can't are autist.
> honest honorable christian man
Jesus fucking christ who would. "No girls like good guys the whores!".

>pick the women u like
>implying all men can just pick and choose women and get laid

fucking delusional

you're just an edgy tumblrina

My 21yo virgin qt just broke up with me. We never did penetration but we did do everything else... it was the sweetest taste of my life and I've had sex with about 12 girls. I miss her and think I loved her. AMA I guess.

>pic related

>"all you need is to try and you're GUARANTEED success! it's that easy! there's someone for everyone!"

Fuck off. It's not true. Some men aren't able to attract women no matter what they do, quit giving people false hope.

Are you a fat gook i saw on omegle?

this. Why can't guys like that be gay?

Fuck off
You have polluted 12 women. And you have polluted a virgin girl by doing sexual acts.

Go fuck yourself, I smash tens regularly why would I ask you shit? Crybaby

Post more Pietro

Which was covered by my autist remark. If you have the social skills of a potato don't be surprised if you have trouble finding someone.

Jelly much
Projecting much

no, i shall post Klokov-kun

kys virgin faget. if you think sex is so important then you shouldn't have any.

But born male of course

Technically I'm not a virgin since my dick touched my mom's vagina when I came out of the womb.

I don't know what to tell you OP. You have to find a young Christian girl or a unicorn. I'm in the same situation except I'm getting really tired of this shit and might not ever get married. A girlfriend and kids would be great though but kids could wait a long time thanks to this whole being a guy thing.

No marriage material out there doesn't equate to being forced to not ever being intimate from women, at least from my point of view... I worry about not doing the right thing but at the same time I'm the weirdo for being concerned with such things.

It sucks OP, good luck to you and figuring out what you should do.

>I am disgusted by humanity for this so called (((sexual liberation)))

Me too, bro. This is why I went alt-right.

> be good goy
> nosex nokissing studyhard gonnabepatriarch
> go to (((college)))
> nonwhite nonvirgin woman immediately throws herself at me
> think this is how I meet my future wife
> she doesn't fuck me because I don't escalate
> finally do 2 years in
> she pushes me to quit activities that'd make me meet someone hotter
> find out she fucked 2 guys in HS (that I know of)
> move on 'cause I'm a good person
> get engaged
> she dumps me for a friend who's better-looking
> find out she cheated on me on "girls' nights"
> get another gf
> she claims to be a virgin, too
> don't have sex for like a year because I'm not ready to marry her
> she gives me an STD from kissing
> find out she was raped
> knowing her, no way in hell she punished the guilty people
> break up for different reasons. she's doing well now (got a better-educated man)
> get another gf
> she's had previous relationships but so have I, no problem
> 2 months in
> find out she was raped repeatedly by her father and fucked an entire frat in college
> go NEET for a good 6 months
> move coasts
> become redpilled
> realize that of my 10 cousins/brothers, only half are on track to reproduce
- two women aged out of fertility
- one woman tried to baby-trap a rich chad and now is a single mom
- one left the family, don't know what she's doing now
- one woman went full SJW in college, fucked a few chads, started cutting, and is now on antidepressants
- one guy became morbidly obese (400+ lbs)
- three are in tech and seem unable to get girlfriends since they sit at computers all day
- two are too young to know yet, but their parents divorced so it's not lookin good.

NO ONE is reproducing! My genetic legacy is at risk!

A coward would turn evil, like a jew or financebro.

As a good man, I want to criminalize sex outside of marriage. That's a worthy fight.

i'm 25 i need to find a gullible perfect 18 y.o virgin quick how do?

Yeah, feminism was the final nail.
And even if you had a good wife, you are taxed so much to support Laquanda and her 8 kids that it's almost impossible.

tfw I looked exactly like that Chad, except whiter (pure Anglo, no Hispanic) when I was 18. No wonder the city girls gamed me and wrecked me emotionally.

Every girl I've ever dated has lived with a guy at least once. I'm still a virgin at 28 because taking a girl's virginity is my fetish and I still haven't found the right one. I've even dated a 17 year old who turned out to be experienced, but she may have been lying to see what I'd say.


If your pic were a virgin you could tell me whatever the fuck you wanted he would never be a loser on my eyes.

I'm betting you're an autistic virgin.

this thread is full of faggots who didnt get laid while they were in school

You're pathetic for making such a jelly statement.

Work hard to look like him or die trying retarded leafposter.

On a second thought, I agree with you, guys like him should be punished for looking so pretty by being forced to date me.

No shit, learning too late is the story of my life.


So just be bitter then. Absorb it into yourself and laugh at it.

A lot of guys like that just hook up with a girl and stay together and aren't a threat to you.

Stop being a faggot.



We have this thread literally every fucking HOUR. Fuck off newfag.

I'm a virgin, user. We can get married and I'll let you play with my boobs.

I have a penis tho.

Any time a woman has sex, she risks pregnancy and by extension, death. Therefore, it makes sense for her to only reproduce with men with the best genes possible. If she's willing to lay any old guy, we naturally assume her genes are worthless; if they weren't, why wouldn't she only reproduce with high-quality men?

The inverse is true for men. If lots of women are willing to take that risk to have sex with a man, we assume he has good genes. Because if he didn't, why would women take the risk?

You're a pussy.

Sounds rough user. Godspeed on your future journies

Because literally any woman can have sex with any man she chooses. That's why she's held up to higher standard.

The guy one is more of a matter of IF he can have sex or not. If he obviously can but chooses not to, then nobody cares but if a guy tries to have sex but can't, then that's pathetic.

Not higher standard but status, if she chooses not to.

thanks. i am at least 85% redpilled now, so victory is possible.

good luck to you, too. Sup Forums is a hurt box; a crucible where men find the truth. march and win, my fellow American.

relax guys

there's some positive news
Chad's or Jamal's seed will be a part of her forever

sorry but I had to


If you did that in the British Army's training, the standard punishment is that you have your rifle taken off you for the rest of the exercise, since you're clearly unable to be trusted with it, to be replaced with a 'stick', which is Army slang for the largest, leafiest tree branch your section commander can find.

S...she is still in training right?

The guy in this picture went bald, RIP

I mean just KEK my SHIT UP SENPAI. What are we supposed to do now?

what is celibacy? Become a monk

well if the crackers would stop fucking their kids...


I'm still not done yet guys.

Just cuck MY SHIT UP.


Yeah, if you've ever had a cold or flu, you'll have a bunch of other people's DNA floating around inside you anyway.

Fuck are you talkin about leaf

I nailed two

Except that's wrong:

except the only men are interviewed in those statistical analyses are part of the top 10% good looking rich men

>Require their answer to be "yes" for are you a virgin and "Waiting until marriage" how long until you have sex. Only trust the ones that don't advertise this fact.

Based Dmitry

Sexual liberation is what will kill society. Facing this in my "conservative" country as well

nigga have you even ever had sex before? virgin women suck, they don't know what the fuck they're doing, they ALWAYS give terrible head, and are a dead fish in bed. Get someone who knows what the fuck they're doing when they fuck. Ain't nothing special about fucking a virgin, unless you're really into hymen blood all over your tiny cock

Wow it's the same message that the media has been telling us for years, including the virgins have intact hymens meme.

Virgins aren't good in bed because they're not whores? What a shocking revelation, wtf I hate virgins now.


sex is a dance, and it takes time to learn. Experienced partners are better at it. this is fact.

>implying you could ever teach anyone to find their own ass

So is this clever trolling or do you actually hate attractive people because you're ugly and jealous? Because if you're not trolling, this is the funniest thing I've seen all day.

Your right, its a double standard that should change.

Shy beta awkward girls who haven't gotten laid exist. You can probably find a virgin girl if you look in the right places.

You're fucking retarded.

A ring doesn't plug a hole but a damn Bible sure as fuck will.

Go to Church. You'll easily tell who's "keeping it for marriage" and who is actually.

those shy beta girls are always prudes that never wanna do anything interesting, takes forever to just get to making out with them because they're so apprehensive. And after that they get attached
. gross.

Double standards are everywhere youngfag, get used to the real world.
>BET can exist but no all white channels
>girl has sex with multiple people and she is a slut, guy does it and gets a high five.

>And after that they get attached
wow the way things are supposed to work, that sucks. I'd rather have a girl who went through 8 divorces tbqh.

>Sup Forums complains about degenerates but is degenerate as fuck themselves

Because for a man to score it's challenging, for a woman it's as easy as walking out and asking. She could literally go out naked and find dick, the opposite would get you killed.

>those shy beta girls are always prudes that never wanna do anything interesting, takes forever to just get to making out with them because they're so apprehensive. And after that they get attached. gross.

You complain but this is what our country gets for replacing religious values with secular ones. We're the generation reaping what (((they))) sowed. Just have to live with it.

A male virgin has to struggle to lose it. A female one has to struggle to keep it. Cuz she's swimming in cocks.

There's loads of female virgins. My last two girlfriends were virgins.

Maybe it is just who you are surrounded by man. Sure, there has been a rise of trashy girls in our country, but conservative girls still exist. Funny enough, a lot of the girls who happen to be virgins are in STEM fields and have plenty of opportunity.

Sure you can, go on and find one. There are plenty of people saving themselves for marriage.

pop science website that plagiarizes other pop science websites.

Also, read the whole 'article'..

That's not true. Most women don't like sharing their man. I wouldn't share mine, I'd drag a bitch by her eyelids over it.

The majority of women just want to be loved and feel safe. I can't speak for whores, just normal women.

OP stop being a faggot and man up. So what if you can't find a woman who isn't a virgin. There's nothing in the Bible preventing you from being with someone who isn't a virgin. Guess what we all sin, including you, and you should forgive people instead of judging them because they had sex.

Does that apply to us women too? Or just a gorgeous tax on men?

>le man up

If your philosophy is fine to believe in, then so is his.

But the majority of women (>90%) have burned through a couple of alpha males. That is in no fucking way acceptable to me. Sure women might have 6 sex partners in their lifetime, but they have always fucked an alpha male. Every fucking girl has done it. So either she's a virgin or a fucking cunt who is only attracted to alpha males and does not give a fuck about being used as a sex toy by a guy with higher status than her.