Sup Forums Secret Santa

This is my first Christmas on Sup Forums I was wondering if we ever do secret santa?

If not I think this would be a great year to start in honor of Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

How would this even work?

Redpill me on what the hell "Secret Santa" is.

Drink bleach newfag

Let's not.

Old Jimmy No friends.

delet this

>thinking people won't ship cum.

we send each other dradels and a letter full of jewish jokes


my first christmas here too but this secreat santa thing won't work

let's just celebrate a 'white christmas'

Not OP but on other boards, anons post Amazon wishlists or other sites, and people randomly buy each other something cheap (usually no more than $20 or so)

I only did it once but now that I have two kids I can't afford to give to others anymore

/k/ does. We have about 30-50 so far signed up I think

you post your address on Sup Forums and try not to die for christmas!

Wew lad. Try to be discreet being a newfag ffs.

Sounds really nice, I can see the appeal of this.
Thank you very much for explaining.

This just got even better!

To make this work one of us would have to be the head organizer, gathering emails, addresses, and assigning matches. I would be willing to do it based on interest in this idea.

no fuck off with this shit

thank you Mr. FBI

do you want my credit card as well?

fucking newfags should learn to lurk the fuck more before posting their dumb shit

If I am guaranteed a present , I will give a present . We agree on value like $10 or $15?

Ask /k/ how to do secret santa. They organize it pretty well. I would love to send some afro centrist shit to some guy in sweden.

Of course /k/ is full of trip fags and not skeptical constiptards

Thanks, CTR!
Jk merry christmas

Other boards do it, you lurk more

Fucking no. I'm not spending money on you losers.

There are too many people on Sup Forums for it to work. It's barely worked on Sup Forums over the years due to high functioning autism, there are too many normalfags on Sup Forums.

>posting your address on Sup Forums

Suddenly, I am in favor of this idea.

Alright I forgot this was Sup Forums

The amazon wishlist thing would probably be the best bet since it offers the anonymity our community has come to love.

In every board I've ever witnessed secret santa events it always devolves into gay shit with semen stained letters.

If you work with liberal co workers give out a secret Santa gift Trump MAGA hat and the book The Art of the Deal

/k/ will start theirs soon, go check it out

Imagine the funny shit Sup Forums would do though.

I will literally send an oven to a Jewish poster if I had the chance

I might be down for this if it was managed by one person handling the addresses and wishlists. It's not like a street address is earth shaking information.

Geheim santaatzpolizei (Santa's German secret police)? We use them the round up the Jews celebrating their Jew holidays instead of Christmas, but don't tell the kikes about it.


MAGA hats for all.

I suddenly have the urge to crochet swastika armbands.

I want one

Other boards are filled with fags and degenerates. We aren't r9k or mu or whatever shitty board you want to point out.

Fuck off, back to your faggot board if you want to do this gay shit.

oh fuggg

Sup Forums has been doing /ss/ for longer than you've been out of diapers. People like this are what I mean by normalfags on Sup Forums.

what are you too good for secret santa?
you want secret KEK or some shit?

yeah I am aware dumbshit

that doesnt mean you have to spread your cancer to us

>Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums

go back to Sup Forums newfag, Sup Forums is mostly made up of singleboard users, as in they mostly just use Sup Forums

and Sup Forums is shit

>Sup Forums has been doing /ss/ for longer than you've been out of diapers
yeah the same Sup Forums that used to be almost 100% immature tripfags worse than the modern 9gag browser

I want this....

Come on, user, I'm sure you would be happy to receive a nice little surprise present. It would be fun!

well, you are right. But this does sound kind of sketchy.

>Sup Forums is mostly made up of singleboard users
Because you all came here from reddit and haven't been here long enough to even think about looking at other boards.
When was this time exactly?

Ill join. I do crochetting.

We can just do amazon wishlists for the sketched out anons

That makes no sense. Why would I look at Sup Forums or Sup Forums. If anything newfags would be more excited about checking out other boards to explore.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums is where I be


You are the very definition of cancer.

I can picture it now with some of the clickbait sites
>read below to discover what other 10 shocking things they send to each other on Amazon wishlists

brings to question can you buy ridiculously sized photos of Hitler on Amazon?

We send each other dank memes.

Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns Washington Post. I won't go on Amazon. Maybe eBay has something similar.

I would beg to differ, and instead infer that you are the cancer..

It does, but maybe there are ways for us more paranoid folks to participate as well. Something like a PO box for instance! I'm not really experienced with Amazon, but that option might be good as well and I assume would also keep you from receiving poisoned letters.
In any way, I'm sure it will be great if everything really does work out!

How to make user amazon wishlist, I still like the idea of having someone collect addresses and emails, makes for much better/funnier gifts. If you are really that sensitive about your address (because u live with your parents or whatever) than just use a PO box or a friends house.

I started browsing in Summer of 2006, I am a newfag.

You probably started browsing this election cycle, you are actually worse than cancer now that I think about it.

Jesus christ dude lmfao

5209 Flat Creek road Gainesville GA send me free shit.

>5209 Flat Creek road Gainesville GA
gonna need an email so we can match you with someone else.

My burner email for this is [email protected]
I know its retarded it was for a school project a while back

>im an oldfag hurr durr

fuck off roodypoo candass faggot niigger

hope you get a cummed on sock, and the organizer takes all the gifts

That is a direct misquote. You have to go back.


>Warning: These gifts WILL trigger you. You won't believe that a human sent it.

>These came from this horrifying shopping basket of deplorables.

Aren't you guys afraid of what shit you'll get sent?

more of a reason to do this, Amazons UI for making wishlists is kinda fucked, so I will probably hve to make a guide for my next thread


>claims to be oldfag.
>can't even get triips, let alone duubs in a thread after multiple posts.

go back Sup Forums or 9geg faggot

>>claims to be oldfag.
Another misquote, another reddit meme.

You have to go back.

why has Trump been such a joke for the past 10 years? like in the 80s and 90s he was someone you at least took a little seriously. now he is just some bullshit clown.

and i voted for the guy but sheesh. what the hell even is he? tv star? he's an actor. and a joke.

It's not a reddit meme you dumb kike.

fucking cancer

Cancer is post-2010, so pretty much post-chanology. Now that we are almost at 2017 I think we should call people from after 2015. You can be super cancer or post-ironic cancer or something.

>it's a le anonymouse old fag xd episode

for christmas i want basic income. can trump give me that?

yeah ill try this again tommorow

>le anonymouse old fag xd
You have to go back.

>post-ironic cancer

We've gone through non-ironic, ironic(this is what you and the other reddit kid: keep imitating) and now Sup Forums has been post-ironic for a short amount of time now.

Unless we come up with some new word for the current era, you are henceforth "post-ironic cancer" and I will begin to refer to you and your ilk as such.

Wow. What a miserable fucking retard.

Fuck off nerd virgin

>hey user want to go to the Sup Forums meetup

Yeah, i'm the fucking retard.

>you and other

plz, this is the oldfag troll mindset.

you some gay shit like, ive been browsing since 06 as if that somehow gives you credibility and karma points. then you do the gay because i browsed longer( which you probably didnt) I have the say of who is who and where they came from.

you're the same type of cancer as so called oldfags are.

Go gloat about the year you started browsing on Sup Forums non-ironic, post-fad cancer.

amazon registry number is 3BD9RM7KXJPEQ

There is nothing wrong with you being painfully new, just lurk for a half decade or so and it'll be fine.