Why are fascist so stylish?
Why are fascist so stylish?
Cause we gots big diks
appearance matters. blue haired fatass vs uniform. what says superiority more to you
an big diks 2
Post stylish fascists
He's gotta be the most moderate fascist in human existence.
Barroso was a hitlerite faggot though
R8 dont masterb8
Hitler had an impressive aesthetics. Mussolini was a buffoon. Everyone else just had a glorified military parade.
Dressing well shows respect for yourself, respect for your cause, and a respect for your civilization.
Contrast that with pic related. Tattooed weirdos, often dressed like hobos, or wearing dreadlocks etc. They're destroyers with no respect for anything.
based hugo boss.
Because the whole ideology is largely based on aesthetics
This is a beautiful thread.
Please post aesthetics. I'm trying to make folder for fascist/right-wing aesthetics.
Give me your mosleys bitches!
National Socialists. The Nordic Resistance Movement. You'd be surprised, its growing fast there.
because fascism is sexy thats why there is nazi porn but not communist porn
>name my band Sup Forums
Plinio was still pretty based though. He basically too fascism, removed the racist parts of it, and then applied a healthy dose of nationalism and religiosity to unite all the people. I think that if his movement had succeeded Brazil would be a 1st world country today.
if anything he was a portuguese-style clericalist, given he was not anti-jewish, was completely pro miscegenation and based his entire worldview on catholic spirituality
that's actually what integralism means btw
I doubt he could do anything with the country though, economically he would be the same bad thing we always have, and politically God only knows how he'd govern, since people basically worshipped Vargas
Also his version of fascism didn't desire to conquer the rest of South America for lebensraum (although a united South America would be interesting)
>ywn be part of the higher echelon of the Wehrmacht.
Someone please hit me with a hammer as hard as they can because im miserable at this point desu
actually fascism itself isnt racist at all only german national socialism is because of the addition of the volkisch ideologies
yes, and this is why it baffles me when I see people (especially foreign academics talking about the 30s and 40s) trying to meme him into being into the same league as hitler or mussolini or something
love the look in their eyes with that shot.
they really believe.
Yeah that's true I guess. Honestly though, if you want to sell it to anyone nowadays, integralism just sounds better than fascism.
That's adorable.
Because style is all about conformity.
you can't spell fascism without /fa/
Yeah, when you take away the racism of Hitlers Germany and the warlike tendencies of both Hitler and Mussolini, what you get is not at all an evil ideology or person. Sure, the merits of integralism may be disputed, much the same way any economy might be argued for or against, but nobodies going to say it's an evil ideology. It's a shame that they look at Salgado as on par with those men, when FDR was pretty much worse than he was with the Japanese internment and dragging out the Great Depression.
Thy dress today like it was mien last.
there is no need to sell it to them. it will come to them because it is what they want. they just wont call it fascism when it comes. in truth men are tired of liberty. and parliamentary democracy is a sham. they want true freedom they want economic freedom. for freedom is a matter of perspective of man and his surroundings. a man alone in the woods has all the freedom in the world, but what good does it do him.
Checked. 88.
knowledge of aesthetics
Because fascism and National Socialism embraces the ancient idea (inherent in any ancient society) that the spiritual idea, the race, the order, and the aesthetic are one, or should be one.
Aesthetics for the Fascist or National Socialist are the same as action and becoming in the world.
This is the meaning of the Swatsika: the unity of the eternally recurring order which is the race as spirit as aesthetic idea as culture.
It's actually a principle at play in every single subcultural musical movement, it's the fundamental, natural way in which it happens: there is a heroic first act in which the order and idea coagulates (from some higher / inner source) into an aesthetic cultural form and this ritualistically reifies itself in retellings of the story deferring to the heroic originators (just see the DnB scene and its worship of its fathers, and origin in a certain place in time but then evolving code continuing the order and spirit).
because they are not Jewed with Jewish Christian thinking they are Aryan
Rodzaevsky was pretty stylish
Forgot pic