/new balance/ general
i don't understand this meme yet
Pls. And thank you.
New Balance tried to get a contract from the government to produce their issue training shoes, the government declined and contracted a Chinese company, and New Balance came out in support for Trump because of it. All the liberal/trendy butt hurt sparked a hashtag of people burning their NBs.
Been a huge fan on NB and will probably buy exclusively from them @ retail price. Also, 998s are probably the best shoe ever made.
Thanks New Balance, continue to stay BASED.
Why do based new balance shoes trigger ctr shills so much, pol?
>falling for the Jew Balance meme
You can have your childish manlet shoes, I will stick with my volleys.
Wish the outline of N was red
Would still buy though
Sad the color isnt available in our country
When I;ve seen 3 to 4 fucking new balance threads at once im done with this shit and will sage every single thread into oblivion
>le autism shoes
Thanks for all the bumps phâm
>Not knowing what saging is
Please don't buy the chink made NB. Buy the AMERICAN made ones you cheap fuqs.
I think maybe it is you who is misunderstanding the mechanics of this Web forum my family
stop shitting up Sup Forums faggot.
also have my meme infographic
Sure thing NBIDF
I'm a poorfag
That wasnt so fucking hard was it.
So am I but I haven't bought myself a pair of sneakers in more than 3 years and it seems like it's the moment user.
Do it for America.
Apparently you fucking don't know what it is you stupid fucking leaf. Sage was never a voting system, it was a way to respond to a thread without bumping a thread. Sage also doesn't work on Sup Forums. So basically kill yourself Cucknadian.
Alright i'll help. I am now a /newb/
stop shitting up the board with your /fa/ thread you fucking mongrel whore.
Congrats on keeping this thread on the front page you fucking mongoloid.
The leaf is acting up as usual because his homo county doesn't have any happenings. While his PM is kissing Somali ass we have a meme president and a brand of shoes endorsing him while liberals are burning said shoes.
When I was a courier around Boston,MA NB was a customer.
I made tons of deliveries for them from bulk mail, payroll and graphic artist work.
Hated that Bulk mail run.. filling a van w/dozens of large canvas mail sacks filled with mailings going all over the world.. had to sign them in to the huge Postal center in South Boston.. load them on mail carts etc..
America thanks both of you for bumping this thread to make America great again with a high quality pair of made in the usa new balance shoes
approves this message
What is a nice New Balance running shoe? I want a pair that will last, my shoes always break after a few months because I'm too hardcore.
I'm liberal, and I still like New Balance.
Who gives a fuck if they "endorsed" Trump. They are one of the few American shoe manufacturers who still have factories in the US. On surface level, they have reason to support his policies.
Whether or not it will actually help them is another story - but I don't blame them for taking this stance.
I thought advertising wasn't allowed on Sup Forums unless you buy a banner?
No kikery here friend, just white people discussing patriotic footwear
574s, 577s, 996s, 997s and 998s
Pretty vague, but you should be looking into ASICS if you actually intend to run.
I would buy these if it weren't for the huge non-discrete N that covers the whole fucking shoe t b h famalam it's not even fancy lookin aye
Patrician choice here.
while too extreme for me, Steven Crowder wears Niggerstompers, New Balance is hardcore yo
Just ordered these
I agree with these faggots. I dig NB, and bought 2 more pairs when they came out in support of Trump. Nevertheless, shoe threads don't belong on Sup Forums
now buy some raw denim and taper it from the knee down to a 6" opening
straight leg, boot cut jeans do not look good over any sneaker
Just might do it. What colorway should I get?
Best NB coming through
>No kikery here friend, just white people discussing patriotic footwear
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Get the barron trump certified maga edition
oy vey
>patriotic footwear
They came out on twitter saying that their views "were taken out of context" and they don't support Trump.
When I went through USMC boot camp, I was issued New Balance shoes
Did the DOD drop a contract with NB or something?
Gonna buy the red ones when spring comes desu famalam
Stop lying dirty jew
NB general thread
Will I be considered a nazi if I start wearing NB?
i have never worn a more comfortable or longer lasting shoe than ASICS
this wasn't what they meant when they said to try walking in Barron's shoes you fucking autists
And all those shoes look like shit.
Yes but America is a nazi country now
fucking canad
NB 574 and a comfy windbreaker
>No family nor pets, bring it on, praise kek
What is this for fucking ants?
Original pls.
>Made in China
SNL just said New Balances were the official shoes of neonazis lol
Begone jew
This is the final nail in the coffin for middle school tier bullshit
>these fucking sliding threads
Where the fuck are the janitors? This is ridiculous.
link to purchase?