>What the fuck is this?
Clintons have more scandals than the emails etc., what is this shit and how is this possible/provable? If any of this is true we are being controlled senpai, we are fucking being lied to about their history
>What the fuck is this?
Clintons have more scandals than the emails etc., what is this shit and how is this possible/provable? If any of this is true we are being controlled senpai, we are fucking being lied to about their history
Other urls found in this thread:
this shit cant be real, there is no proof
some kids where killed, police/investigators where involved in the 80s? why hasn't there been interviews in the 90s!!! wtf
Where have you been?
An hour and 40 minutes. Could you just say what it is?
I'm terrified of these claims, if true the clintons should have been in prision and a name none of us would know because they would be arrested in a federal invetigation in the 80s = what the fuck happend, this is ffucking crazy the way things turned out, im going to watch the whole video
What is wrong with you? That's not how a person speaks.
>user: This video is too long, what's in it?
>OP: This video is so scary, holy cow I can't believe what's in it. I'm going to watch the whole thing!
Are you an Living Ad like that retarded Southpark plot?
this is treason you fucking idiots, i cant watch this whole thing this is too much, they are fucking monsters...
When Trump does nothing about these fucks you'll know he was a fraud.
>Still not describing what's in it.
Not even trying to be human. Give us a summary of new or known crimes exposed and the sources or evidence cited.
ive never seen this movie, why is this guy screaming?
Wait, duh, I'm a fucking idiot.
The responses actually referring to this are from you. You forgot to change your ID. Probably some tracker to see which google accounts watch that vid.
Fuck off and die CTR.
hoyl shit, we need a full federal investigtion, but we know now dont we, we fucking know trump probably found everything out in that meeting.
sorry, just had to pause the video, i feel kind of sick right now, i wasn't aware of these claims except of the drug running is kind of known in most cases. the interesting thing and i dont understand is how they got away for so long, this is 100% proof that they are 100% puppets and even more, fucking criminals these claims if they can be proven are fucking horrible for America, frankly i still feel sick and i can only think of the shit they will write, read, and research hundreds of years in the future, the romans had a similar situation with the way politics was run, but this, this is clear evidence from the 80s to now of what might still be going on, this investigation and the old tapes from the 80-90s are fucking amazing
why would i change the id? im just saying nonono,,, basically about to continue watching it, i am kind of disappointed to be honest, i dont understand how they ever acquired so much power
you should watch this
With the Clinton's it's basically that if you can imagine it, they probably did it.
Drugs, pedophilia, murder, bribery, rape, sure. You name it, they probably had a hand in it.
Fucking scum.
Mostly Bill fucking with Arkansas with companies, drug money, and what have you to get presidency.
giving virgin little girls birth control and cocaine, then Bill fucked them.
Gonna say what I see as I go.
Used Arkansas acts and US acts to launder his money and Hillary helped out alot. This also got split with their friends who got higher in power as well.
jesus christ
this is the biggest scandal and abuse of power, corruption. and murder we have ever seen, something has to be done senpai, somethng has to bedone
trump, is he our guy?
Bill had lots of sex with workers and shit ton of cocaine as Governor of Arkansas.
Shut up, you sound like CTR had sex with a robot. Just scripted woos and awwws
whats a ctr?
i also wasn't born in the US, what an interesting look into history, i had no idea this shit was going on in the 80-90s, the guy just said in the video this is a disgrace to america, the thing is what now? this video footage is 20 years old. nothing has changed. wow, anyone who votes in this era is a fucking moron
claims at 1:16+ is fucking terrifying, the clintons are Manchurian canadiates,,,
The reason Clinton's shit was so zealously covered up and why they are so untouchable is because the drug running was only part of the picture. They were also involved with the Contras thing.
tfw/ they will never see jail time
the American idiots will not look at this, blind sheep
Shit they almost elected Hillary even now, fucking absurd. I mean running drugs and shit is one thing but the corruption, murder, framing people, fucking insane. He was even able to fuck over the people who would usually fuck you over.
why was vince foster killed? he worked with the clintons but what did he have? this is amazing, the people living today, the fbi agents, the people who left office, the people who lived around them they know about all of this today dont they, they know about the claims and they went and lived their lives behind their white picket fence while america burns. this is bad, we need a revolution asap and im not joking about this
i personally, think an investigating needs to be launched...
TLDR: Bill Clinton laundered cocaine money with the CIA and other insiders.
I found a better documentary that's more direct with the "facts".
Everything the Clinton's have done in the past pales in comparison to what's occurred recently. Are you aware that the US gov, exec admin is coordinating media directives, has been for years? The entire wave of zombie leftists we're witnessing right now is 100% victims of purposeful gov social engineering. Every major news story is followed by guided narrative that leads to a gov proposal. All of our wars are created by influencers in the US. Every destabilized country in the middle east was directly subverted by cia and state dept. it resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and a refugee wave of which they now want to use your taxes to import. Why do they want to do this? They are trying to dilute the citizenry with "legal inelligibles" so they can further regulate the populace in mass. We can't have guns because criminals and refugees are everywhere etc. Trump being elected is a good thing. But we are by no means in the clear, we are very close to a complete and total catastrophy. What it will result in no one knows. Civil war? seceded states? economic collapse? world war? The only thing known for sure is that our society is very pacified, we will probably never see justice for the major actors causing this chaos. There's so little true justice in this world.
>why was vince foster killed?
It was clearly a suicide by shot to the back of the head