What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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she sucked

she stole emails or something.

Everyone associated with Obama's shitfest has been shot out of office.

Hillary was a lying corrupt POS.

It wasn't her turn

women amirite

She was a fucking cunt to literally everybody.

Instead of actually campaigning and trying to include as many demographics into her rhetoric, she instead focused on minority groups and pandered heavily to them. My guess is they just assumed whitey would fall in line the way many did for Obama. The problem was Obama actually talked about the things middle class people are worried about jobs and job security. So while she was trying to secure celebrity endorsements Trump was going to states that he wanted to swing to his side.

Tldr: Trump actually talked about a change where Hillary just expected guilty to get her the middle class vote.


How did Obama get elected by the margins he did if he didn’t have policies (including expanding health care) that people wanted?

She's not a kang.

She lost her cuteness

Bill Clinton (who has as good political instincts as they come) said they needed to court the same demographic that got him elected in the 90s, which was heavy on flyover country whites. However, this idea was rejected.

McCain and Romney were shit compromise candidates.

How would Hillary have changed anything? The people that were going to be in her administration would have been the same that worked for Obama.

He was a nigger who ran on a government reform platform as a young 'outsider' not corrupted by paid interests. Then he went full dindu.

Houses built on sand fall to the storm and flood.

Obama's campaign was smart enough to not bring up Niggercare until he was already in office, and there were other reasons.


White guilt plus kangz came out to vote at least the ones that weren't already felons.

Not only that, she didn't address the issues regarding the refugee bullshit and assuaged the people that she wouldn't bring in 500% more of them or stop all refugee acceptance from any country until we get our economy fixed.

She didn't reinvigorate the hopes of the citizens who were thrown under the bus because of globalism by promising to help fix the economy by creating jobs locally.

She didn't address the average taxpayer who is paying through the nose to cover Obamacare subsidies.

I have a hard time squaring the concept that the voters want someone who feels the incoherent rage they’ve been propagandized to feel, and the fact that Obama got elected. If the rage machine weren’t quite turned up to eleven in 2008 and 2012, maybe, but I don’t recall that being the case. The same kind of batshit crazy conspiracies about Kenya and secret-Muslim-Manchiran candidate were in circulation back then, and Benghazigateghazi got added to the mix in 2012.

what went right?

Black overwhelmingly came out to vote because he was black.

Liberal whites voted for him because of their white guilt.

No poll watchers and the dead and illegals came out to vote for him in record numbers. More voter ID laws coming into effect since 2008. Hint, Romney got 61 million votes in 2012, Mccain got 60 million votes in 2008. Trump got 61 million votes so the Republican vote has been fairly consistent. Obama got 69.5 million votes in 2008 and then 66 million votes in 2012 as voter ID laws started creeping up. Now that voter ID laws have expanded and with poll watchers Hillary only got 63 million votes. Six million democrats disappered as voted ID laws and poll watchers come into play.

Trump had the better strategy for actually winning. Her entire strategy was based on a generic republican candidate and beating him, NOT on actually winning the election as written in the constitution.

Trump looked at the fucking map, picked out a few states he thought he could swing, and tailored his message to swing them. AND IT WORKED. It wasn't even necessarily 4D chess. He just noticed that the Rust Belt was getting ignored, tailored his message to them, and then focused on motivating his base to get out and vote while entertaining them for a few months.

Elections will never be the same.

These are study threads used to find information to make the next Democratic candidate look more appealing to their lost demographics.

I think the propaganda machine didn’t really start until after Obama’s first election, when unified Democratic governance caused the need to de-legitimize absolutely everything.

Also Mitt Romney was the last guy on the planet who could channel that building grassroots anger, and it kept on building after 2012.

Yep. Trump taught Republicans how to fucking win and not be cucked.

Maybe don't hate white people, stop whit genocide, and leave our fucking Second Amendment alone.

Bad candidate, and enough people picked up on the fact that most of the press and tv news were pushing her so hard to win.

The amount of slander against Trump was astonishing.

Obama ran as a reform candidate to counter all the conspiracy shit Bush was doing with the wars. He was going to run the most transparent administration in history. Public got burned big time.

>he taught republicans
I wouldn't go that far, kiddo. The GOPe is full of old and tremendous faggots. I doubt they learned shit.

But they will. They'll be purged and new blood will take over.

Obamacare had nothing really wrong with it (as far as I can tell), but it was a victim of an obvious Republican smear campaign.

I think people are also sick of the identity politics, SJW stuff and BLM riots. Hillary repeatedly said after the cop-murders in July how it was the fault of "White privilege".

Are you kidding me? It's expensive and insurers are pulling out like crazy.

Also Ted Kennedy’s seat was given to a guy for the explicit purpose of preventing it; Wave after wave of GOP politicians has been elected because they denounced ACA; Wave after wave of Dems have been thrown out of office for voting for it.

It literally forced people to buy a private company product and fined them if they didn't.

If you don't see how that's a massive violation of liberty, you're a dumbass.

at my heart I'm a 1-topic voter
if you can't trust me with guns I can't trust you in office. so help me god if there's both candidates advocating gun control I would heavily consider going on a bombing spree at the debates (pls take this as a joke nsa I'm only a muslim and that would make you a bigot otherwise)

WW3 threat.
If she would just make a plan without ww3 to deal with Russia, she would be president.

She was nothing, but a money-launderers and dead-brokers candidate. And she sayed "my rule will endanger your investments".

What wall street currently wants is to just continue the ride on le profit coaster. For this they will give anyone anything - minimum wage, white genocide, wall and banishment of whomever. They gave it to Trump, because even tho he endangers some schemes with illegal immigration, it does not harms them in general and in the long run.

And they have a big problem with China now, that has technology to destroy petrodollar. If Trump would manage to make out of current situation, where everybody hates USA for what clintons, bushes (and other skull&bones), obongo, raegan (taliban and ultimately alquaeda creator) and wall street has been doing, anything, where other nations hate USA less, without ignoring "our biggest ally", that would be job well done from illuminati pov.

Obamacare was terrible. Ignoring Constitutionality, the employer driven system drives up prices. So Obama adds a private mandate, ignores health and preexisting conditions, and STILL leaves the employer subsidy that punishes people who choose to buy insurance privately.


There was lockstep opposition to a plan that was at least modeled off of a Heritage plan, and was significantly more centrist than the many in the Democratic party wanted (who, remember, had just won a wave election). I mean a plan that was fine for Romney in Mass. was suddenly the death of liberty when enacted by the federal government. That is at least circumstantial evidence that the lockstep opposition from politicians and the media to the ACA was driven by the political goal of making Obama a one term president rather than a principled decision based on the merits of the ACA.

Watch the film, Deer Hunter, then watch one of Hillary's speeches about coal.

It's a shit deal. Plus the idea that the government gets to tax you for not buying a product is just dumb. If you can't offer a product people want to buy you shouldn't be propped up by government mandates.

b-but the gubernment knows best user
why won't you listen to their infinite wisdom

The key word there is “Massachusetts”, not “Romney”.

Masshole is the most leftist of leftist states. These are the guys who elected Ted Kennedy for 47 years. States like MA and Maryland are so far left they fall off a cliff. As an example, Maryland has had only two Republican governors in the last 35 years both of whom got elected because the Democrats ran a shitty candidate. And Republicans who do get elected in those states are generally well to the left of the GOP norm.

>I mean a plan that was fine for Romney in Mass. was suddenly the death of liberty when enacted by the federal government.

If you don't understand how something that is good for ONE STATE might be bad when forced on ALL THE REST OF THE STATES, then you're a fucking dumbass.

This is why I am almost never a Democrat any more - partial truth and lies. IF there was a mandate that was truly private, like in Switzerland, WITHOUT medicare, then this lie of "more centrist" makes more sense, but it DOESN'T.

It's the same weasel words with "basic income," where leftists say "Milton Friedman supported it!" NO, he supported a negative income tax to replace ALL the other welfare.

negative income tax is NOT "basic income."

she was just so unlikable, to like her you had to hate Trump, it didnt seem like even her supporters did, they just really hated Trump.

and they caught on to it to late, they brought their shills out like Louis CK "saying, she was the best choice of anyone" but it wasnt enough.

and she had this air about her like she deserved the job, and it was her right to be President, that ego shit upsets people and really gave Trump the underdog card, and people love the underdog

>not putting eeuu, bongistan and israel in the same boat

Underrated combo.

What could go wrong?

What? Obama has some of the highest approval ratings for an outgoing president.

Pretty sure if the 22nd amendment wasn't a thing Obama would've easily won a 3rd term, especially vs a candidate as flawed as Trump.

I don't think it's Hillary's association with the Obama administration that did her

>coming to Sup Forums for advice on how to run a campaign
Sounds reasonable enough

You really believe polling after these polls showed Hillary in a sizable and insurmountable lead?

Obama is probably the most overrated president in modern history. His foreign policy is truly a disaster, and it is hard to gauge media coverage because most people in the media are Democrats.

>polls overrated Hillary by 14 points.
>polls say Obama is insanely popular.

Yeah 2008 was a time when the economy was in free fall mode and Bush was hugely unpopular.

Mitt Romney looked like a Kewpie Doll and Hillary just came off as the ultimate slimy Beltway insider. I forget who said it, but a reporter who talked to a RNC operative said there was internal polling that showed that if McCain would’ve went explicitly racial and populist ala Trump against Obama, he might’ve had a chance to beat him, even with the economy collapsing.

They claim Obama has over 50% approval ratings. Bull. Crap. A president that popular does not end his administration with its party at its weakest since the 1920s. I think realistically it's in the 20-30% range.

Okay, I'll use evidence that's more acceptable to Sup Forums:

Obama would've beaten Trump because of meme magic.

If those email would've never been leaked could she have won?

So you're telling me you think polls are accurate then?

>Surely FDR won't be elected a third (and fourth) time, r-right guise?


Good god how condescending.

EU elites are at the point, where they accept thermonuclear war and prepare for it.

Anglo controls Russian and USA nuclear arsenals to the point, where they wont be bombed by it for whatever. They are firestarters.

Kikes are bogus-nation, an anglo puppet, nobody really cares for them, kike elites do not care for dumb cunts who think they are genetically jew. Without enormous backing from usa and anglo they would be steamrolled in days. Without steamroll at the gates they would be left without any backing and the second they will find out they have no history or genetics in common, they would just go back to gypsy or back to north sea shores, where their original genetic relatives live.

I didn't say that. I said he'd win because of meme magic. Can't you read?

and this

His meme magic was weak and primitive.
No way he would have won. Trump had it in the bag.

If history is any guide (Andrew Jackson), the only way the Democrats can extinguish themselves would be to redefine themselves as an anti-Trump party, and slowly lose coherence.

If she was a little more honest than Al Capone maybe the email/Clinton Foundation debacle would have been resolved 3 years ago when it came up.

and finally watch this, it lays it all out:

The podesta emails did less harm than the fact that she deleted 33,000 emails after a subpoena which she knew was illegal. The emails themselves must of been so bad that it was worth it.

Trump should have gone for it in '12. Obama was really easily beatable if only the right candidate (not Mitt Romney) ran against him.

You used that a counter to my statement that polls are inaccurate and you are using polls to prove your point. So answer my question. Can you logic?

I'm a fan of milton friedman if there's one person I'd want to teach me, it would be him.

Looking at it from Trump's perspective, it's much harder to beat an incumbent (known quantity) than it is someone new. Better strategy to wait.

That coupled with her shit anwers about it. 'like a cloth?' It's never the crime, always the coverup

Can you? I just said he'd win because of meme magic, not polls. Try to keep up bud.

This. Learn to share. Dumb girl.

The Democrats will find their way back at some point. They were almost dead during the Reagan years, and the GOP were almost dead during the 1930s-40s, but also found their way back.

As for the example you give, politics in Andrew Jackson's time were very very different from today. One reason the Whig Party died is their lack of a coherent ideology, especially their inability to form a consensus on slavery or to rally behind Henry Clay's American System. I don't see any political issues nowadays as divisive as slavery was.

for me it was the clinton foundation, then she didnt fukken care about the 3am attack, then she hated Obama, then she pissed on the grave of the death of the embassy with her condensing statements, then she called Colin to evade her emails been read by Obama staff after they told her to chill the fuck out, then she wouldn't let go of the 2006 blackberry, then she lied about the money (pay to paid), then she was very stupid regarding technology (she could not work a personal computer to save her live) it you believe the FBI, then CNN got her questions to Flint, then she got help from the DNA to kill Bernie, ect ect ect ect

Thanks for proving you're a retard.

Ignorance. Pure and simple. They just assumed that they had the rust belt locked down because it had gone blue for decades, and never considered that Trump's message of bringing manufacturing and jobs back to America would resonate with blue collar workers.

The only retard here is you.

>Obama's campaign was smart enough to not bring up Niggercare until he was already in office
Wasn't that one of his campaign promises?

To be fair, the Era of Good Feelings was when everyone agreed slavery was fine and Native American genocide positively good.

Thanks retard

yeh what's wrong babe?

Yes, only Bill Clinton seemed to sense that they might lose the Rust Belt and he was ignored.

History has rejected the model of neoliberal globalism that was attempting to be established (with identity politics progressives as its unwitting functionaries).

Those with the sight, one with the Zeitgeist, recognized this at some point over the last few years, and have, in different ways, helped to accelerate the death of that agenda and signal the end of the so-called left.

It's the end of the Postmodern epoch, that started in the post-war years. The Linguistic Turn has been abandoned, outmoded. The conspiracy of reduction to text, the tool of the critic following after Jewish and French critics, has had to confront reality where it could no longer be sustained.

Those fools who bet on the language-policing paradigm of multiculturalism, so smugly, gleefully certain of their hegemonic control of the cultural code were in fact deconstructing themselves, and those of us aware of these limitations let them do it.

Now is a time for humiliation for those who bet on the wrong horse. They now have to fester with the corpse of the blue-haired, overweight abomination they invested in, that will burden them in any attempt to regain clarity or praxis (no leftist project can get off the ground now because it will immediately be overwhelmed in the dysfunction of mutually opposed identity groups). There is no way to escape from what the left has become, no numbers (or chance of autonomy) with which something smarter and distinct could be built. And now they will have to suffer decades of the cage they've made themselves.

They really weren't "almost dead" as far as the legislative branch. It's easier to run on the platform of tax dollars for votes. Republicans do it too, but Democrats were most successful at it, except for destroying inner cities and minority families.

The people you mention in the last part of your post are totally against the "neoliberal globalism" you talk about.


She had her own group of useless asskissers that she owed cabinet and staff jobs to

I'd call it "neostatist globalism."

Democrat voters outnumber Republican voters, but they're all concentrated in the major urban areas. The last two Republican presidents have needed to cheat with the Electoral College to win.

obviously the election was close enough that it wasnt just one single thing. Any number of things wouldve tipped the scales. But if I'm doing a postmortem, I'd say the single most important mistake Hillary made was not connecting with middle class white folks, not even making any serious attempt to do so. She thought she had it won, thought she didnt need to, thought that she had a better chance of winning by not making any waves, after all she had a totally flawed opponent and polling that said she was winning.
As for the overarching reason why she lost, slightly different, its because poor white boys have been btfo for the past 30 years, no one has advocated effectively for them. I do think Dems have made some legit efforts but too little and too much couldn't get done with Republican obstructionism. IN any case, they were looking for something, ANYTHING that was different. And so they chose a gaudy, scumbag reality TV show star billionaire to better advocate for them

Of course, but they never recognized that multiculturalism and identity politics were a tool of it, as well as postmodern and poststructuralist theories. There were a few smarter post-Marxist types that would sometimes point this out, trying to bring attention to capital or class, but bonds to the intellectual culture in which strict rules of signaling all these niceties about anti-racism and anti-sexism etc always ultimately pulled them back (and they never had - nor will have - the numbers to advance a model of leftism strictly distinct from the dysfunctional neo-liberal 'progressive' model because for most so-called 'leftists', the implicit motivation there at the end of the day really is just to virtue signal and feel noble and rebellious).

2004 Presidential Election
Bush: 62 million votes, 286 electoral votes, 31 states won
Kerry: 59 million votes, 251 electoral votes, 19 states won