Lets say the cities left and Civil War 2 started.
How long could NYC hold out?
Lets say the cities left and Civil War 2 started
I am that cousin. Also two of my cousins are also that cousin.
Nobody fucks with us, it's great. I'm bringing my dakimakura to Thanksgiving this year, it's going to be great!
Like, 5 weeks maximum. 8 if you gave Staten Island advance warning.
As a hypothetical, lets say in this situation NYC is some sort of Yankee hold out, and Dixie has the majority of the armed forces.
Two or three days, Rolling Bombardment.
30 minutes.
Expect a rapid die off of;
Elderly, special needs and those dependent on medication.
Expect conflict after day threeover resources.
After that it's going to be which groups can best organize and adapt to the new reality. Gangs have a massive advantage but are prone to infighting.
Remember the longer you live, the harder you are too kill.
There's no reason to seige NY. There's nothing strategic to take there.
On average in a US civil war you could expect the insurgents to do better than the us military because
>militas have basically no lives and drill all day
>If the government doesn't kiss the citizens' asses they'll be bleeding support from the pooulation and their own army every day
>Every world power will get involved and a good deal of them would support and overthrow of the US in an attempt to get in early with the new world power, hell if the insurgency isn't overtly anti-semetic then Israel would probably be the first to turn
>There are more civilian guns than military ones
>There are more militas than US military
>Most military would desert anyway
>If one nuclear sub deserted or switched sides it would be game over
Basically if there was a civil was it would almost completely be fought in Washington or wherever the political elites are moved to. If it was squahed in less than a week, then the current order wins. If it lasts more than a week then the insugents will win eventually after a long, blooddy struggle and lots of starvation.
It'd be only to kill a bunch of minorities and jews
>blow bridges
>get patrol boats to shoot anything larger than a kayak
>city literally starves in 9 days
Cringy pic m8
You are a massive faggot you know that?
about 3 days. the city is like a cancer patient on life support in terms of its sustainability (the real kind not the jew kind)
Depends on where the mega rich residents put their money.
If they stayed loyal to the city they could hold out for a while. Otherwise it'd be a week or two.
Less than a week. It produces no food or fuel but consumes both at a frantic pace.
>inb4 money / ports / etc
You said just the cities left, fucknugget.
I thought blacks were starting to like and ruin anime.
Yup, niggers and normals that only watch JoJo, Berserk and OPM (when they should be reading them instead) that complain about how "CRINGE" the rest of chinktoons are.
No shit faggots, fuck off back to your regular hobbies.
So fucking easy to siege that shit. Within 48 hours most of the city would surrender for a Big Mac meal.
How is this a "white people thing"? Are they minimizing black weaboos?
Fucking shitlords.
Depends what you mean by "hold out". NYC is a massive urban center and completely taking it from an entrenched force would be a small war in itself, akin to Stalingrad.
But if you mean how long until it loses all rule of law, it would fall very quickly. Without electricity or constant new food shipments, it would be a fucking dire situation if the city was still populated.
The correct answer. Just-in-time ordering and delivery systems increase profits, but it means there is very little stock kept at retail sites.
The absolute best part would be watching the feral niggers killing and robbing the snobby Leftists as soon as the cities are cut off. There would be a genocide of their white 'allies'. Followed by a genocide of blacks by starvation then attacking people who can use weapons properly.
where's the joke?