How did she predict a Trump victory?
How did she predict a Trump victory?
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Hmm . . . she's unattractive.
She wrote the book on how he could win and he followed it
she always predicts the republican will win.
she predicted that trump would win at the beginning of the primaries
You have to buy the book to find out.
common sense
Why wouldn't she predict the candidate pushing her agenda was going to win? She wasn't exactly neutral and objective.
By not being a retard.
t. An user that made 32,000 on the election
She's highly intelligent.
She's smart. She didn't just predict it, she helped make it happen. Just like you and me.
How did all those Ivy League and Georgetown graduates not? Because they are cut off from reality. It was freaking obvious and they kept doubling down on their own pride.
Would you Sup Forums?
Same way my dad did back in the early 2000s. He realized most white Americans are pro-labor, but are otherwise not leftist. Trump was just supporting those policies.
To understand the meme, you must first become a meme
>#1 Everyone else was a sack of shit
>#2 See number 1
oh... yeah
every single person looks like that up close with no filters
Fampai, shes still pretty unattractive. Too long faced and bony IMO.
She predicted Romney would win, but Trump would be a good second choice to Romney if he decided not to run.
dont u fucking fampai me bich
Just did, pal.
She didn't. She attached herself to the more exciting candidate in order to get herself more notoriety.
Keep in mind that before Trump, she was just a cuckservative who was peddling her retarded ass books on fox news like Michelle Malkin.
The same way she predicted Mitt Romney would win.
well, she accomplished what she wanted. she got loads of book sales.
Absolutely disgusting senpai
Gross. Take away the long blonde hair and you have a 60yr old.
ur gay.
>not wanting to fuck a GILF
Oh, yes!
Ann Coulter is brilliant, and has an amazing rack. Too bad she's 54. When she was 20 I bet she was out of this world.
Anyone with any sense whatsoever did this. Scott Adams did it too. If you get your prediction wrong no one will remember it. If you get it right you will gain a lot. If you already have a number of people listening to you but you wanna make that number bigger there's no harm in backing the most outrageous and exciting candidate like Trump.
If you wanted too you can get tons of followers on social media in times of elections and other similarly big events (like GamerGate back then), simply because there's lots of people paying attention, it's highly divisive. So you side with one side, you be loud about it and you're guaranteed to get a big following of people. You can then use this following for whatever goal you have that needs an audience.
Like the fist of an angry god.
She said that Romney would lose to Obama, you dumbshit.
this is the most autistic user ever i feel so immature JUST talking to you1!!!
She hangs around in some of the same circles as Steve Sailer.
She said he was the best shot at beating an incumbent and he was. He only lost because of the white guilt of calling the first black president a failure and the niggers voting en masse.
its like you have a folder labeled "cumbacks"
A lot of people saw it coming, but only a few were ballsy enough to come out and say it.
I want to cum on her face
Why hasn't she ever been married?
She looks like Helen Hunt. Trying to hide her knockers with that sweater, and hunching forward.
does no one remember she shilled for Romney to enter the race?
Horse sense
her finger was on the pulse instead of up her ass this go around, unlike the other pundits that had their entire heads shoved deep in their rectums.
wanna b frends?
i could betray you someday...
I don't think you have the testicular fortitude for that, user.
i have and ill do it again!
She didn't, she rode his coattails and it payed off.
do you like chicken alfredo im cooking some in a bit
Because she is fucking based and smart as fuck - read ANY of her books bro.
I bet she was hot af when she was in her 20s/30s
People who say that Ann Coulter predicted this election haven't actually ever listened to Ann Coulter.
As someone who finds it interesting to her sometimes, almost equally with how much I despise her for being a hateful rude cunt, I can tell you that she did not predict a Trump presidency.
Who dis?
She says she wants Romney and Romney proved himself to be a Globalist shrill and Politically Correct Pussy. She was spot on about Trump and immigration. I am actually not surprised that she did not prefer Trump as she probably knew that he was a friend of workers and really looks like a pre-Goldwater Republican .
She has always been right.
The republicans and their minority outreach for 20 was just stupid.fix the rust belt so you increase the white turnout by 3% and you never lose another election.
Of course these morons can't stop sucking Milton Friedman and ayn Rand's cock of 2 minutes to actually win elections.
I liked this conversation a lot
Her Autopsy of 2012 was ten times better than the RNC's autopsy
The RNC came out of their meeting ready to commit suicide
because she's at the higher end of the iq bell curve
This. Every pundit has to predict the election and she just happen to pick the right horse.
it was obvious
Reading Demonic right now... she's a great author, really funny, and smart, not to mention well sourced ( which is rare nowadays).
I really want to pick up "Audios America!" but I'm worried I'll get lynched and the library has 35 people queued ahead of me.
You and I.
fug i should of done this mebe next time
That pic is square center in my parameters for dream girl.
ur a creep for sticking tuned
>he thinks he can tell a dream girl from her picture
irl or from site? I hedged too much and only made 800
would dick down but too thin, she needs to start eating raw
Dream candidate for becoming infatuated instantly and wanting to put my penis in.
I know, she looked better and fuller when she was young.