Supreme Slav Squatting Symposium

Introducing Ivan Chakarov

270kg x 3 raw ATG

Other technical specifications:

Snatch: 187.5 kg
Clean and Jerk: 230 kg
Best Total: 417.5 kg (480 sinclair) (About the 10th best weightlifter ever)

Power Clean: 180.0 kg (Strict), 200 kg (some depth)
Back Squat: 1RM: 330.0 kg (Some sources say 350 kg, though it is likely to be inaccurate, a 335 kg value is more likely provided from other sources, but he definitely squatted 330 in the back squat). 3RM: 285 kg
Front Squat: 280.0 kg
Clean: 230.0 kg (Accomplished twice at the 1987 world weightlifting championships)
Military Press: 120.0 kg
Bench Press: 150.0 kg
Clean Pull: 290.0 kg
Power Snatch (above Parallel) : 150.0 kg
Snatch Pull: 250.0 kg
Deadlift: 310.0 kg

>inb4 cyborg

Here is a typical Amerifat Burger weightlifter

>Slavs are Genetically Superiour

Other urls found in this thread:


>a fucking leaf
>go suck mohammed dick

Thread is about Genetic Superiourity with Evidence Based Science

not that happy about the knee knock

That's sort of normal when you're knees are operating at 400% of normal capacity

This is Youri Sedykh

Observe his supreme form

>Slav Genetics Supreme

Yeah I don't cast aspersions on people who are going for a personal record or whatever and manage to not break themselves in spite of less than perfect form, especially when they're managing more than 1 plate lmao.

But just saiyajin.

Youri is the WR hammer thrower, 86.74m, a record set 30 years ago in 1986 which still hasn't been beaten.

The force on his lower back is estimated to have been over a 1000kg at release

He could squat 330kg / 726 lbs at 90kg/198 lbs, ass to ground, so equivalent to about a 1000 lbs normal Burger squat.

Posterior chain best chain.

t. also slav

Sergei Litvinov & Youri Sedykh

>Throws are the most nervous-system intensive track & field disciplines, and Slavs reign supreme

bye-bye, knees

fucking retards don't know the difference between training for olympic lifts and training for big 3

atg helped fix my knees

you're a fucking pussy if you don't break parallel

This is a actually completely wrong and many Burgers believe this.

In Slavland, this is studied scientifically. Stopping a squat above parallel and going back up in fact causes impulse forces to concentrate at the knees (ie. when you stop and go back up, the force is focused on your knees).

When you break below parallel and go until ass to ground, the force is distributed primarily among your glutes/hams/calves/etc.

>ATG = knees spared
>Burger squats = knee replacement within 10 years

>hurr ur a poozie becauf you hab gud nees
fucking retard lol

Another good exercise to fuck up your knees is leg extensions. Yeaaaaaa buddy make sure to max out that stack, all that cartilage will be gone in a few weeks. FUCKING LIGHT WEIGHT BRO

You have PhD in broscience, bro? You even fucking lift?

Here is a good article on the subject with an easy to understand pictogram of the angles:

>Deep squats loaded or not do not reach stress levels (shear force to ACL or PCL) to cause damage and do not cause knee ligament stability issues (Weightlifters generally have enhanced knee stability). The stress of deep squatting potentially causes adaptive positive changes in thickness and strength of ligaments and tensile strength of patellar and quad tendons.

>(Olympic ATG) Weightlifters generally have enhanced knee stability

"ouchy my knneeeeeeeeeeeeeees"

god you are such a flaming fucking faggot. You are the reason they make people wipe down equipment after using it.

nuttin but a peanut

Haven't lifted in years, but was quite active in my 20s. Hammer thrower

Leg extensions fall to place compacting forces on the knee joint, and also fail to recruit stabilization and a sense of balance.

I know you are just leafposting, but leafposting is downright criminal for how stupid it is. You should do better next time.

I have some good videos as to why not to low IQ'd individuals should use machines.


I agree with your general premise, but you don't have to go ass to grass for this to be true. Few people have the flexibility to go that low anyways without fucking up their form. Hip of the crease below the knee is sufficient (so just below parallel). But you're absolutely right about above parallel squats concentrating the forces at the knees.

I barely hit parallel, in a single ply suit with 725 at 40lbs heavier than this guy.

And I was a fucking monster compared to the average lifter, people cant appreciate how strong this guy is

Bulgarians are notorious for 3 things

The fuck are you talking about, 40% bf burger demolisher. At the highest point when you straighten your leg, the bar that you're pushing is applying force one way while the seat is applying force in the opposite direction. What you're getting is shearing forces in your knees, which is highly unnatural and = knees gone in no time.

Heavy squats and deadlifts are good for the body, and you'll totally still be doing them 10 years from now.

That's true, you don't have to go ATG, and I know how hard it is initially, but if you work on a solid stretching routine for a couple weeks you can hit ATG in a few months.

Olympic lifters are extremely flexible. I used to be able to bend backwards and twist sideways backwards

You should go ass to grass anyway to help flexibility. Your entire life will feel better and more comfortable, and you'll also be better able to shit, which is another big problem in the Western World of Jewish Lies.

This is why Burgers shouldn't lift

That's why you see olympic runners do heavy fucking squats and deadlifts bro. Makes your legs fucking stronger bro.

PROTIP: they don't and it doesn't.

All in effectively zero gravity as far as joint forces are concerned.

You're right, I should work on it. I'm a lazy fuck with stretching though. Any stretches you can recommend?

Yoga is actually good if you want to distill it to a single world.

The (((google)))

But just stretching your legs, especially inner hams and outer quads. Then to get depth on the squat, use just the bar, goes as low as you can, then have a friend push you down a bit further (you'll bounce back up), then repeat that a few times, rest, repeat. That one really helps the most.

>also proper lifting shoes (raised heel is a must)

Yeah, I got real lifting shoes. Thanks user, I'll work on it.

I need to find a yoga place without all the hippy bullshit.

Ronnie never did full squats. He did half ass squats. Plus he did bodybuilding type shit

Is that a temp injury? Everyone gets injured, haven't really kept track of Ronnie.

Sprinters don't squat? Do olympic lifts? Are you autistic?


B-team lifter desu. Never medalled at olympics and only won the 1993 worlds because Kakhiashvili and Khrapaty took half of the post-olympic year off.

Wow. Never seen an equipped lifting dag have the balls to post on Sup Forums. Did you have any hydraulics helping you as well.

>raised heel is a must
How about a big fat no.

Bare feet best feet. Especially important to get those toes and ankles into the balancing act. There's a reason why the best sports and martial arts are practiced bare foot.

It's all mental and about focus on the self and how it feels anyway. If you're a man, you can probably just read a book about it and get well ahead of the pack.

Spoke too soon, bro...

Pretty good. How tall are you?

Quarter once I did 855lbs (9 45's each side), just for CNS loading

What does every single weightlifter wear at the Olympics?
>weightlifting shoe with a raised heel

>It's all mental and about focus on the self and how it feels anyway. If you're a man, you can probably just read a book about it and get well ahead of the pack.

What the fuck?

It depends on the sport

BTW a study was done between Olympic Sprinters and Weightlifters, I think at the Atlanta Olympics. Anyways they put weightlifters vs sprinters, and the sprinters raped the lifters in the entire 100m, but for the first 40m the sprinters all lost to the Olympic lifters

5"11" king of manlets

I had a 1750 raw total and didn't get much out of a squat suit but pressed 655 in a single ply shirt.

Then I had 5 surgeries in a row and went back to bodybuilding lmao

If you want to get an Olympic record for lifting then you use shoes or whatever else will help you to win.

If you want to learn to use your body for every day life, whether it's to fix your knees, lift heavy shit (FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH), or just be flexible and feel good in your old age, then that's a different goal. Feels pretty good man that I'm almost 40 and still most 20 year olds who aren't into sports don't have strength, speed, or reflexes to keep up with me.

Is that what your butt-buddy told you in the locker room?

jesus, what surgeries?

1964 study that showed Olympic weightlifters were fastest sprinting over 25-yards

Ronnie had both hips replaced and discs fused after years of training like a retard

he made a training video last year doing 5 plate tbar rows with classic shitty form and looks like he snapped his shit up again

Yeah I went to a hammer camp once and some American hammer thrower from the 70s spoke and he lectured us on doing full squats instead of half squats. When some Burger questioned him, he awkwardly stepped from behind the podium (something serious wrong with his legs) and went on to describe how he had his hips replaced multiple times, along with all the other knee surgeries / metal he had in his leg. He said he was a half squat fanatic. :/

Labrum repair and bone shaving in both hips (genetic defect), bicep tear, shoulder labrum repair and shaving down my ac joint.

I have 5 blown discs too kek, powerlifting is truely retarded.

Wow. How long did you do powerlifting for? How often?

I never understood why people do powerlifting. Ok, it's a challenge, and the powerlifting brotherhood is pretty big. But it's just asking for an accident.

Your bicep tear, was it an outright tear? From the upper or lower tendon? What was it like?

Only injury I had was a lower back one. I couldn't walk properly for weeks. Severe pain, swelling, no doctor, orthopedic surgeon etc could tell me what was wrong. I ended up calling Adam Nelson's coach after reading about him having an identical lower back issue. Turns out it was a muscle imbalance-- my back was gigantic, as was my ass/legs/etc. My lower back was constantly strained when I stood up. Stretching for a few weeks made the problem go completely away. The ortho surgeon was gunning for me to go under the (((knife)))